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Abou Neel, EA; Kiani, A; Valappil, SP; Mordan, NM; Baek, SY; Zakir Hossain, KM; Felfel, RM; ... Knowles, JC; + view all (2019) Glass microparticle- versus microsphere-filled experimental dental adhesives. Journal of Applied Polymer Science , 136 (32) , Article 47832. 10.1002/app.47832. Green open access

Abou Neel, EA; Knowles, JC; Bozec, L; (2019) Effect of sodium hypochlorite on adhesive charactersitics of dentin: A systematic review of laboratory-based testing. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives , 95 , Article 102419. 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2019.102419. Green open access

Al Bakir, I; Sebepos-Rogers, GM; Burton, H; Monahan, KJ; (2019) Mainstreaming of genomic medicine in gastroenterology, present and future: a nationwide survey of UK gastroenterology trainees. BMJ Open , 9 (10) , Article e030505. 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030505. Green open access

Al-Khuwaitem, Rawan Waleed; (2019) The Use of Optical Coherence Tomography as a Diagnostic Tool for Dental Caries. Doctoral thesis (D.Dent), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Alhamdan, M; Knowles, J; McDonald, A; (2019) Digital Image Correlation and Strain Gauges to Map and Compare Strain in Teeth with Different Quantity and Quality of Remaining Tooth Structure. International Journal of Prosthodontics , 32 (1) 10.11607/ijp.6044. Green open access

AlQuraini, N; Shah, R; Cunningham, SJ; (2019) Perceptions of outcomes of orthodontic treatment in adolescent patients: a qualitative study. European Journal of Orthodontics , 41 (3) pp. 294-300. 10.1093/ejo/cjy071. Green open access

Alrabeah, Ghada O.; (2019) The Effect of Different Implant-Abutment Connection Geometry and Abutment Alloy on Corrosion Product Release and Cell Response. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ashley, P; Noar, J; (2019) Interceptive extractions for first permanent molars: a clinical protocol. British Dental Journal , 227 pp. 192-195. 10.1038/s41415-019-0561-7. Green open access


Basnett, P; Nigmatullin, R; Lukasiewicz, B; Rodríguez, FJ; Pacharra, S; Mendibil, X; Ortiz, R; ... Roy, I; + view all (2019) Polyhydroxyalkanoates: A family of natural polymers, for medical implant development and disease modelling. Presented at: Society For Biomaterials 2019 Annual Meeting and Exposition, Seattle, WA, USA. Green open access

Bedwell, TS; Anjum, N; Ma, Y; Czulak, J; Poma, A; Piletska, E; Whitcombe, MJ; (2019) New protocol for optimisation of polymer composition for imprinting of peptides and proteins. RSC Advances , 9 (48) pp. 27849-27855. 10.1039/c9ra05009d. Green open access

Bendtsen, L; Zakrzewska, JM; Abbott, J; Braschinsky, M; Di Stefano, G; Donnet, A; Eide, PK; ... Cruccu, G; + view all (2019) European Academy of Neurology guideline on trigeminal neuralgia. European Journal of Neurology , 26 (6) pp. 831-849. 10.1111/ene.13950. Green open access

Bhangra, K; Knowles, J; Shipley, R; Choi, D; Phillips, J; (2019) Serum-free cryopreservation of engineered neural tissue. Presented at: TCES-UKSB, Nottingham. Green open access

Bhangra, K; Plotczyk, M; Knowles, J; Shipley, R; Choi, D; Phillips, J; (2019) The Effect of Hypoxia on the Ability of Differentiated Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells to Promote Endothelial Cell Proliferation and Neurite Outgrowth In Vitro. Presented at: 5th International Symposium of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration (ISPNR 2019), Porto, Portugal. Green open access

Boldbaatar, K; Dashnyam, K; Knowles, JC; Lee, H-H; Lee, J-H; Kim, H-W; (2019) Dual-ion delivery for synergistic angiogenesis and bactericidal capacity with silica-based microsphere. Acta Biomaterialia , 83 pp. 322-333. 10.1016/j.actbio.2018.11.025. Green open access

