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Number of items: 30.


Addae-Dapaah, K; (2014) Housing Loan and the Price of Housing in Singapore. Journal of Business and Economics , 5 (9) pp. 1513-1524. 10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/09.05.2014/007. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; (2014) Real Estate Market Cyclical Dynamics: The prime office sectors of Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Hong Kong. International Journal of Managerial Finance , 10 (2) pp. 241-262. 10.1108/IJMF-10-2013-0108. Green open access

Addae-Dapaah, K; Juan, QS; (2014) Life Satisfaction among Elderly Households in Public Rental Housing in Singapore. Health , 6 pp. 1057-1076. 10.4236/health.2014.610132. Green open access

Andres, L; (2014) Ville créative, entre richesse et fourre-tout. France Forum , 54 Green open access


Bai, X; (2014) Legitimating London 2012: Urban mega-events and the geography of Olympic place marketing. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Borowczyk Martins, J; (2014) Placing the Digital Economy: the Spatiality of Work in 'Tech City', London. In: Cardoso, RV, (ed.) Taking Planning Forward: PhD research projects on the centenary of the Bartlett School of Planning 1914-2014. (p. 23). PhD Community at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London: London, UK. Green open access

Buyukcivelek, A; (2014) An investigation on the relationship between capitalism and formation of urban injustices: the case of organised food retailers in Ankara. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access


Carmona, MP; (2014) The place-shaping continuum: A theory of urban design process. Journal of Urban Design , 19 (1) pp. 2-36. 10.1080/13574809.2013.854695. Green open access


DE MAGALHAES, CS; (2014) Business Improvement Districts in England and the (private?) governance of urban spaces. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy , 32 (5) 916 - 933. 10.1068/c12263b. Green open access


Ferm, J; (2014) Delivering affordable workspace: Perspectives of developers and workspace providers in London. Progress in Planning , 93 , Article C. 10.1016/j.progress.2013.05.002. Green open access


Hebbert, M; (2014) Climatology for city planning in historical perspective. Urban Climate , 10 (2) pp. 204-215. 10.1016/j.uclim.2014.07.001. Green open access

Hebbert, M; (2014) Crossrail: the slow route to London's regional express railway. Town Planning Review , 85 pp. 171-190. 10.3828/tpr.2014.11. Green open access


Lock, SJ; Smallman, M; Lee, M; Rydin, Y; (2014) "Nuclear energy sounded wonderful 40 years ago": UK citizen views on CCS. Energy Policy , 66 428 - 435. 10.1016/j.enpol.2013.11.024. Green open access


Memarovic, Nemanja; Fatah gen. Schieck, Ava; Kostopoulou, Efstathia; Behrens, Moritz; Al-Sayed, Kinda; (2014) Attention, An Interactive Display Is Running! Integrating Interactive Public Display Within Urban Dis(At)tractors. Screencity Journal, Special Issue on Spaces, Images, Communication: Improving New Urban Models , 2014 (4) Green open access

Morphet, JR; (2014) Spies in the Suburbs Bringing the Cold War to the suburbs: re-locating the post-war conflict in Le Carre and Deighton. In: Proceedings of The Cultures of the Suburbs International Research network 2014 Conference: 2014 Conference: Imagining the Suburbs. The Cultures of the Suburbs International Research network: UK. Green open access

Morphet, JR; Clifford, B; (2014) A policy on the move? Spatial planning and State Actors in the post-devolutionary UK and Ireland. The Geographical Journal 10.1111/geoj.12064. Green open access


Parker, G; Lynn, T; Wargent, M; (2014) User Experience of Neighbourhood Planning in England Research. Locality: London, UK.

Phelps, NA; Atienza, M; Arias, M; (2014) Encore for the enclave: the changing nature of the industry enclave with illustrations from the mining industry in Chile. Economic Geography , 91 (2) pp. 119-146. 10.1111/ecge.12086. Green open access


Raco, M; (2014) Delivering Flagship Projects in an Era of Regulatory Capitalism: State-led Privatization and the London Olympics 2012. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research , 38 (1) pp. 176-197. 10.1111/1468-2427.12025. Green open access

Rosenberg, G; Carhart, N; Edkins, AJ; Ward, J; (2014) Development of a Proposed Interdependency Planning and Management Framework. International Centre for Infrastructure Futures: London, UK. Green open access

Rydin, Y; (2014) The challenges of the “material turn” for planning studies. Planning Theory & Practice , 15 (4) pp. 590-595. 10.1080/14649357.2014.968007. Green open access


Sendra, P; (2014) Dissemination of Critical Architectural Thinking: The Experience of Lugadero. In: Proceedings of I International Conference on Architectural Design & Criticism: critic|all. (pp. pp. 1040-1047). Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Green open access

Sieh, L; (2014) Public space governing as the management of meaning-making. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Soltani Azad, K; (2014) Piecemeal versus comprehensive redevelopment in deteriorated neighbourhoods of Tehran. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Sullivan, LJ; Rydin, Y; Buchanan, C; (2014) Neighbourhood sustainability frameworks - a literature review. (USAR Working Papers 001). Centre for Urban Sustainability and Resilience (UCL): London, UK. Green open access


Taylor, M; (2014) ‘Being useful’ after the Ivory Tower: combining research and activism with the Brixton Pound. Area , 46 (3) 305 - 312. 10.1111/area.12117. Green open access

Tomaney, J; (2014) Region and place I: Institutions. PROGRESS IN HUMAN GEOGRAPHY , 38 (1) 131 - 140. 10.1177/0309132513493385. Green open access

Turcu, C; Rydin, YJ; Pilkey, B; (2014) Energy in the locality: a case for local understanding and action. Local Environment: the international journal of justice and sustainability , 19 (5) pp. 469-478. 10.1080/13549839.2014.921388. Green open access


Ward, EJ; (2014) Phase 2 Desk Study Report of Northern Line Extension. International Centre for Infrastructure Futures: London, UK. Green open access

Wunderlich, F; (2014) Place-temporality and rhythmicity: a new aesthetics and methodological foundation for urban design theory and practice. In: Carmona, M, (ed.) Explorations in Urban Design: An Urban Design Research Primer. (pp. 59-76). Ashgate: Farnham, Surrey, UK. Green open access

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