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Number of items: 79.


Addae-Dapaah, K; (2017) Cross-Listing of Real Estate Investment Trust. Journal of Property Investment and Finance , 35 (5) pp. 509-527. 10.1108/JPIF-08-2016-0063. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; (2017) International Portfolio of Real Estate Investment and Hedging: A Revisit. Archives of Business Research , 5 (4) pp. 124-145. 10.14738/abr.54.3100. Green open access

Andres, L; Denoon Stevens, S; (2017) Results from the SAPER survey with South African planning professionals. [Digital scholarly resource]. https://sacplan.org.za/download-documents/

Arias Loyola, MI; (2017) Negotiating Sustainable Development: an Analysis of the Bargains Between the State and Mining Multinational Enterprises in the Chilean Copper Mining Global Production Network. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Beebeejaun, Y; (2017) Gender, urban space, and the right to everyday life. Journal of Urban Affairs , 39 (3) pp. 323-334. 10.1080/07352166.2016.1255526. Green open access

Beebeejaun, Y; (2017) Gender, Planning, and Epistemic Injustice. In: Bevir, M and McKee, K and Matthews, P, (eds.) Decentring Urban Governance: Narratives, Resistance and Contestation. (pp. 67-88). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access


Canelas, PMP; (2017) Planning, place-making and property markets in inner-London: the active management of clusters of ownership. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Cao, M; Chen, C-L; Hickman, R; (2017) Transport emissions in Beijing: a scenario planning approach. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport , 170 (2) pp. 65-75. 10.1680/jtran.15.00093. Green open access

Carmona, M; (2017) The formal and informal tools of design governance. Journal of Urban Design , 22 (1) pp. 1-36. 10.1080/13574809.2016.1234338. Green open access

Carmona, M; Renninger, A; (2017) The Royal Fine Art Commission and 75 years of English design review: the final 15 years, 1984–1999. Planning Perspectives. An international journal of history, planning and the environment , 32 (4) pp. 577-599. 10.1080/02665433.2017.1286609. Green open access

Carmona, MP; (2017) Co-ordinating Codes, The Right Tool for the Job. Town and Country Planning , 86 (2) pp. 65-67. Green open access

Clifford, BP; Morphet, J; (2017) Infrastructure Delivery: the DCO process in context - Technical Report. National Infrastructure Planning Association (NIPA): London, UK.

Colomb, C; (2017) Place marketing and branding in (Anglophone) urban studies and urban political econony: a critical review. Γεωγραφίες/Geographies , 30 pp. 41-52. Green open access


De Magalhaes, CS; Freire Trigo, S; (2017) 'Clubification' of urban public spaces? The withdrawal or the re-definition of the role of local government in the management of public spaces. Journal of Urban Design , 22 (6) pp. 738-756. 10.1080/13574809.2017.1336059. Green open access

De Magalhaes, CS; Freire Trigo, S; (2017) Contracting out publicness: The private management of the urban public realm and its implications. Progress in Planning , 115 pp. 1-28. 10.1016/j.progress.2016.01.001. Green open access

Devaney, S; Livingstone, ND; McAllister, P; Nanda, A; (2017) Institutional Convergence in Real Estate Markets: A Comparative Study of Brokerage Models and Transaction Costs. Journal of Real Estate Literature , 25 (1) pp. 169-188.

Durrant, D; (2017) Infrastructure, Equity and Urban Planning: A Just Process for the Allocation of Benefits and Burdens. In: Bishop, J, (ed.) Building Sustainable Cities of the Future. (pp. 141-162). Springer: Cham, Switzerland. Green open access


Edwards, M; Taylor, M; (2017) Re-industrialisation as progressive urbanism: why and how? In: Nawratek, K, (ed.) Urban Re-industrialization. (pp. 21-28). Punctum Books Green open access


Fatah gen. Schieck, A; Chrysikou, E; (2017) Medical Architecture on the Social Valorisation of Psychiatric Patients: Employing Transdisciplinary Approaches between Architecture, Physical and Mental Well-being Disciplines. Presented at: "Architecture Connects", the aae 2017 conference: International peer reviewed conference of the association of architectural educators, Oxford, UK. Green open access