Burova, I; Peticone, C; Thompson, DDS; Knowles, JC; Wall, I; Shipley, RJ; (2019) A parameterised mathematical model to elucidate osteoblast cell growth in a phosphate-glass microcarrier culture. Journal of Tissue Engineering , 10 10.1177/2041731419830264. Green open access


Carey, B; Lambourne, J; Porter, S; Hodgson, T; (2019) Chronic Mucocutaneous Candidosis due to Gain-of-Function Mutation in STAT1. Oral Diseases , 25 (3) pp. 684-692. 10.1111/odi.12881. Green open access

Carrozzo, M; Porter, S; Mercadante, V; Fedele, S; (2019) Oral lichen planus: A disease or a spectrum of tissue reactions? Types, causes, diagnostic algorhythms, prognosis, management strategies. Periodontology 2000 , 80 (1) pp. 105-125. 10.1111/prd.12260. Green open access

Chambrone, L; Ortega, MAS; Sukekava, F; Rotundo, R; Kalemaj, Z; Buti, J; Prato, GPP; (2019) Root coverage procedures for treating single and multiple recession‐type defects: An updated Cochrane systematic review. Journal of Periodontology , 90 (12) pp. 1399-1422. 10.1002/JPER.19-0079. Green open access

Chau, DYS; Mensah, RA; Kirton, SB; Cook, MT; Styliari, ID; Hutter, V; (2019) Optimising poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) microparticle fabrication using a Taguchi orthogonal array design-of-experiment approach. PLoS ONE 10.1371/journal.pone.0222858. Green open access

Czesnikiewicz-Guzik, M; Osmenda, G; Siedlinski, M; Nosalski, R; Pelka, P; Nowakowski, D; Wilk, G; ... Guzik, TJ; + view all (2019) Causal association between periodontitis and hypertension: evidence from Mendelian randomization and a randomized controlled trial of non-surgical periodontal therapy. European Heart Journal , Article ehz646. 10.1093/eurheartj/ehz646. Green open access


Dashnyam, K; Buitrago, JO; Bold, T; Mandakhbayar, N; Perez, RA; Knowles, JC; Lee, J-H; (2019) Angiogenesis-promoted bone repair with silicate-shelled hydrogel fiber scaffolds. Biomaterials Science , 7 (12) pp. 5221-5231. 10.1039/c9bm01103j. Green open access

Davidson, DJ; Spratt, D; Liddle, AD; (2019) Implant materials and prosthetic joint infection: the battle with the biofilm. EFORT Open Reviews , 4 (11) pp. 633-639. 10.1302/2058-5241.4.180095. Green open access

Davies, K; Mirza, K; Tarn, J; Howard-Tripp, N; Bowman, SJ; Lendrem, D; Ng, W-F; ... McLaren, J; + view all (2019) Fatigue in primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) is associated with lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines: a validation study. Rheumatology International , 39 (11) pp. 1867-1873. 10.1007/s00296-019-04354-0. Green open access

De Silva Thompson, D; Peticone, C; Burova, I; Shipley, RJ; Knowles, JC; Kim, H-W; Micheletti, M; (2019) Assessing behaviour of osteoblastic cells in dynamic culture conditions using titanium-doped phosphate glass microcarriers. Journal of Tissue Engineering , 10 pp. 1-13. 10.1177/2041731419825772. Green open access

Di Caro, S; Fragkos, KC; Keetarut, K; Koo, HF; Sebepos-Rogers, G; Saravanapavan, H; Barragry, J; ... Rahman, F; + view all (2019) Enteral Nutrition in Adult Crohn’s Disease: Toward a Paradigm Shift. Nutrients , 11 (9) , Article 2222. 10.3390/nu11092222. Green open access

Dietrich, T; Ower, P; Tank, M; West, NX; Walter, C; Needleman, I; Hughes, FJ; ... Chapple, ILC; + view all (2019) Periodontal diagnosis in the context of the 2017 classification system of periodontal diseases and conditions - implementation in clinical practice. British Dental Journal (BDJ) , 226 (1) pp. 16-22. 10.1038/sj.bdj.2019.3. Green open access


