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Abdul Murat, N; (2012) Estimating oral health needs and workforce requirements using sociodental and skill mix approaches. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ahola, K; Sirén, I; Kivimäki, M; Ripatti, S; Aromaa, A; Lönnqvist, J; Hovatta, I; (2012) Work-related exhaustion and telomere length: a population-based study. PLoS One , 7 (7) , Article e40186. 10.1371/journal.pone.0040186. Green open access

Aitsi-Selmi, A; Chandola, T; Friel, S; Nouraei, R; Shipley, MJ; Marmot, MG; (2012) Interaction between education and household wealth on the risk of obesity in women in Egypt. PLoS One , 7 (6) , Article e39507. 10.1371/journal.pone.0039507. Green open access

Alasaari, JS; Lagus, M; Ollila, HM; Toivola, A; Kivimäki, M; Vahtera, J; Kronholm, E; ... Paunio, T; + view all (2012) Environmental stress affects DNA methylation of a CpG rich promoter region of serotonin transporter gene in a nurse cohort. PLoS One , 7 (9) , Article e45813. 10.1371/journal.pone.0045813. Green open access

Alfred, T; Ben-Shlomo, Y; Cooper, R; Hardy, R; Cooper, C; Deary, IJ; Gaunt, TR; ... Team, HS; + view all (2012) A Multi-Cohort Study of Polymorphisms in the GH/IGF Axis and Physical Capability: The HALCyon Programme. PLOS ONE , 7 (1) , Article e29883. 10.1371/journal.pone.0029883. Green open access

Alkarimi, HA; Watt, RG; Pikhart, H; Jawadi, AH; Sheiham, A; Tsakos, G; (2012) Impact of treating dental caries on schoolchildren's anthropometric, dental, satisfaction and appetite outcomes: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Public Health , 12 , Article 706. 10.1186/1471-2458-12-706. Green open access

Alzahrani, S; (2012) Clustering of health-related behaviours among Saudi Arabian adolescents. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Angelakopoulou, A; Shah, T; Sofat, R; Shah, S; Berry, DJ; Cooper, J; Palmen, J; ... Hingorani, AD; + view all (2012) Comparative analysis of genome-wide association studies signals for lipids, diabetes, and coronary heart disease: Cardiovascular Biomarker Genetics Collaboration. European Heart Journal , 33 (3) 393 - 407. 10.1093/eurheartj/ehr225. Green open access

Armstrong, ME; (2012) Smoking and Risk Taking in Recreational SCUBA Divers. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Asher, L; Aresu, M; Falaschetti, E; Mindell, J; (2012) Most older pedestrians are unable to cross the road in time: a cross-sectional study. Age Ageing , 41 (5) 690 - 694. 10.1093/ageing/afs076. Green open access


Bajekal, M; (2012) Analysing recent socioeconomic trends in coronary heart disease mortality in England, 2000–2007: a population modelling study. PLOS Medicine , Article 1001237. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001237. Green open access

Bajekal, M; (2012) Signs of Maturity. The Actuary Green open access

Bajekal, M; Scholes, S; Love, H; Hawkins, N; O'Flaherty, M; Raine, R; Capewell, S; (2012) Analysing recent socioeconomic trends in coronary heart disease mortality in England, 2000-2007: a population modelling study. PLoS Med , 9 (6) , Article e1001237. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001237. Green open access

Bartley, M; (2012) Explaining health inequality: evidence from the UK. Social Science & Medicine , 74 (5) 658 - 660. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.12.015. Green open access

Batty, GD; Whitley, E; Gale, CR; Osborn, D; Tynelius, P; Rasmussen, F; (2012) Impact of mental health problems on case fatality in male cancer patients. British Journal of Cancer , 106 pp. 1842-1845. 10.1038/bjc.2012.150. Green open access

Beeken, RJ; Croker, H; Morris, S; Leurent, B; Omar, R; Nazareth, I; Wardle, J; (2012) Study protocol for the 10 Top Tips (10TT) trial: randomised controlled trial of habit-based advice for weight control in general practice. BMC Public Health , 12 , Article 667. 10.1186/1471-2458-12-667. Green open access

