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Abd-Alazeez, M; Kirkham, A; Ahmed, HU; Arya, M; Anastasiadis, E; Charman, SC; Freeman, A; (2014) Performance of multiparametric MRI in men at risk of prostate cancer before the first biopsy: a paired validating cohort study using template prostate mapping biopsies as the reference standard. Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Disease , 17 (1) pp. 40-46. 10.1038/pcan.2013.43. Green open access

Abou Neel, EA; Chrzanowski, W; Knowles, JC; (2014) Biological performance of titania containing phosphate-based glasses for bone tissue engineering applications. Materials Science and Engineering: C , 35 307 - 313. 10.1016/j.msec.2013.10.029. Green open access

Adam, J; Connor, TM; Wood, K; Lewis, D; Naik, R; Gale, DP; Sayer, JA; (2014) Genetic testing can resolve diagnostic confusion in Alport syndrome. Clinical Kidney Journal , 7 (2) 197 - 200. 10.1093/ckj/sft144. Green open access

Agbota, H; Strlič, M; Mitchell, JE; Odlyha, M; (2014) Remote assessment of cultural heritage environments with wireless sensor array networks. Sensors (Switzerland) , 14 (5) 8779 - 8793. 10.3390/s140508779. Green open access

Aggio, D; Smith, L; Fisher, A; Hamer, M; (2014) Mothers' perceived proximity to green space is associated with TV viewing time in children: The Growing Up in Scotland study. Prev Med , 70C 46 - 49. 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.11.018. Green open access

Ahmed, HU; (2014) An evaluation of focal therapy in the treatment of localised prostate cancer. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Al Ajam, Y; Lancashire, H; Pendegrass, C; Kang, N; Dowling, R; Taylor, S; Blunn, G; (2014) Myoelectric Signal Transmission from Implanted Epimysial Electrodes Using a Bone-Anchor as a Conduit. Presented at: Americal Hand Surgery Annual Meeting, Hawaii, USA. Green open access

Al-Groosh, DHA; (2014) Opportunistic pathogens associated with orthodontic retainers. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Alçada, J; Taylor, MN; Shaw, PJ; Janes, SM; Navani, N; Miller, RF; (2014) High prevalence of malignancy in HIV-positive patients with mediastinal lymphadenopathy: A study in the era of antiretroviral therapy. Respirology , 19 (3) pp. 339-345. 10.1111/resp.12241. Green open access

Aldeghi, M; Malhotra, S; Selwood, DL; Chan, AW; (2014) Two and Three-dimensional Rings in Drugs. Chem Biol Drug Des , 83 (4) pp. 450-461. 10.1111/cbdd.12260. Green open access

Allan, M; Thompson, S; Clarkson, MJ; Ourselin, S; Hawkes, DJ; Kelly, J; Stoyanov, D; (2014) 2D-3D Pose Tracking of Rigid Instruments in Minimally Invasive Surgery. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions. (pp. pp. 1-10). Springer: Switzerland: Cham. Green open access

Alshammasi, H; (2014) Investigating the Use of Behaviour Management Techniques with Children Undergoing Invasive Dental Treatment: An Exploratory Study. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Altamirano, J; Miquel, R; Katoonizadeh, A; Abraldes, JG; Duarte-Rojo, A; Louvet, A; Augustin, S; ... Bataller, R; + view all (2014) A histologic scoring system for prognosis of patients with alcoholic hepatitis. Gastroenterology , 146 (5) pp. 1231-1239. 10.1053/j.gastro.2014.01.018. Green open access

Andrady, C; (2014) Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Challenges of Antibody-Directed Enzyme Prodrug Therapy (ADEPT). Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Anjum, S; Fourkala, EO; Zikan, M; Wong, A; Gentry-Maharaj, A; Jones, A; Hardy, R; ... Widschwendter, M; + view all (2014) A BRCA1-mutation associated DNA methylation signature in blood cells predicts sporadic breast cancer incidence and survival. Genome Med , 6 (6) 47 -. 10.1186/gm567. Green open access