Esposito, M; Buti, J; Barausse, C; Gasparro, R; Sammartino, G; Felice, P; (2019) Short implants versus longer implants in vertically augmented atrophic mandibles: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials with a 5-year post-loading follow-up. International Journal of Oral Implantology , 12 (3) pp. 267-280. Green open access

Evangelopoulos, D; Prosser, GA; Rodgers, A; Dagg, BM; Khatri, B; Ho, MM; Gutierrez, MG; ... de Carvalho, LPS; + view all (2019) Comparative fitness analysis of D-cycloserine resistant mutants reveals both fitness-neutral and high-fitness cost genotypes. Nature Communications , 10 , Article 4177. 10.1038/s41467-019-12074-z. Green open access


Felice, P; Barausse, C; Buti, J; Gessaroli, M; Esposito, M; (2019) Immediate, Early (6 Weeks) and Delayed (4 Months) Single Post- Extractive Implants: 3-year Post-loading Data from a Randomised Controlled Trial. Clinical Trials in Dentistry , 01 (01) 05-23. 10.36130/ctd.01.2019.02. Green open access

Felice, P; Pistilli, R; Barausse, C; Piattelli, M; Buti, J; Esposito, M; (2019) Posterior atrophic jaws rehabilitated with prostheses supported by 6-mm-long 4-mm-wide implants or by longer implants in augmented bone. Five-year post-loading results from a within-person randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Oral Implantology , 12 (1) pp. 57-72.

Fine, P; Leung, A; Bentall, C; Louca, C; (2019) The impact of confidence on clinical dental practice. European Journal of Dental Education , 23 (2) pp. 159-167. 10.1111/eje.12415. Green open access

Foroutan, F; McGuire, J; Gupta, P; Nikolaou, A; Kyffin, BA; Kelly, NL; Hanna, JV; ... Carta, D; + view all (2019) Antibacterial Copper-Doped Calcium Phosphate Glasses for Bone Tissue Regeneration. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering , 5 (11) pp. 6054-6062. 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.9b01291. Green open access


Gallagher, J; Ashley, P; Petrie, A; Needleman, I; (2019) Oral health-related behaviours reported by elite and professional athletes. British Dental Journal , 227 (4) pp. 276-280. 10.1038/s41415-019-0617-8. Green open access

George, J; Hsu, CC; Nguyen, LTB; Ye, H; Cui, Z; (2019) Neural tissue engineering with structured hydrogels in CNS models and therapies. Biotechnology Advances 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2019.03.009. Green open access

Giudice, A; Esposito, M; Bennardo, F; Brancaccio, Y; Buti, J; Fortunato, L; (2019) Dental extractions for patients on oral antiplatelet: a within-person randomised controlled trial comparing haemostatic plugs, advanced-plateletrich fibrin (A-PRF+) plugs, leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) plugs and suturing alone. European Journal of Oral Implantology , 12 (1) pp. 77-87.

Godazandeh, K; Martinez Sosa, S; Wu, J; Zakrzewska, JM; (2019) Trigeminal neuralgia: Comparison of characteristics and impact in patients with or without multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders , 34 pp. 41-46. 10.1016/j.msard.2019.06.015. Green open access

Gomes da Silva, GS; Lins Maymone de Melo, M; Leão, JC; Carvalho, AT; Porter, S; Branco Pinto Duarte, AL; Tavares Dantas, A; (2019) Oral Features of Systemic Sclerosis: A case-control study. Oral Diseases , 25 (8) pp. 1995-2002. 10.1111/odi.13174. Green open access

Gouveia, VM; Rizzello, L; Nunes, C; Poma, A; Ruiz-Perez, L; Oliveira, A; Reis, S; (2019) Macrophage Targeting pH Responsive Polymersomes for Glucocorticoid Therapy. Pharmaceutics , 11 (11) , Article 614. 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110614. Green open access

Green, IM; Margoni, I; Nair, SP; Petridis, H; (2019) Adhesion of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans to Parylene-C-Coated Polymethyl Methacrylate. International Journal of Prosthodontics , 32 (2) pp. 193-195. 10.11607/ijp.5918. Green open access