Ferm, J; Jones, E; Edwards, M; (2017) Revealing local economies in London: methodological challenges, future directions. UCL (Bartlett School of Planning): London. Green open access

Ferreira Bento, JMD; (2017) Architecture as Public Policy. The Role and Effectiveness of National Architectural Policies in the European Union: the cases of Ireland, Scotland and The Netherlands. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Foroughmand Araabi, H; (2017) The formation of urban design theory in relation to practice. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Foroughmand Araabi, H; (2017) Multiple expectations: assessing the assumed roles of theory in relation to urban design. Journal of Urban Design , 22 (5) pp. 658-669. 10.1080/13574809.2017.1298402. Green open access

Foye, C; Clapham, D; Gabrieli, T; (2017) Home-ownership as a social norm and positional good: Subjective wellbeing evidence from panel data. Urban Studies 10.1177/0042098017695478. Green open access


Gabrieli, T; Fuerst, F; Macallister, P; (2017) A Green Winner's Curse? Investor Behavior in the Market for Eco-Certified Office Buildings. Economic Modelling , 61 pp. 137-146. 10.1016/j.econmod.2016.11.007. Green open access

Gabrieli, T; Pilbeam, K; Shi, B; (2017) The Impact of Shadow Banking on the Implementation of Chinese Monetary Policy. International Economics and Economic Policy , 15 (2) pp. 429-447. 10.1007/s10368-017-0397-z. Green open access

Gallent, NM; Durrant, D; May, N; (2017) Housing supply, investment demand and money creation: A comment on the drivers of London’s housing crisis. Urban Studies , 54 (10) pp. 2204-2216. 10.1177/0042098017705828. Green open access

Gallent, NM; Tewdwr-Jones, M; Hamiduddin, I; (2017) A Century of Rural Planning in England: A Story of Fragmentation, Contestation and Integration. Planum: Journal of Urbanism , 35 (2) pp. 91-104. Green open access

González, P; Sendra, P; García, C; Carrascal, M; Alanís, A; Guajardo, A; (2017) Laboratorio Q Sevilla: Una investigación sobre creatividad urbana. In: Sendra, P and Pita, MJ and CivicWise, (eds.) Civic Practices. (pp. 178-181). Lugadero: Sevilla, Spain. Green open access

Gutiérrez Hernández, F; Törmä, I; (2017) Infra-ordinario. Una descripción del espacio público en el tiempo. Bitácora arquitectura , 35 pp. 4-15. 10.22201/fa.14058901p.2017.35.59677. Green open access


Hebbert, M; (2017) disP Kolumne. [Editorial comment]. disP - The Planning Review , 53 (2) pp. 4-5. 10.1080/02513625.2017.1340406. Green open access

Hebbert, M; (2017) Harmonious spaces. Journal of Urban Design , 22 (6) pp. 732-734. 10.1080/13574809.2017.1376579. Green open access

Hebbert, MJ; (2017) Column. [Editorial comment]. disP - The Planning Review , 53 (4) pp. 4-5. 10.1080/02513625.2017.1414467. Green open access

Hebbert, MJ; (2017) Column (disP Kolumne). [Editorial comment]. disP - The Planning Review , 53 (3) pp. 4-5. 10.1080/02513625.2017.1380374. Green open access

Hebbert, MJ; (2017) disP Kolumne. [Editorial comment]. disP - The Planning Review , 53 (1) pp. 4-5. 10.1080/02513625.2017.1316474. Green open access

Hebbert, MJ; (2017) disP Kolumne. disP - The Planning Review , 53 (1) pp. 4-5. 10.1080/02513625.2017.1316474. Green open access

Hebbert, MJ; (2017) Sir Peter Geoffrey Hall 1932-2014. In: Baigent, E and Reyes Novaes, A, (eds.) Geographers : biobibliographical studies. (pp. 11-49). Bloomsbury: London, UK. Green open access

Hickman, R; Cao, M; Mella Lira, B; Fillone, A; Bienvenido Biona, J; (2017) Understanding Capabilities, Functionings and Travel in High and Low Income Neighbourhoods in Manila. Social Inclusion , 5 (4) pp. 161-174. 10.17645/si.v5i4.1083. Green open access