Beinare, D; McCarthy, M; (2012) Civil society organisations, social innovation and health research in Europe. European Journal of Public Health , 22 (6) pp. 889-893. 10.1093/eurpub/ckr152. Green open access

Bobrova, N.; (2012) Alcohol and hazardous drinking in Russia: a mixed design study. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Brydon, L; Lin, J; Butcher, L; Hamer, M; Erusalimsky, JD; Blackburn, EH; Steptoe, A; (2012) Hostility and cellular aging in men from the Whitehall II cohort. Biological Psychiatry , 71 (9) 767 - 773. 10.1016/j.biopsych.2011.08.020. Green open access

Bunn, F; Goodman, C; Sworn, K; Rait, G; Brayne, C; Robinson, L; McNeilly, E; (2012) Psychosocial factors that shape patient and carer experiences of dementia diagnosis and treatment: a systematic review of qualitative studies. PLoS Medicine , 9 (10) , Article e1001331. 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001331. Green open access

Burns, F; Edwards, SG; Woods, J; Haidari, G; Calderon, Y; Leider, J; Morris, S; ... Brown, M; + view all (2012) Acceptability and feasibility of universal offer of rapid point of care testing for HIV in an acute admissions unit: results of the RAPID project. PLoS One , 7 (4) , Article e35212. 10.1371/journal.pone.0035212. Green open access


Cadar, D; Pikhart, H; Mishra, G; Stephen, A; Kuh, D; Richards, M; (2012) The role of lifestyle behaviors on 20-year cognitive decline. Journal of Aging Research , 2012 , Article 304014. 10.1155/2012/304014. Green open access

Cadman, L; Waller, J; Ashdown-Barr, L; Szarewski, A; (2012) Barriers to cervical screening in women who have experienced sexual abuse: an exploratory study. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care , 38 (4) 214 - 220. 10.1136/jfprhc-2012-100378. Green open access

Carswell, K; McCarthy, O; Murray, E; Bailey, JV; (2012) Integrating psychological theory into the design of an online intervention for sexual health: the sexunzipped website. JMIR Research Protocols , 1 (2) , Article e16. 10.2196/resprot.2114. Green open access

Casas, JP; Hingorani, AD; (2012) The interleukin-6 receptor as a target for prevention of coronary heart disease: a mendelian randomisation analysis. Lancet , 379 (9822) 1214 - 1224. 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60110-X. Green open access

Chadborn, TR; (2012) The integration of independent national HIV surveillance datasets and application of statistical methods to enhance their public health utility. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chen, R; Song, Y; Hu, Z; Brunner, EJ; (2012) Predictors of diabetes in older people in urban China. PLoS One , 7 (11) , Article e50957. 10.1371/journal.pone.0050957. Green open access


Dastani, Z; Hivert, MF; Timpson, N; Perry, JR; Yuan, X; Scott, RA; Henneman, P; ... Kathiresan, S; + view all (2012) Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2 diabetes and metabolic traits: a multi-ethnic meta-analysis of 45,891 individuals. PLoS Genetics , 8 (3) , Article e1002607. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002607. Green open access

Delgado Angulo, EK; (2012) The association and potential pathways between common mental disorders and oral health among Finnish adults. Doctoral thesis , (UCL) University College London.

Denaxas, SC; George, J; Herrett, E; Shah, AD; Kalra, D; Hingorani, AD; Kivimaki, M; ... Hemingway, H; + view all (2012) Data Resource Profile: Cardiovascular disease research using linked bespoke studies and electronic health records (CALIBER). International Journal of Epidemiology , 41 (6) pp. 1625-1638. 10.1093/ije/dys188. Gold open access

Der, G; Batty, GD; Benzeval, M; Deary, IJ; Green, MJ; McGlynn, L; McIntyre, A; ... Shiels, PG; + view all (2012) Is telomere length a biomarker for aging: cross-sectional evidence from the west of Scotland? PLOS One , 7 (9) , Article e45166. 10.1371/journal.pone.0045166. Green open access