Annkah, JK; (2014) Assessment of the dosimetric accuracies of CATPhan 504 and CIRS 062 using kV-CBCT for performing direct calculations. Journal of Medical Physics , 39 (3) 133- 141. 10.4103/0971-6203.139001. Green open access

Ardakani, AG; Cheema, U; Brown, RA; Shipley, RJ; (2014) Quantifying the correlation between spatially defined oxygen gradients and cell fate in an engineered three-dimensional culture model. J R Soc Interface , 11 (98) , Article 20140501. 10.1098/rsif.2014.0501. Green open access

Arechavala-Gomeza, V; Khoo, B; Aartsma-Rus, A; (2014) Splicing modulation therapy in the treatment of genetic diseases. The Application of Clinical Genetics , 7 pp. 245-252. 10.2147/TACG.S71506. Green open access

Armstrong, CA; Pearson, SR; Amelina, H; Moiseeva, V; Tomita, K; (2014) Telomerase activation after recruitment in fission yeast. Current Biology , 24 (17) 2006 - 2011. 10.1016/j.cub.2014.07.035. Green open access

Arrieta Bolanos, ER; (2014) Functional consequences of TGFB1 polymorphims and their role in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Arruda, LB; de Araujo, ML; Martinez, ML; Gonsalez, CR; da Silva Duarte, AJ; Coakley, E; Lie, Y; (2014) DETERMINATION OF VIRAL TROPISM BY GENOTYPING AND PHENOTYPING ASSAYS IN BRAZILIAN HIV-1-INFECTED PATIENTS. REVISTA DO INSTITUTO DE MEDICINA TROPICAL DE SAO PAULO , 56 (4) pp. 287-290. 10.1590/S0036-46652014000400003. Green open access

Arya, VB; Aziz, Q; Nessa, A; Tinker, A; Hussain, K; (2014) Congenital hyperinsulinism: clinical and molecular characterisation of compound heterozygous ABCC8 mutation responsive to Diazoxide therapy. International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology , 2014 , Article 24. 10.1186/1687-9856-2014-24. Green open access

Ashley, P; Di Iorio, A; Cole, E; Tanday, A; Needleman, I; (2014) Oral health of elite athletes and association with performance: a systematic review. Br J Sports Med , 49 (1) pp. 14-19. 10.1136/bjsports-2014-093617. Green open access

Astin, R; Puthucheary, Z; (2014) Anaemia secondary to critical illness: an unexplained phenomenon. Extrem Physiol Med , 3 (1) , Article 4. 10.1186/2046-7648-3-4. Green open access

Atkinson, C; Emery, VC; Griffiths, PD; (2014) Development of a novel single tube nested PCR for enhanced detection of cytomegalovirus DNA from dried blood spots. Journal of Virological Methods , 196 pp. 40-44. 10.1016/j.jviromet.2013.10.029. Green open access

Attridge, K; Kenefeck, R; Wardzinski, L; Qureshi, OS; Wang, CJ; Manzotti, C; Okkenhaug, K; (2014) IL-21 Promotes CD4 T Cell Responses by Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase-Dependent Upregulation of CD86 on B Cells. J Immunol , 192 pp. 2195-2201. 10.4049/jimmunol.1302082. Green open access

Attridge, K; Walker, LS; (2014) Homeostasis and function of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in vivo: lessons from TCR-transgenic Tregs. Immunol Rev , 259 (1) 23 - 39. 10.1111/imr.12165. Green open access

Aviles-Olmos, I; Dickson, J; Kefalopoulou, Z; Djamshidian, A; Kahan, J; Ell, P; Whitton, P; ... Foltynie, T; + view all (2014) Motor and cognitive advantages persist 12 months after exenatide exposure in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease , 4 (3) 337 - 344. 10.3233/JPD-140364. Green open access