Hickman, R; Osborne, C; (2017) Connecting European Regions using Innovative Transport: Summary Report. UCL (University College London): London, UK. Green open access


Jones, CA; Dunse, N; Livingstone, ND; Cutsforth, K; (2017) The restructuring of the institutional real estate portfolio in the UK. Journal of Property Research , 34 (2) pp. 129-146. 10.1080/09599916.2017.1334222. Green open access

Jones, EM; (2017) Tech City: exploring the operation and governance of inner east London’s digital cluster. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Kim, S-H; (2017) London’s traditional markets: managing change and conflict in complex urban spaces. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Li, Y; (2017) Megalopolis Unbound and Innovative: Knowledge Collaboration Within and Beyond the Yangtze River Delta Region of China. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Li, Y; Phelps, NA; (2017) Knowledge polycentricity and the evolving Yangtze River Delta megalopolis. Regional Studies , 51 (7) pp. 1035-1047. 10.1080/00343404.2016.1240868. Green open access

Liu, Y; Wu, F; Liu, Y; Li, Z; (2017) Changing neighbourhood cohesion under the impact of urban redevelopment: a case study of Guangzhou, China. Urban Geography , 38 (2) pp. 266-290. 10.1080/02723638.2016.1152842. Green open access

Liu, Y; Zhang, F; Liu, Y; Li, Z; Wu, F; (2017) The effect of neighbourhood social ties on migrants' subjective wellbeing in Chinese cities. Habitat International , 66 pp. 86-94. 10.1016/j.habitatint.2017.05.011. Green open access

Liu, Y; Zhang, F; Wu, F; Liu, Y; Li, Z; (2017) The subjective wellbeing of migrants in Guangzhou, China: The impacts of the social and physical environment. Cities , 60 pp. 333-342. 10.1016/j.cities.2016.10.008. Green open access

Livingstone, ND; (2017) Franchising the disenfranchised? The paradoxical spaces of food banks. In: Ince, A and Hall, SM, (eds.) Sharing Economies in Times of Crisis: Practices, Politics and Possibilities. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Livingstone, ND; Ferm, J; (2017) Occupier responses to sustainable real estate: what's next? Journal of Corporate Real Estate , 19 (1) pp. 5-16. 10.1108/JCRE-03-2016-0016. Green open access

Livingstone, ND; Matthews, P; (2017) Liminal Spaces: Theorising the Permanence of Transience. In: Henneberry, J, (ed.) Transience and Permanence in Urban Development. (pp. 31-46). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, USA. Green open access

Livingstone, ND; Naismith, N; (2017) Faculty and undergraduate perceptions of an integrated mentoring approach. Active Learning in Higher Education 10.1177/1469787417723233. Green open access


Marshall, S; Zhang, Y; (2017) Towards a typomorphology of public spaces: Relating place type and measures of enclosure. In: Colomer, V, (ed.) 24th Isuf International Conference: City And Territory In The Globalization Age. (pp. pp. 1555-1565). Univ Politecnica Valencia: Valencia, Spain. Green open access

McLennan, PS; Alwarea, A; Marjanovic-Halburd, L; (2017) Technology Performance Assessment for Offices– A Case Experience from A Knowledge Transfer Partnership Project. In: Proceedings of 10th International Facility Management Congress. European Facilility Management Network: TU Wien. (In press). Green open access

Morphet, JR; Clifford, B; (2017) Infrastructure Delivery: the DCO process in context - Main Report. National Infrastructure Planning Association (NIPA): London, UK.

Morphet, JR; Clifford, B; (2017) Local Authority direct provision of housing. National Planning Forum (NPF)/Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI): London, UK. Green open access

Morphet, JR; (2017) Combined Authorities – the next big thing? Town and Country Planning -London- Town and Country Planning Association- , March (2017) Green open access

Morphet, JR; (2017) Planning beyond Brexit. Journal of Planning and Environment Law , 2017 (12) Green open access

Morphet, JR; (2017) Rescaling the suburban: New directions in the relationship between governance and infrastructure. Local Economy: The Journal of the Local Economy Policy Unit , 32 (8) pp. 803-817. 10.1177/0269094217742555. Green open access