Di Gessa, G; (2012) 인구구조 및 인구문제. In: Hong, I, (ed.) 주요국의 사회보장제도: 이탈리아. KIHASA Research Institute: Sejong City, South Korea. Green open access


Endrighi, R; (2012) Physical activity, adiposity, stress-induced inflammation, and cardiovascular disease risk. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Ervasti, J; Kivimäki, M; Kawachi, I; Subramanian, SV; Pentti, J; Oksanen, T; Puusniekka, R; ... Virtanen, M; + view all (2012) School environment as predictor of teacher sick leave: data-linked prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health , 12 , Article 770. 10.1186/1471-2458-12-770. Green open access


Falconer, C; Park, M; Skow, A; Black, J; Sovio, U; Saxena, S; Kessel, A; ... Kinra, S; + view all (2012) Scoping the impact of the national child measurement programme feedback on the child obesity pathway: study protocol. BMC Public Health , 12 , Article 783. 10.1186/1471-2458-12-783. Green open access

Flint, ES; (2012) Investigating the relationship between labour market status and minor psychiatric morbidity: Longitudinal and spatial analysis of the British Household Panel Survey, 1992-2008. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Forde, I; (2012) Impacts of a conditional cash transfer scheme on health in Colombia. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Fourkala, EO; Gentry-Maharaj, A; Burnell, M; Ryan, A; Manchanda, R; Dawnay, A; Jacobs, I; ... Menon, U; + view all (2012) Histological confirmation of breast cancer registration and self-reporting in England and Wales: a cohort study within the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening. British Journal of Cancer , 106 (12) 1910 -1916. 10.1038/bjc.2012.155. Green open access

Fransson, EI; Nyberg, ST; Heikkilä, K; Alfredsson, L; Bacquer, DED; Batty, GD; Bonenfant, S; ... Kivimäki, M; + view all (2012) Comparison of alternative versions of the job demand-control scales in 17 European cohort studies: the IPD-Work consortium. BMC Public Health , 12 , Article 62. 10.1186/1471-2458-12-62. Green open access

Fuller, C; Michie, S; Savage, J; McAteer, J; Besser, S; Charlett, A; Hayward, A; ... Stone, S; + view all (2012) The Feedback Intervention Trial (FIT)--improving hand-hygiene compliance in UK healthcare workers: a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial. PLOS One , 7 (10) , Article e41617. 10.1371/journal.pone.0041617. Green open access

Fulop, N; Walters, R; Perri; Spurgeon, P; (2012) Implementing changes to hospital services: factors influencing the process and 'results' of reconfiguration. Health Policy , 104 (2) pp. 128-135. 10.1016/j.healthpol.2011.05.015. Green open access


Gale, CR; Deary, IJ; Cooper, C; Batty, GD; (2012) Intelligence in childhood and chronic widespread pain in middle age: the National Child Development Survey. Pain , 153 (12) 2339 - 2344. 10.1016/j.pain.2012.07.027. Green open access

Gilbert, H; Sutton, S; Morris, R; Parrot, S; Galton, S; Nazareth, I; (2012) Evaluating the effectiveness of using personal tailored risk information and taster sessions to increase the uptake of smoking cessation services: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials , 13 , Article 195. 10.1186/1745-6215-13-195. Green open access

Gray, L; Lee, IM; Sesso, HD; Batty, GD; (2012) Association of body mass index in early adulthood and middle age with future site-specific cancer mortality: the Harvard Alumni Health Study. Annals of Oncology , 23 (3) 754 -759. 10.1093/annonc/mdr270. Green open access

Gray, L; Merlo, J; Mindell, J; Hallqvist, J; Tafforeau, J; O'Reilly, D; Regidor, E; ... Leyland, AH; + view all (2012) International differences in self-reported health measures in 33 major metropolitan areas in Europe. European Journal of Public Health , 22 (1) 40 - 47. 10.1093/eurpub/ckq170. Green open access

