Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 65.
Ahn, W-Y.;
Dynamic signal optimisation for isolated road junctions.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Allsop, RE;
Strassenverkehrssicherheit - aus dem finsteren Mittelalter in Richtung der Aufklaerung?
In: Berger, WJ, (ed.)
Unde venis Verkehr quo vadis?
(pp. 115-119).
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur: Vienna.
Allsop, RE;
Impact of speed cameras on safety.
Traffic Engineering and Control
, 45
Allsop, RE;
Speed management: Why, how and what role for speed limits and their enforcement?
(Proceedings) Roadsafe Expert Meeting - Speed, London, January 2004.
Anable, J;
Kirkbride, A;
Sloman, L;
Newson, C;
Cairns, S;
Goodwin, P;
Smarter choices ?changing the way we travel. Case study reports.
UCL (University College London), Department for Transport: London, UK.
Bai, Y;
Influence of furnace bottom ash as fine aggregate on strength and durability properties of concrete.
Doctoral thesis , Queen's University Belfast.
Bai, Y;
Prediction of carbonation depth of structural concrete by artificial neural network.
Masters thesis , University of Ulster.
Balcombe, R;
Mackett, R;
Paulley, N;
Preston, J;
Shires, J;
Titheridge, H;
Wardman, M;
+ view all
The demand for public transport: a practical guide.
(Transportation Research Laboratory Report
Transportation Research Laboratory: London, UK.
Beaupré, D;
Chapdelaine, F;
Domone, P;
Koehler, E;
Shen, L;
Sonebi, M;
Struble, L;
+ view all
Comparison of concrete rheometers: International tests at MBT (Cleveland OH, USA) in May 2003.
National Institute of Standards and Technology: Washington, USA.
Betaille, D.F.;
Assessment and improvement of the capabilities of a window correlator to model GPS multipath phase errors.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Brown, I;
Tyler, N;
Community-run bus services: can theoretical cross-sector benefits be realised in practice?
(Proceedings) 10th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People (TRANSED 2004), Hamamatsu, Japan.
(pp. pp. 745-753).
Japan Society of Civil Engineers/Japan Steering Committee
Buldakov, EV;
Eatock Taylor, R;
Taylor, PH;
New asymptotic formulation for nonlinear water wave problems in Lagrangian coordinates.
(Proceedings) 19th Int. Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies.
: Cortona, Italy.
Bull, L;
Sha'Aban, J;
Tomlinson, A;
Addison, JD;
Heydecker, BG;
Towards distributed adaptive control for road traffic junction signals using learning classifier systems.
In: Bull, L, (ed.)
Applications of learning classifier systems.
(pp. 279-299).
Springer: New York.
Cairns, S;
Lower carbon food.
Town and Country Planning
, 73
pp. 46-47.
Cairns, S;
Saving the planet - where to start?
Town and Country Planning
, 73
pp. 215-217.
Cairns, S;
Smarter choices - why soft options may be the best alternative.
Town and Country Planning
, 73
pp. 308-310.
Cairns, S;
Sloman, L;
Newson, C;
Anable, J;
Kirkbride, A;
Goodwin, P;
Smarter choices - changing the way we travel.
UCL (University College London), Department for Transport: London, UK.
Chang, S.E.;
A bid-rent network equilibrium model.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Chapman, D.P.;
Omni-directional imaging system for the reverse engineering of industrial facilities.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Chayakula, T.;
Airborne SAR/IFSAR for mapping in urban areas.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Cheng, YP;
Micromechanical investigation of soil plasticity. Cambridge University, PhD thesis.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Chow, A.H.F.;
Analysis of dynamic system optimal assignment with departure time choice.
Presented at: 9th Conference of Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies, Hong Kong.
Christie, N;
Cairns, S;
Ward, H;
Towner, E;
Children?s traffic safety:international lessons for the UK.
(Road Safety Research Report
UCL (University College London), Department for Transport: London, UK.
Christie, N;
Towner, E;
Cairns, S;
Ward, H;
Children?s road traffic safety:an international survey of policyand practice.
(Road Safety Research Report
UCL (University College London), Department for Transport: London, UK.
Dargay, J;
Hanly, M;
Land use and mobility.
(Proceedings) World Conference on Transport Research.
: Istanbul, Turkey.
Dargay, J;
Hanly, M;
Volatility of car ownership, commutingmode and time in the UK.
(Proceedings) World Conference on Transport Research.
: Istanbul, Turkey.
Dargay, J.;
The effect of prices and income on car
travel in the UK.
Presented at: World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey.
de Dios Ortúzar, J.;
Cantillo, V.;
Heydecker, B.;
Discrete choice modelling incorporating attribute thresholds of perception.
Proceedings of the European Transport Conference 2004.
Association for European Transport
Dowman, I.J.;
Integration of LIDAR and IFSAR for mapping.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
pp. 90-100.
Fernández, R;
Tyler, N;
Linking microsimulators of bus stops and traffic operations: the case of PASSION and BusSIGSIM.
UCL (University College London), Centre for Transport Studies, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Fernández, R;
Tyler, N;
Study of passenger-bus-traffic interactions on bus stop operations.
UCL (University College London), Centre for Transport Studies, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Fernández, R.;
Osses, M.;
Evolution of the transport system in Santiago
de Chile: stopping the car vicious circle?
Centre for Transport Studies, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Fujiyama, T;
Concept: Coping model to measure “Easiness” to manage a facility/service -for evaluation of accessible designs-,.
(Working Paper
Centre for Transport Studies, UCL: London, UK.
Fujiyama, T;
Tyler, N;
An explicit study on walking speeds of pedestrians on stairs.
(Proceedings) Procs 10th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People (TRANSED 2004), Hamamatu, Japan.