Morphet, JR; (2017) Sub-regional strategic spatial planning: the use of statecraft and scalecraft in delivering the English model. Town Planning Review , 88 (6) pp. 665-682. 10.3828/tpr.2017.40. Green open access

Mulholland, KM; (2017) The resilience of asset systems to the operational risk of obsolescence: using fuzzy logic to quantify risk profiles. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Natarajan, L; (2017) Socio-spatial learning: a case study of community knowledge in participatory spatial planning. Progress in Planning , 111 pp. 1-23. 10.1016/j.progress.2015.06.002. Green open access


Pike, A; Rodríguez-Pose, A; Tomaney, J; (2017) Shifting horizons in local and regional development. Regional Studies , 51 (1) pp. 46-57. 10.1080/00343404.2016.1158802. Green open access


Sanderson, D; Devaney, S; (2017) Occupier satisfaction and its impact on investment returns from UK commercial real estate. Journal of Property Investment and Finance , 35 (2) pp. 135-159. 10.1108/JPIF-10-2016-0077. Green open access

Shen, J; Wu, F; (2017) The suburb as a space of capital accumulation: the development of new towns in Shanghai, China. Antipode , 49 (3) pp. 761-780. 10.1111/anti.12302. Green open access

Silva Lovera, CA; (2017) The Interstitial Spaces Of Urban Sprawl: The Planning Problems And Prospects – The Case Of Santiago De Chile. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Silvestre, GC-S; (2017) Circulating knowledge and urban change: ideas, interests and institutions in the development of Olympic Rio de Janeiro. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Son, JW; Chen, W; Wang, H; Liu, X; (2017) A top-down creation of a cultural cluster for urban regeneration: The case of OCT Loft, Shenzhen. Land Use Policy , 69 pp. 307-316. 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.09.024. Green open access

Son, JW; Shin, H; Park, S; (2017) A mega urban project and two competing accumulation strategies: negotiating discourses of the Songdo International Business District development. International Development Planning Review , 39 (3) pp. 299-317. 10.3828/idpr.2017.7. Green open access


Taylor, Myfanwy Mary; (2017) Contested urban economies: representing and mobilising London's diverse economy. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Tomaney, J; (2017) The UK Regional-National Economic Problem. Geography, Globalisation and Governance. Regional Studies , 51 (3) pp. 502-503. 10.1080/00343404.2016.1222685. Green open access

Turcu, C; (2017) Mind the Poorest: Social Housing Provision in Post-crisis Romania. Critical Housing Analysis , 4 (2) pp. 54-66. 10.13060/23362839.2017.4.2.386. Green open access

Turcu, C; (2017) Sally Engle Merry, The seduction of quantification: measuring human rights, gender violence, and sex trafficking. [Review]. Critical Policy Studies , 11 (3) pp. 383-385. 10.1080/19460171.2017.1379715. Green open access

Turcu, C; (2017) Unequal spatial distribution of retrofits in Bucharest's apartment buildings. Building Research & Information , 45 (8) pp. 892-909. 10.1080/09613218.2016.1229894. Green open access


Wang, Z; Zhang, F; Wu, F; (2017) Affective neighbourly relations between migrant and local residents in Shanghai. Urban Geography , 38 (8) pp. 1182-1202. 10.1080/02723638.2016.1206700. Green open access

Wang, Z; Zhang, F; Wu, F; (2017) Social trust between rural migrants and urban locals in China: exploring the effects of residential diversity and neighbourhood deprivation. Population, Space and Place , 23 (1) , Article e2008. 10.1002/psp.2008. Green open access

Williams, J; (2017) Lost in translation: Translating low carbon experiments into new spatial contexts viewed through the mobile-transitions lens. Journal of Cleaner Production 10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.03.236. (In press). Green open access

Wu, F; (2017) China's Emergent City-Region Governance: A New Form of State Spatial Selectivity through State-orchestrated Rescaling. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research , 40 (6) pp. 1134-1151. 10.1111/1468-2427.12437. Green open access

Wu, F; (2017) Planning centrality, market instruments: Governing Chinese urban transformation under state entrepreneurialism. Urban Studies 10.1177/0042098017721828. (In press). Green open access


Zhang, X; (2017) In the name of social inclusion: the redevelopment of urban villages and its implications on citizenship in China. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

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