Groce, NE; London, J; Stein, MA; (2012) Intergenerational Poverty and Disability: The implications of inheritance policy and practice on persons with disabilities in the developing world. , Article 17. 10.1080/09687599.2014.969831. Green open access


Halonen, JI; Kivimäki, M; Oksanen, T; Virtanen, P; Virtanen, MJ; Pentti, J; Vahtera, J; (2012) Waterborne outbreak of gastroenteritis: effects on sick leaves and cost of lost workdays. PLoS One , 7 (3) , Article e33307. 10.1371/journal.pone.0033307. Green open access

Halonen, JI; Kivimäki, M; Pentti, J; Kawachi, I; Virtanen, M; Martikainen, P; Subramanian, SV; (2012) Quantifying neighbourhood socioeconomic effects in clustering of behaviour-related risk factors: a multilevel analysis. PLoS One , 7 (3) , Article e32937. 10.1371/journal.pone.0032937. Green open access

Hamer, M; Endrighi, R; Venuraju, SM; Lahiri, A; Steptoe, A; (2012) Cortisol Responses to Mental Stress and the Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification in Healthy Men and Women. PLOS ONE , 7 (2) , Article e31356. 10.1371/journal.pone.0031356. Green open access

Hardoon, SL; Morris, RW; Whincup, PH; Shipley, MJ; Britton, AR; Masset, G; Stringhini, S; ... Brunner, EJ; + view all (2012) Rising adiposity curbing decline in the incidence of myocardial infarction: 20-year follow-up of British men and women in the Whitehall II cohort. European Heart Journal , 33 (4) 478 - 485. 10.1093/eurheartj/ehr142. Green open access

Hatch, SL; Woodhead, C; Frissa, S; Fear, NT; Verdecchia, M; Stewart, R; Reichenberg, A; ... SELCoH Study Team, .; + view all (2012) Importance of thinking locally for mental health: data from cross-sectional surveys representing South East London and England. PLoS One , 7 (12) , Article e48012. 10.1371/journal.pone.0048012. Green open access

Heikkilä, K; Nyberg, ST; Fransson, EI; Alfredsson, L; De Bacquer, D; Bjorner, JB; Bonenfant, S; ... IPD-Work Consortium; + view all (2012) Job strain and alcohol intake: a collaborative meta-analysis of individual-participant data from 140,000 men and women. PLOS One , 7 (7) , Article e40101. 10.1371/journal.pone.0040101. Green open access

Heikkilä, K; Nyberg, ST; Fransson, EI; Alfredsson, L; De Bacquer, D; Bjorner, JB; Bonenfant, S; ... IPD-Work Consortium; + view all (2012) Job strain and tobacco smoking: an individual-participant data meta-analysis of 166,130 adults in 15 European studies. PLoS One , 7 (7) , Article e35463. 10.1371/journal.pone.0035463. Green open access


Iliffe, S; Koch, T; Jain, P; Lefford, F; Wong, G; Warner, A; Wilcock, J; (2012) Developing an educational intervention on dementia diagnosis and management in primary care for the EVIDEM-ED trial. Trials , 13 , Article 142. 10.1186/1745-6215-13-142. Green open access


Jackowska, M; Hamer, M; Carvalho, LA; Erusalimsky, JD; Butcher, L; Steptoe, A; (2012) Short sleep duration is associated with shorter telomere length in healthy men: findings from the Whitehall II cohort study. PLoS One , 7 (10) , Article e47292. 10.1371/journal.pone.0047292. Green open access

Jackowska, M; von Wagner, C; Wardle, J; Juszczyk, D; Luszczynska, A; Waller, J; (2012) Cervical screening among migrant women: a qualitative study of Polish, Slovak and Romanian women in London, UK. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care , 38 (4) pp. 229-238. 10.1136/jfprhc-2011-100144. Green open access