Gulabivala, K; Milesis, G; Ng, Y; (2019) The lavage of pulpo-periapical wounds and its clinical outcomes. ENDO - Endodontic Practice Today , 13 (2) pp. 149-164. Green open access

Gulabivala, K; Ng, Y; (2019) Value of root-filled teeth in maintaining a functional dentition for life. British Dental Journal , 226 pp. 769-784. 10.1038/s41415-019-0313-8. Green open access


Habbab, KM; D'Aiuto, F; Habbab, MA; Porter, SR; (2019) Molecular markers relevant to myocardial injury following dental extraction in patients with or without coronary artery disease. BDJ Open , 5 , Article 9. 10.1038/s41405-019-0018-8. Green open access

Halai, T; Pizzo, E; Jonathan, S; Ashish, P; Eyeson, J; (2019) A cost analysis of non-surgical extractions in primary versus secondary care. FDJ , 10 (1) pp. 14-19. 10.1308/rcsfdj.2019.14. Green open access

Hamad, AA; Lodi, G; Porter, S; Fedele, S; Mercadante, V; (2019) Interventions for dry mouth and hyposalivation in Sjögren's syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Oral Diseases , 25 (4) pp. 1027-1047. 10.1111/odi.12952. Green open access

Hamilton, N; Hynds, R; Gowers, K; Tait, A; Butler, C; Hopper, C; Burns, A; ... Janes, SM; + view all (2019) Using a 3D collagen matrix to deliver respiratory progenitor cells to decellularized trachea in vivo. Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods , 25 (2) pp. 93-102. 10.1089/ten.TEC.2018.0241. Green open access

Hubbard, ATM; Jafari, N; Feasey, N; Rohn, JL; Roberts, AP; (2019) Effect of Environment on the Evolutionary Trajectories and Growth Characteristics of Antibiotic-Resistant Escherichia coli Mutants. Frontiers In Microbiology , 10 , Article 2001. 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02001. Green open access

Hunt, N; Smyth, R; Acharya, P; (2019) Is visual imagery ability higher for orthodontic students than those in other disciplines? A cross-sectional study. Journal of Orthodontics , 46 (3) pp. 205-211. 10.1177/1465312519851216. Green open access


Ibrahim, S; Strange, AP; Aguayo, S; Shinawi, A; Harith, N; Mohamed-Ibrahim, N; Siddiqui, S; ... Bozec, L; + view all (2019) Phenotypic Properties of Collagen in Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Associated with Osteogenesis Imperfecta. International Journal of Nanomedicine , 14 pp. 9423-9435. 10.2147/IJN.S217420. Green open access

Ireland, AJ; Atack, NE; Cunningham, SJ; House, K; Cobourne, M; Hunt, NP; Sherriff, M; (2019) National BOS Orthognathic Audit 2017-2018. Journal of Orthodontics , 46 (4) pp. 287-296. 10.1177/1465312519879934. Green open access

Ireland, AJ; Atack, NE; Cunningham, SJ; House, K; Cobourne, M; Hunt, NP; Sherriff, M; (2019) National British Orthodontic Society (BOS) Orthognathic Audit 2017-2018. Journal of Orthodontics 10.1177/1465312519879934. (In press). Green open access


Jafree, DJ; Zakrzewska, JM; (2019) Long-term pain relief at five years after medical, repeat surgical procedures or no management for recurrence of trigeminal neuralgia after microvascular decompression: analysis of a historical cohort. British Journal of Neurosurgery , 33 (1) pp. 31-36. 10.1080/02688697.2018.1538484. Green open access

Jerjes, W; Hamdoon, Z; Yousif, AA; Al-Rawi, NH; Hopper, C; (2019) Epithelial tissue thickness improves optical coherence tomography's ability in detecting oral cancer. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy , 28 pp. 69-74. 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2019.08.029. Green open access

Jerjes, W; Yousif, AA; Hamdoon, Z; Hopper, C; (2019) Non-metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma treated with photodynamic therapy using intravenous mTHPC. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy , 28 pp. 172-176. 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2019.08.004. Green open access


