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Number of items: 23.
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Murdan, S;
Abstract: Effect of coupling medium volume on sonophoresis of proteins through rat skin.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
, 57
, Article 094. 10.1211/002235705778248479.
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Murdan, S;
Abstract: Effect of probe distance on sonophoresis of proteins through rat skin.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
, 57
, Article 093. 10.1211/002235705778248479.
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Murdan, S;
Abstract: Effect of surfactant concentration on sonophoresis of proteins through rat skin.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
, 57
, Article 095. 10.1211/002235705778248479.
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Murdan, S;
Optimisation of low-frequency ultrasound parameters for transcutaneous protein delivery.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
, 57
, Article 092. 10.1211/002235705778248479.
Ekonomou, A;
Kazanis, I;
Malas, S;
Wood, H;
Alifragis, P;
Denaxa, M;
Karagogeos, D;
... Episkopou, V; + view all
Neuronal migration and ventral subtype identity in the telencephalon depend on SOX1.
PLoS Biology
, 3
, Article e186. 10.1371/journal.pbio.0030186.
Heinrich, M;
Estudios metabolomicos - nuevos oportunidades para la fitoquimica?
, 4
106 - 106.
Heinrich, M;
Farmacognosia y etnobotanica - una llamada para mas colaboracion e intercambio.
Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromáticas
, 4
p. 70.
Heinrich, M;
Las multiples tareas de la fitoquimica.
, 4
26 -.
Heinrich, M;
Una vision de la fitoquimica desde Europa (La columna de Michael Heinrich).
, 4
47 -.
Murdan, S;
A review of pluronic lecithin organogel as a topical and transdermal drug delivery system.
Hospital Pharmacist
, 12
267 - 270.
Murray, ML;
Letter: Do selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors cause suicide?: Antidepressant prescribing to children and adolescents by GPs has fallen since CSM advice.
British Medical Journal
, 330
, Article 1151.1. 10.1136/bmj.330.7500.1151.
Prieto-Garcia, JM;
El Balsamo de Fierabras.
Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas
, 3
48 - 51.
Ruiz, A;
Sachidhanandam, S;
Utvik, JK;
Coussen, F;
Mulle, C;
Distinct subunits in heteromeric kainate receptors mediate ionotropic and metabotropic function at hippocampal mossy fiber synapses.
Journal of Neuroscience
, 25
11710 - 11718.
Spinewine, A;
Swine, C;
Dhillon, S;
Franklin, BD;
Tulkens, PM;
Wilmotte, L;
Lorant, V;
Appropriateness of use of medicines in elderly inpatients: qualitative study.
, 331
, Article 935. 10.1136/bmj.38551.410012.06.
Todd, AK;
Johnston, M;
Neidle, S;
Highly prevalent putative quadruplex sequence motifs in human DNA.
Nucleic Acids Res
, 33
2901 - 2907.
Zaman, N;
Heinrich, M;
Biodiversity uncovered.
Student BMJ
, 13
353 - 396.
Proceedings paper
Dahlan, A;
Alpar, HO;
Murdan, S;
An investigation into protein stability following low-frequency ultrasound application.
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology: Special Issue: BPC Science Abstracts.
(pp. 83 - 83).
Franklin, BD;
O'Grady, K;
Donyai, P;
Jacklin, A;
Barber, N;
Electronic prescribing - how does it affect the ward pharmacist?
(Proceedings) Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference.
Ghaleb, MA;
Barber, N;
Wong, ICK;
Franklin, BD;
Prescribing errors in paediatric inpatients.
(Proceedings) Health Service Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference.
Kendall, RA;
Murdan, S;
Basit, AW;
A comparison of different microencapsulation techniques for the production of enteric microparticles from the acrylic polymer Eudragit 1100.
2005 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition.
Ali, AB;
Kirchhecker, S;
Thomson, A;
Properties of unitary IPSPs elicited in lacunosum moleculare interneurones in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus.
Presented at: Inhibition in the CNS: Gordon Research Conference, New London, NH, USA.
Schueller, Laurent Bruno;
Effects of particle surface modifications on dry powder formulation performances.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Shah, Yousef;
Effects of point mutations on the block of SK3 small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels expressed in mammalian cell lines.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).