Azim, N; Deery, E; Warren, MJ; Wolfenden, BA; Erskine, P; Cooper, JB; Coker, A; ... Akhtar, M; + view all (2014) Structural evidence for the partially oxidized dipyrromethene and dipyrromethanone forms of the cofactor of porphobilinogen deaminase: structures of the Bacillus megaterium enzyme at near-atomic resolution. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr , D70 (Pt 3) 744 - 751. 10.1107/S139900471303294X. Green open access


Baker, A-M; Cereser, B; Melton, S; Fletcher, AG; Rodriguez-Justo, M; Tadrous, PJ; Humphries, A; ... Graham, TA; + view all (2014) Quantification of Crypt and Stem Cell Evolution in the Normal and Neoplastic Human Colon. Cell Reports , 8 (4) pp. 940-947. 10.1016/j.celrep.2014.07.019. Green open access

Bamashmous, NOM; (2014) Information seeking behaviour patterns of dental trauma patients and their parents. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Baqader, NO; Radulovic, M; Crawford, M; Stoeber, K; Godovac-Zimmermann, J; (2014) Nuclear Cytoplasmic Trafficking of Proteins is a Major Response of Human Fibroblasts to Oxidative Stress. Journal of Proteome Research , 13 (10) pp. 4398-4423. 10.1021/pr500638h. Green open access

Barchitta, M; Quattrocchi, A; Maugeri, A; Agodi, A; Vinciguerra, M; (2014) LINE-1 hypomethylation in blood and tissue samples as an epigenetic marker for cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE , 9 (10) 10.1371/journal.pone.0109478. Green open access

Barrett, A; Evans, IM; Frolov, A; Britton, G; Pellet-Many, C; Yamaji, M; Mehta, V; ... Frankel, P; + view all (2014) A crucial role for DOK1 in PDGF-BB-stimulated glioma cell invasion through p130Cas and Rap1 signalling. Journal of Cell Science , 127 (12) pp. 2647-2658. 10.1242/jcs.135988. Green open access

Barrett, A; Evans, IM; Frolov, A; Britton, G; Pellet-Many, C; Yamaji, M; Mehta, V; ... Frankel, P; + view all (2014) A crucial role for DOK1 in PDGF-BB-stimulated glioma cell invasion through p130Cas and Rap1 signalling. [Corrigendum]. Journal of Cell Science , 127 (15) pp. 2647-2658. 10.1242/jcs.158576. Green open access

Bartlett, R; Everett, W; Lim, S; Natasha, G; Loizidou, M; Jell, G; Tan, A; (2014) Personalized In Vitro Cancer Modeling - Fantasy or Reality? Translational Oncology , 7 (6) pp. 657-664. 10.1016/j.tranon.2014.10.006. Green open access

Bashir, M; Abudhaise, H; Mustafa, H; Fok, M; Bashir, A; Hammoud, I; Mascaro, J; (2014) Delayed aorto-right atrial fistula following percutaneous closure of atrial septal defect. Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England , 96 (5) e3-e4. 10.1308/003588414X13814021679591. Green open access

Bates, AW; (2014) Retrogressive development: transcendental anatomy and teratology in nineteenth-century Britain. Medicina nei Secoli: arte e scienza , 26 197 - 222. Green open access

Beaver, CM; Ahmed, A; Masters, JR; (2014) Clonogenicity: holoclones and meroclones contain stem cells. PLoS One , 9 (2) , Article e89834. 10.1371/journal.pone.0089834. Green open access

Bedogni, A; Fedele, S; Bedogni, G; Scoletta, M; Favia, G; Colella, G; Agrillo, A; ... Campisi, G; + view all (2014) Staging of osteonecrosis of the jaw requires computed tomography for accurate definition of the extent of bony disease. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg , 52 (7) pp. 603-608. 10.1016/j.bjoms.2014.04.009. Green open access