Kafantari, N; Gulabivala, K; Georgiou, G; Knowles, J; Ng, Y; (2019) Effect of heated sodium hypochlorite on the viscoelastic properties of dentin evaluated using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis. Journal of Endodontics , 45 (9) pp. 1155-1160. 10.1016/j.joen.2019.05.017. Green open access

Karunanayake, G; Ng, Y; Knowles, JC; Delgado, A; Young, AM; Gulabivala, K; NAZHAT, SN; (2019) The effect of NaOCl and heat treatment on static and dynamic mechanical properties and chemical changes of dentine. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials , 97 pp. 330-338. 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2019.05.042. Green open access

Khan, MR; Mordan, N; Parkar, M; Salih, V; Donos, N; Brett, PM; (2019) Atypical Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Responses to Topographic Modifications of Titanium Biomaterials Indicate Cytoskeletal- and Genetic Plasticity-Based Heterogeneity of Cells. Stem Cells International , 2019 , Article 5214501. 10.1155/2019/5214501. Green open access

Khan, S; Bilal Hussain, MA; Khan, AP; Liu, H; Siddiqui, S; Mallidi, S; Leon, P; ... Hasan, T; + view all (2019) Clinical evaluation of smartphone-based fluorescence imaging for guidance and monitoring of ALA PDT. In: Hasan, T, (ed.) 17th International Photodynamic Association World Congress. SPIE: Cambridge, MA, USA. Green open access

Khanal, D; Zhang, F; Song, Y; Hau, H; Gautam, A; Yamaguchi, S; Uertz, J; ... Chrzanowski, W; + view all (2019) Biological impact of nanodiamond particles – label free, high-resolution methods for nanotoxicity assessment. Nanotoxicology , 13 (9) pp. 1210-1226. 10.1080/17435390.2019.1650970. Green open access

Khodadoost, Ladan; (2019) Effect of the environment on gene transfer in Clostridium difficile. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Koo, K; Liddle, AD; Pastides, PS; Rosenfeld, PF; (2019) The Salto Total Ankle Arthroplasty — Clinical and Radiological Outcomes at Five Years. Foot and Ankle Surgery , 25 (4) pp. 523-528. 10.1016/j.fas.2018.04.003. Green open access


Lane, T; Fontana, M; Martinez-Naharro, A; Quarta, CC; Whelan, CJ; Petrie, A; Rowczenio, DM; ... Gillmore, JD; + view all (2019) Natural History, Quality of Life, and Outcome in Cardiac Transthyretin Amyloidosis. Circulation , 140 (1) pp. 16-26. 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.118.038169. Green open access

Le Roch, S; Rouche, F; Valet, F; Bouchard, P; Abrahamsson, I; Artzi, Z; Asbi, T; ... Yarimoglu, E; + view all (2019) European survey on criteria of aesthetics for periodontal evaluation: The ESCAPE study. Journal of Clinical Periodontology , 46 (11) pp. 1116-1123. 10.1111/jcpe.13182. Green open access

Leira, Y; Ameijeira, P; Domínguez, C; López-Arias, E; Ávila-Gómez, P; Pérez-Mato, M; Sobrino, T; ... Blanco, J; + view all (2019) Periodontal inflammation is related to increased serum calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) levels in patients with chronic migraine. Journal of Periodontology , 90 (10) pp. 1088-1095. 10.1002/JPER.19-0051. Green open access

Leira, Y; Castelo-Baz, P; Pérez-Sayáns, M; Blanco, J; Lorenzo-Pouso, AI; (2019) Available patient-centered Internet information on peri-implantitis. Can our patients understand it? Clinical Oral Investigations , 23 (4) pp. 1569-1574. 10.1007/s00784-018-2583-y. Green open access

Leira, Y; Iglesias-Rey, R; Gómez-Lado, N; Aguiar, P; Campos, F; D'Aiuto, F; Castillo, J; ... Sobrino, T; + view all (2019) Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide-induced periodontitis and serum amyloid-beta peptides. Archives of Oral Biology , 99 pp. 120-125. 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2019.01.008. Green open access

