UCL Discovery Stage
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Number of items: 24.


Ayris, P; (2007) Embedding open access into the European landscape - the contribution of LIBER. LIBER Quarterly , 17 (2) 10.18352/lq.7876. Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2007) The DART-Europe project: towards developing a European theses portal. Presented at: Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2007) The DART-Europe project: towards developing a European theses portal. Presented at: Digital repositories: Dealing with the digital deluge, Manchester, UK. Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2007) Scholarly communication in the Arts and Humanities. Presented at: DRHA 2007: Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts 2007, Dartington, UK. Green open access

Ayris, P.; (2007) What does a 21st-century library service look and feel like? Presented at: Going Forward Together - UCL Library Services Staff Conference 2007, London, UK. Green open access


Davies, R.; Ayris, P.; McLeod, R.; Shenton, H.; Wheatley, P.; (2007) How much does it cost? The LIFE Project - costing models for digital curation and preservation. Liber Quarterly , 17 (3-4) Green open access

Deakins, William; (2007) Reuse: case study. UCL Wilkins Building: Library entrance. Presented at: Enhancing Standards Of Service Delivery For Libraries In Central Banks / Regulatory Agencies, Cambridge, UK. Green open access


Flett, M.; (2007) New forms of discovery: the academic perspective. Presented at: Association of Subscription Agents and Intermediaries Conference, Royal College of Nursing, London, UK. Green open access

Flett, M.; (2007) UCL's preparations for Shibboleth. Presented at: Access to Electronic Resources - Are you ready for Shibboleth?, SOAS, London, UK. Green open access


Geleijnse, H.; Williams, P.; (2007) NEEO and Economists Online. SCONUL Focus , 42 pp. 33-35. Green open access


Moyle, M.; (2007) The DART-Europe E-theses Portal. Presented at: ETD 2007: Added Values to E-theses. European E-theses Working Group Workshop, Uppsala, Sweden. Green open access

Moyle, M.; (2007) DART-Europe: background, progress and plans. Presented at: DART-Europe - DRIVER meeting, Pisa, Italy. Green open access

Moyle, M.; (2007) The evolution of a repository: policy decisions at UCL. Presented at: SHERPA-LEAP Repository Workshop, London, UK. Green open access

Moyle, M.; (2007) LMN case study: the UCL digital repository and London collaboration. Presented at: Digital Repositories: What Are Our Expectations? LMN Event, London, UK. Green open access

Moyle, M.; (2007) Making possible the overlay journal: the RIOJA project. Presented at: XXVII Charleston Conference: Issues in Book and Serials Acquisition, Charleston, US. Green open access

Moyle, M.; Polydoratou, P.; (2007) Exploring overlay journals: the RIOJA project. Presented at: Digital Repositories: Dealing with the Data Deluge, Manchester, UK. Green open access

Moyle, M.; Polydoratou, P.; (2007) Investigating overlay journals: introducing the RIOJA Project. D-Lib Magazine , 13 (Septem) Green open access

Moyle, M.; Stockley, R.; Tonkin, S.; (2007) SHERPA-LEAP: a consortial model for the creation and support of academic institutional repositories. OCLC Systems and Services , 23 (2) pp. 125-132. 10.1108/10650750710748423. Green open access


Pitman, L.; (2007) A new library in Bloomsbury: relocating the UCL SSEES Library. New Library World , 108 (5/6) pp. 263-277. 10.1108/03074800710748812. Green open access

Polydoratou, P.; Moyle, M.; (2007) Exploring overlay journals: the RIOJA project. Presented at: CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI5), Geneva, Switzerland. Green open access

Polydoratou, P.; Moyle, M.; (2007) Repository Interface for Overlaid Journal Archives (RIOJA): a feasibility study reporting the views of scientists in astrophysics and cosmology. Presented at: MTSR 07: 2nd International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research , Corfu, Greece. Green open access

Prosser, D; Ayris, P; (2007) ACRL/SPARC Forum explores open access models: the future of scholarly publishing. C&RL News , 68 (9) Green open access


Wheatley, Paul; Ayris, Paul; Davies, Richard; McLeod, Rory; Shenton, Helen; (2007) LIFE: Costing the digital preservation lifecycle. Presented at: iPRES Annual Conference 2007, Beijing, China. Green open access


Zahnhausen, PM; (2007) Die Spaltung der jüdischen Gemeinde Triers im Jahr 1879. Neues Trierisches Jahrbuch , 47 pp. 69-84. Green open access

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