Jefferis, BJ; Whincup, PH; Lennon, L; Wannamethee, SG; (2012) Longitudinal associations between changes in physical activity and onset of type 2 diabetes in older British men: the influence of adiposity. Diabetes Care , 35 (9) 1876 -1883. 10.2337/dc11-2280. Green open access

Johansen, NB; Vistisen, D; Brunner, EJ; Tabák, AG; Shipley, MJ; Wilkinson, IB; McEniery, CM; ... Witte, DR; + view all (2012) Determinants of aortic stiffness: 16-year follow-up of the Whitehall II study. PLoS One , 7 (5) , Article e37165. 10.1371/journal.pone.0037165. Green open access

Jokela, M; (2012) Obesity and common mental disorders: Examination of the association using alternative longitudinal models in the Whitehall II prospective cohort study. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Jones, L; Harrington, J; Scott, S; Davis, S; Lord, K; Vickerstaff, V; Round, J; ... Sampson, EL; + view all (2012) CoMPASs: IOn programme (Care Of Memory Problems in Advanced Stages of dementia: Improving Our Knowledge): protocol for a mixed methods study. BMJ Open , 2 (6) , Article e002265. 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-002265. Green open access

Jones, MM; (2012) A systematic review of whether people with DM experience less chest pain when having a myocardial infarction. Presented at: SAPC Annual Scientific Meeting, Glasgow, UK. Green open access


Kengne, AP; Czernichow, S; Hamer, M; Batty, GD; Stamatakis, E; (2012) Anaemia, haemoglobin level and cause-specific mortality in people with and without diabetes. PLOS One , 7 (8) , Article e41875. 10.1371/journal.pone.0041875. Green open access

Kinge, JM; (2012) An economic analysis of socioeconomic variation in the impact of obesity on health and health service use. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Kivimäki, M; Shipley, MJ; Allan, CL; Sexton, CE; Jokela, M; Virtanen, M; Tiemeier, H; ... Singh-Manoux, A; + view all (2012) Vascular risk status as a predictor of later-life depressive symptoms: a cohort study. Biological Psychiatry , 72 (4) 324 - 330. 10.1016/j.biopsych.2012.02.005. Green open access

Kuulasmaa, K; Tolonen, H; Koponen, P; Kilpeläinen, K; Avdicová, M; Broda, G; Calleja, N; ... Verschuren, WM; + view all (2012) An overview of the European Health Examination Survey Pilot Joint Action. Archives of Public Health , 70 (1) , Article 20. 10.1186/0778-7367-70-20. Green open access


Lacey, RE; Bartley, M; Pikhart, H; Stafford, M; Cable, N; Coleman, L; (2012) Parental separation and adult psychological distress: evidence for the 'reduced effect' hypothesis? Longitudinal and Life Course Studies , 3 (3) 359 - 368. Green open access

Landy, R; (2012) The influence of life course socioeconomic position on cognitive function and cognitive decline in older age: the impact of missing data. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Gold open access

Lenčová, E; Pikhart, H; Broukal, Z; (2012) Early childhood caries trends and surveillance shortcomings in the Czech Republic. BMC Public Health , 12 , Article 547. 10.1186/1471-2458-12-547. Green open access

Lloyd, G; Lacey, RE; (2012) Understanding 21st Century Relationships: a Compendium of Key Data. One Plus One: London. Green open access

Logan, RF; Patnick, J; Nickerson, C; Coleman, L; Rutter, MD; von Wagner, C; English Bowel Cancer Screening Evaluation Committee; (2012) Outcomes of the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme (BCSP) in England after the first 1 million tests. Gut , 61 (10) 1439 -1446. 10.1136/gutjnl-2011-300843. Green open access

Luchenski, S; Balasanthiran, A; Marston, C; Sasaki, K; Majeed, A; Bell, D; Reed, JE; (2012) Survey of patient and public perceptions of electronic health records for healthcare, policy and research: Study protocol. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making , 12 (40) 10.1186/1472-6947-12-40. Green open access