(pp. pp. 643-652).
Japan Society of Civil Engineers/Transportation Research Board, USA
Fujiyama, T.;
Evaluation of accessible design of public transport
Fujiyama, T.;
Tyler, N.;
Pedestrian speeds on stairs: an initial step for a simulation model.
Presented at: UTSG 2004, Newcastle, UK.
Goodwin, P;
The economic costs of road traffic congestion.
UCL (University College London), The Rail Freight Group: London, UK.
Goodwin, P;
Valuing the small: countingthe benefits.
UCL (University College London), Centre for Transport Studies, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Goodwin, P.;
Cairns, S.;
Dargay, J.;
Hanly, M.;
Parkhurst, G.;
Stokes, G.;
Vythoulkas, P.;
Changing travel behaviour.
Presented at: ESRC Transport Studies Unit Final Conference, UK.
Grant, DN;
Modelling and analysis of high-damping rubber bearings for the seismic protection of bridges.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Heydecker, B;
Equilibrium analysis of trip chains in congested networks.
(Proceedings) International Workshop on Behaviour in Networks.
: Seoul.
Heydecker, BG;
Objectives, stimulus and feedback in signal control of road traffic.
, 8
63 - 76.
Idaewor, P.;
Tyler, N.;
Bexley report: a report to MCCH on a suitable transport policy for its Bexley services.
Centre for Transport Studies, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Jimenez Badillo, D.;
A method for interactive recognition of three-dimensional adjacency patterns in point sets, based on relative neighbourhood graphs: An archaeological application.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Khan, M.I.;
The influence of two-dimensional bed roughness on the flow structure of a turbulent boundary layer.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Mackett, R;
Titheridge, H;
A methodology for the incorporation of social inclusion into transport policy.
(Proceedings) World Conference on Transport Research, 4-8 July 2004. Istanbul, Turkey.
Mackett, R.;
Making children’s lives more active.
Centre for Transport Studies, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Mackett, R.;
Paskins, J.;
Increasing children's volume of physical activity through walk and play.
Centre for Transport Studies, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Mackett, RL;
Lucas, L;
Paskins, J;
Turbin, J;
Cities for children: the effects of car use on their lives.
(Proceedings) Walk21-V Cities for People, Copenhagen,Denmark, 9-11 June 2004.
Mackett, RL;
Lucas, L;
Paskins, J;
Turbin, J;
Increasing the amount of walking by children.
(Proceedings) World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul, Turkey, 4-8 July 2004.
Naud, C.;
Muller, J.-P.;
Haeffelin, M.;
Morille, Y.;
Delaval, A.;
Assessment of MISR and MODIS cloud top heights
through inter-comparison with a back-scattering lidar at
Geophysical Research Letters
, 31
Paulley, N;
Balcombe, R;
Mackett, RL;
Preston, J;
Wardman, M;
Shires, J;
Titheridge, H;
The demand for public transport.
(Proceedings) World Conference on Transport Research, 4-8 July 2004. Istanbul, Turkey..
Phillips, OM;
Malki-Epshtein, L;
Huppert, HE;
The Growth and Structure of Double - Diffusive Cells Adjacent to a Side - Wall in a Salt - Stratified Environment.
Presented at: XXI International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Warsaw, Poland.
Potter, S;
Lane, B;
Parkhurst, G;
Cairns, S;
Enoch, M;
Evaluation of school and workplaceTravel Plan SSA Programme.
UCL (University College London), Department for Transport: London, UK.
Rossetto, T;
Vulnerability Curves for the Seismic Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structure Populations.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Sohn, G-H;
Extraction of buildings from high-resolution satellite data and airborne Lidar.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.
Sun, J;
Velastin, S;
Vicencio-Silva, MA;
Khoudour, L;
A distributed surveillance system to improve personal security in public transport.
In: Hobson, P and Izquierdo, E and Kompatsiaris, Y and O'Connor, N, (eds.)
(Proceedings) Knowledge based media analysis for self-adaptive and agile multimedia technology - Proceedings of the European workshop on the integration of knowledge, semantics and digital media technology. EWIMT-04.
(pp. pp. 7-14).
: London.
Tan, LT;
Pellegrino, S;
Ultra Thin Deployable Reflector Antennas.
(Proceedings) 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conference/ 5th Gossamer Spacecraft Forum,Forum 19 - 22 Apr 2004, AIAA 2004-1730.
(pp. pp. 1-10).
: Palm Springs, CA, USA.
Titheridge, H;
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Titheridge, H.;
Modelling the accessibility of opportunities for the young unemployed of the
Forest of Dean.
(TRANTEL Working Papers
The Bartlett School of Planning, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Titheridge, H.;
Social exclusion and transport policy.
(Scoping study on Accessibility and User Needs in Transport (AUNT)
Centre for Transport Studies, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Tyler, N;
Justice in transport policy.
(School of Public Policy Working Paper Series
UCL (University College London), School of Public Policy, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Ward, H.;
Christie, N.;
Cairns, S.;
Towner, E.;
Children’s travel as pedestrians: an international survey of policy and practice.
Presented at: International Conference on Traffic and Transport Psychology, Nottingham, UK.
Wixey, S;
Jones, P;
Titheridge, H;
Christodoulou, G;
Bus / DLR / Underground Walk Access Barriers in
Tower Hamlets.
("Measuring Accessibility as Experienced by Different Socially Disadvantaged Groups" Working Paper
University of Westminster: London, UK.
Wixey, S;
Jones, P;
Titheridge, H;
Christodoulou, G;
Bus User Walk Access Barriers: Keighley.
("Measuring Accessibility as Experienced by Different Socially Disadvantaged Groups" Working Paper
University of Westminster: London, UK.