Leira, Y; Iglesias-Rey, R; Gómez-Lado, N; Aguiar, P; Sobrino, T; D'Aiuto, F; Castillo, J; ... Campos, F; + view all (2019) Periodontitis and vascular inflammatory biomarkers: an experimental in vivo study in rats. Odontology 10.1007/s10266-019-00461-3. (In press). Green open access

Leira, Y; Pozo-Rosich, P; Torres-Ferrús, M; Orlandi, M; Láinez, JM; Álvaro, LC; Monzón, MJ; ... D'Aiuto, F; + view all (2019) Self-reported periodontitis and migraine: results from a multicenter, cross-sectional survey in Spain. Odontology , 107 pp. 530-535. 10.1007/s10266-019-00430-w. Green open access

Leira, Y; Rodríguez-Yáñez, M; Arias, S; López-Dequidt, I; Campos, F; Sobrino, T; D'Aiuto, F; ... Blanco, J; + view all (2019) Periodontitis as a risk indicator and predictor of poor outcome for lacunar infarct. Journal of Clinical Periodontology , 46 (1) pp. 20-30. 10.1111/jcpe.13032. Green open access

Leira, Y; Rodríguez-Yáñez, M; Arias, S; López-Dequidt, I; Campos, F; Sobrino, T; D'Aiuto, F; ... Blanco, J; + view all (2019) Periodontitis is associated with systemic inflammation and vascular endothelial dysfunction in patients with lacunar infarct. Journal of Periodontology , 90 (5) pp. 465-474. 10.1002/JPER.18-0560. Green open access

Leung, A; Tarusha, W; Bob, B; Chris, L; Jean, S; (2019) Patient perceptions of healthy weight promotion in dental settings. Journal of Dentistry: X , 1 , Article 100002. 10.1016/j.jjodo.2019.100002. Green open access

Lizarraga-Valderrama, LR; Taylor, CS; Claeyssens, F; Haycock, JW; Knowles, JC; Roy, I; (2019) Unidirectional Neuronal Cell growth and Differentiation on Aligned Polyhydroxyalkanoate Blend Microfibres with Varying Diameters. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine , 13 (9) pp. 1581-1594. 10.1002/term.2911. Green open access

Lorenzo-Pouso, AI; Castelo-Baz, P; Pérez-Sayáns, M; Lim, J; Leira, Y; (2019) Autophagy in periodontal disease: Evidence from a literature review. Archives of Oral Biology , 102 pp. 55-64. 10.1016/j.archoralbio.2019.03.029. Green open access


Mahapatra, C; Kim, J-J; Lee, J-H; Jin, G-Z; Knowles, JC; Kim, H-W; (2019) Differential chondro- and osteo-stimulation in three-dimensional porous scaffolds with different topological surfaces provides a design strategy for biphasic osteochondral engineering. Journal of Tissue Engineering , 10 , Article 204. 10.1177/2041731419826433. Green open access

Masi, S; D'Aiuto, F; Deanfield, J; (2019) Cardiovascular prevention starts from your mouth. European Heart Journal , 40 (14) pp. 1146-1148. 10.1093/eurheartj/ehz060. Green open access

Miranda da Costa, NM; Saab Abe, CT; Mitre, GP; Mesquita, RA; Silva Kataoka, MSD; Ribeiro Ribeiro, AL; Jaeger, RG; ... Pinheiro, JDJV; + view all (2019) HIF-1α is Overexpressed in Odontogenic Keratocyst Suggesting Activation of HIF-1α and NOTCH1 Signaling Pathways. Cells , 8 (7) , Article 731. 10.3390/cells8070731. Green open access

Miras, AD; Perez-Pevida, B; Aldhwayan, M; Kamocka, A; McGlone, ER; Al-Najim, W; Chahal, H; ... Tan, TM; + view all (2019) Adjunctive liraglutide treatment in patients with persistent or recurrent type 2 diabetes after metabolic surgery (GRAVITAS): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology , 7 (7) pp. 549-559. 10.1016/S2213-8587(19)30157-3. Green open access

Monteiro, J; Ashley, PF; Parekh, S; (2019) Vital bleaching for children with dental anomalies: EAPD members’ survey. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry 10.1007/s40368-019-00494-w. (In press). Green open access