Macedo, A; Waller, J; Patnick, J; Marlow, L; (2012) Cervical screening uptake, political interest and voter turnout: a population-based survey of women in England. J Med Screen , 19 (4) 189 - 194. 10.1258/jms.2012.012073. Green open access

Man, SL; Petersen, I; Thompson, M; Nazareth, I; (2012) Antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy in primary care: a UK population based study. PLoS One , 7 (12) , Article e52339. 10.1371/journal.pone.0052339. Green open access

Marlow, LA; Sangha, A; Patnick, J; Waller, J; (2012) The Jade Goody Effect: whose cervical screening decisions were influenced by her story? J Med Screen , 19 (4) 184 - 188. 10.1258/jms.2012.012095. Green open access

Marlow, LA; Zimet, GD; McCaffery, KJ; Ostini, R; Waller, J; (2012) Knowledge of human papillomavirus (HPV) and HPV vaccination: an international comparison. Vaccine , 31 (5) 763 - 769. 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.11.083. Green open access

Marmot, M; Allen, J; Bell, R; Goldblatt, P; (2012) Building of the global movement for health equity: from Santiago to Rio and beyond. Lancet , 379 (9811) 181 - 188. 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)61506-7. Green open access

Masset, G; (2012) Predictive validity of WXYfm and SAIN,LIM food nutrient profiling models in the Whitehall II cohort. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

McCarthy, M; (2012) Public health research support through the European Structural Funds in Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean. Health Research Policy and Systems , 10 , Article 12. 10.1186/1478-4505-10-12. Green open access

McCarthy, M; Knabe, A; (2012) Civil society and public health research in the European Union new member states. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health , 40 (3) pp. 253-259. 10.1177/1403494812443601. Green open access

McCarthy, O; Carswell, K; Murray, E; Free, C; Stevenson, F; Bailey, JV; (2012) What Young People Want From a Sexual Health Website: Design and Development of Sexunzipped. Journal of Medical Internet Research , 14 (5) 10.2196/jmir.2116. Green open access

McCartney, G; Shipley, M; Hart, C; Davey-Smith, G; Kivimäki, M; Walsh, D; Watt, GC; (2012) Why do males in Scotland die younger than those in England? Evidence from three prospective cohort studies. PLOS One , 7 (7) , Article e38860. 10.1371/journal.pone.0038860. Green open access

McDermott, MS; Thomson, H; West, R; Kenyon, JA; McEwen, A; (2012) Translating evidence-based guidelines into practice: a survey of practices of commissioners and managers of the English stop smoking services. BMC Health Services Research , 12 , Article 121. 10.1186/1472-6963-12-121. Green open access

Meisel, SF; Beeken, RJ; van Jaarsveld, CH; Wardle, J; (2012) Genetic test feedback with weight control advice: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials , 13 , Article 235. 10.1186/1745-6215-13-235. Green open access

Miller, AM; Purves, D; McConnachie, A; Asquith, DL; Batty, GD; Burns, H; Cavanagh, J; ... Sattar, N; + view all (2012) Soluble ST2 associates with diabetes but not established cardiovascular risk factors: a new inflammatory pathway of relevance to diabetes? PLoS One , 7 (10) , Article e47830. 10.1371/journal.pone.0047830. Green open access

Mindell, J; Biddulph, JP; Hirani, V; Stamatakis, E; Craig, R; Nunn, S; Shelton, N; (2012) Cohort Profile: The Health Survey for England. International Journal of Epidemiology , 41 (6) 1585 - 1593. 10.1093/ije/dyr199. Green open access

Mindell, JS; Karlsen, S; (2012) Community severance and health: what do we actually know? Journal of Urban Health , 89 (2) 232 - 246. 10.1007/s11524-011-9637-7. Green open access

Mindell, JS; Leslie, D; Wardlaw, M; (2012) Exposure-based, 'like-for-like' assessment of road safety by travel mode using routine health data. PLoS One , 7 (12) , Article e50606. 10.1371/journal.pone.0050606. Green open access

