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Number of items: 3.
Gronau, Mathis Jonathan;
Surrounded by Enemies? The Experience of German Minorities in France and Britain between 1914 and 1924.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kazim, Emre;
Güçlütürk, Osman;
Almeida, Denise;
Kerrigan, Charles;
Lomas, Elizabeth;
Koshiyama, Adriano;
Hilliard, Airlie;
Proposed EU AI Act - Presidency Compromise Text: Select Overview and Comment on the Changes to the Proposed Regulation.
AI and Ethics
(In press).
Leontiev, Kim Igorevich;
Exemptions without Justice? Liberal jurisprudence on religious exemptions and its political justification.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).