Moore, D; Chong, MS; Shetty, A; Zakrzewska, JM; (2019) A systematic review of rescue analgesic strategies in acute exacerbations of primary trigeminal neuralgia. British Journal of Anaesthesia , 123 (2) e385-e396. 10.1016/j.bja.2019.05.026. Green open access

Moreno Sancho, F; Tsakos, G; Brealey, D; Boniface, D; Needleman, I; (2019) Development of a tool to assess oral health-related quality of life in patients hospitalised in critical care. QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH , 29 (2) pp. 559-568. 10.1007/s11136-019-02335-1. Green open access

Moreno Sancho, F; Leira, Y; Orlandi, M; Buti, J; Giannobile, WV; D'Aiuto, F; (2019) Cell-Based Therapies for Alveolar Bone and Periodontal Regeneration: Concise Review. Stem Cells Translational Medicine 10.1002/sctm.19-0183. (In press). Green open access

Morgan, AD; Ng, YL; Odlyha, M; Gulabivala, K; Bozec, L; (2019) Proof‐of‐concept study to establish an in situ method to determine the nature and depth of collagen changes in dentine using Fourier Transform Infra‐Red spectroscopy after sodium hypochlorite irrigation. International Endodontic Journal , 52 (3) pp. 359-370. 10.1111/iej.13004. Green open access

Munoz Aguilera, E; Rotundo, R; Orlandi, M; Leira Feijoo, Y; (2019) Single Miller Class III recession treatment in the anterior maxilla. Revista Clínica de Periodoncia, Implantología y Rehabilitación Oral (PIRO) (In press). Green open access


Nash, A; Notou, M; Lopez-Clavijo, AF; Bozec, L; de Leeuw, NH; Birch, HL; (2019) Glucosepane is associated with changes to structural and physical properties of collagen fibrils. Matrix Biology Plus , 4 , Article 100013. 10.1016/j.mbplus.2019.100013. Green open access

Needleman, I; Rankin, A; Ashley, P; Fairbrother, T; Fine, P; Gallagher, J; Kings, D; ... Naylor, M; + view all (2019) Infographic. Nutrition and oral health in sport: time for action. British Journal of Sports Medicine , 53 (22) pp. 1432-1433. 10.1136/bjsports-2018-100358. Green open access

Needleman, I; Sturgeon, B; (2019) Gum health - who cares? British Dental Journal , 227 (7) pp. 559-561. 10.1038/s41415-019-0795-4. Green open access

Nguyen, LTB; Nguyen, TH; Huynh, CK; Lee, BT; Ye, H; (2019) Composite Nano-fiber Mats Consisting of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate Loaded Polyvinyl Alcohol—Gelatin for Bone Tissue Engineering. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Development of Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam. (pp. pp. 301-305). Springer Nature: Singapore. Green open access

Nguyen, LTB; Odeleye, AOO; Chui, C-Y; Baudequin, T; Cui, Z; Ye, H; (2019) Development of thermo-responsive polycaprolactone macrocarriers conjugated with Poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide) for cell culture. Scientific Reports , 9 (1) , Article 3477. 10.1038/s41598-019-40242-0. Green open access

Ni Riordain, R; O'Dwyer, S; McCreary, C; (2019) Burning mouth syndrome—a diagnostic dilemma. Irish Journal of Medical Science , 188 pp. 731-734. 10.1007/s11845-018-01960-y. Green open access


O'Carroll, E; Leung, A; Fine, PD; Boniface, D; Louca, C; (2019) The teaching of occlusion in undergraduate dental schools in the UK and Ireland. British Dental Journal , 227 pp. 512-517. 10.1038/s41415-019-0732-6. Green open access

Owusu, E; MacRobert, AJ; Naasani, I; Parkin, IP; Allan, E; Yaghini, E; (2019) Photoactivable Polymers Embedded with Cadmium-free Quantum Dots and Crystal Violet: Efficient Bactericidal Activity against Clinical Strains of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces , 11 (13) pp. 12367-12378. 10.1021/acsami.9b02109. Green open access


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