Miners, A; Harris, J; Felix, L; Murray, E; Michie, S; Edwards, P; (2012) An economic evaluation of adaptive e-learning devices to promote weight loss via dietary change for people with obesity. BMC Health Services Research , 12 , Article 190. 10.1186/1472-6963-12-190. Green open access

Mittendorfer-Rutz, E; Kjeldgård, L; Runeson, B; Perski, A; Melchior, M; Head, J; Alexanderson, K; (2012) Sickness absence due to specific mental diagnoses and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a cohort study of 4.9 million inhabitants of Sweden. PLOS One , 7 (9) , Article e45788. 10.1371/journal.pone.0045788. Green open access

Munafò, MR; Timofeeva, MN; Morris, RW; Prieto-Merino, D; Sattar, N; Brennan, P; Johnstone, EC; ... Davey Smith, G; + view all (2012) Association Between Genetic Variants on Chromosome 15q25 Locus and Objective Measures of Tobacco Exposure. Journal of the National Cancer Institute , 104 (10) 740 - 748. 10.1093/jnci/djs191. Green open access


Nadarzynski, T; Waller, J; Robb, KA; Marlow, LA; (2012) Perceived risk of cervical cancer among pre-screening age women (18-24 years): the impact of information about cervical cancer risk factors and the causal role of HPV. Sex Transm Infect , 88 (6) 400 - 406. 10.1136/sextrans-2012-050482. Green open access

Nic A Bhaird, C; (2012) The complexity of community engagement: developing staff-community relationships in a participatory intervention to reduce domestic violence a Kolkata slum. In: (Proceedings) UCL Interdisciplinary Society for International Development Symposium on Lessons for Global Health from India. Green open access


O'Connell, NE; Cossar, J; Marston, L; Wand, BM; Bunce, D; Moseley, GL; De Souza, LH; (2012) Rethinking Clinical Trials of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: Participant and Assessor Blinding Is Inadequate at Intensities of 2mA. PLOS ONE , 7 (10) , Article e47514. 10.1371/journal.pone.0047514. Green open access

Osborn, DP; Horsfall, L; Hassiotis, A; Petersen, I; Walters, K; Nazareth, I; (2012) Access to cancer screening in people with learning disabilities in the UK: cohort study in the health improvement network, a primary care research database. PLOS One , 7 (8) , Article e43841. 10.1371/journal.pone.0043841. Green open access


Palmer, ND; McDonough, CW; Hicks, PJ; Roh, BH; Wing, MR; An, SS; Hester, JM; ... Sladek, R; + view all (2012) A genome-wide association search for type 2 diabetes genes in African Americans. PLoS One , 7 (1) , Article e29202. 10.1371/journal.pone.0029202. Green open access

Papp, AC; Pinsonneault, JK; Wang, D; Newman, LC; Gong, Y; Johnson, JA; Pepine, CJ; ... Sadee, W; + view all (2012) Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) polymorphisms affect mRNA splicing, HDL levels, and sex-dependent cardiovascular risk. PLoS ONE , 7 (3) , Article e31930. 10.1371/journal.pone.0031930. Green open access

Papp, AC; Pinsonneault, JK; Wang, D; Newman, LC; Gong, Y; Johnson, JA; Pepine, CJ; ... Sadee, W; + view all (2012) Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) polymorphisms affect mRNA splicing, HDL levels, and sex-dependent cardiovascular risk. PLoS One , 7 (3) , Article e31930. 10.1371/journal.pone.0031930. Green open access

Pikhartova, J; (2012) The relationship between maternal employment in childhood and health-related outcomes in adolescence: findings from the BHPS. Doctoral thesis (PhD), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pulkki-Råback, L; Kivimäki, M; Ahola, K; Joutsenniemi, K; Elovainio, M; Rossi, H; Puttonen, S; ... Virtanen, M; + view all (2012) Living alone and antidepressant medication use: a prospective study in a working-age population. BMC Public Health , 12 , Article 236. 10.1186/1471-2458-12-236. Green open access


Reekie, JM; (2012) The long term durability of combination antiretroviral therapy in HIV-positive patients across Europe. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

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