Behjati, S; Tarpey, PS; Sheldon, H; Martincorena, I; Van Loo, P; Gundem, G; Wedge, DC; ... Campbell, PJ; + view all (2014) Recurrent PTPRB and PLCG1 mutations in angiosarcoma. Nature Genetics , 46 (4) 376 - 379. 10.1038/ng.2921. Green open access

Belcher, R; Jones, A; Smith, L-J; Vincent, T; Naidu, SB; Montgomery, J; Haq, I; (2014) Qualitative study of the impact of an authentic electronic portfolio in undergraduate medical education. BMC Medical Education , 14 , Article 265. 10.1186/s12909-014-0265-2. Gold open access

Bell, CG; Wilson, GA; Beck, S; (2014) Human-specific CpG 'beacons' identify human-specific prefrontal cortex H3K4me3 chromatin peaks. Epigenomics , 6 (1) 21 - 31. 10.2217/epi.13.74. Green open access

Bell, JA; Hamer, M; Batty, GD; Singh-Manoux, A; Sabia, S; Kivimaki, M; (2014) Combined effect of physical activity and leisure time sitting on long-term risk of incident obesity and metabolic risk factor clustering. Diabetologia , 57 (10) pp. 2048-2056. 10.1007/s00125-014-3323-8. Green open access

Bell, JA; Kivimaki, M; Hamer, M; (2014) Metabolically healthy obesity and risk of incident type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Obes Rev , 15 (6) pp. 504-515. 10.1111/obr.12157. Green open access

Bell, RM; Rear, R; Cunningham, J; Dawnay, A; Yellon, DM; (2014) Effect of remote ischaemic conditioning on contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing elective coronary angiography (ERICCIN): rationale and study design of a randomised single-centre, double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Clin Res Cardiol , 103 (3) pp. 203-209. 10.1007/s00392-013-0637-3. Green open access

Benaragama, SK; Tymkewycz, T; John, BJ; Davenport, A; Lindsey, B; Nicol, D; Olsburgh, J; ... Fernando, BS; + view all (2014) Do we need a different organ allocation system for kidney transplants using donors after circulatory death? BMC Nephrol , 15 , Article 83. 10.1186/1471-2369-15-83. Green open access

Bending, D; Pesenacker, AM; Ursu, S; Wu, Q; Lom, H; Thirugnanabalan, B; Wedderburn, LR; (2014) Hypomethylation at the Regulatory T Cell-Specific Demethylated Region in CD25hi T Cells Is Decoupled from FOXP3 Expression at the Inflamed Site in Childhood Arthritis. J Immunol , 193 (6) pp. 2699-2708. 10.4049/jimmunol.1400599. Green open access

Berenguer, F; Bean, RJ; Bozec, L; Vila-Comamala, J; Zhang, F; Kewish, CM; Bunk, O; ... Robinson, IK; + view all (2014) Coherent x-ray imaging of collagen fibril distributions within intact tendons. Biophysical Journal , 106 (2) 459 - 466. 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.12.016. Green open access

Berry, J; Nesbit, M; Saberi, S; Petridis, H; (2014) Communication methods and production techniques in fixed prosthesis fabrication: a UK based survey. Part 1: Communication methods. British Dental Journal , 217 (6) , Article E12. 10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.643. Green open access

Berry, J; Nesbit, M; Saberi, S; Petridis, H; (2014) Communication methods and production techniques in fixed prosthesis fabrication: a UK based survey. Part 2: Production techniques. British Dental Journal , 217 (6) , Article E13. 10.1038/sj.bdj.2014.644. Green open access

Bhamra, JS; Al-Khateeb, H; Dhinsa, BS; Gikas, PD; Tirabosco, R; Pollock, RC; Skinner, JA; ... Briggs, TWR; + view all (2014) Chondromyxoid fibroma management: a single institution experience of 22 cases. World Journal of Surgical Oncology , 12 (1) 283 - 283. 10.1186/1477-7819-12-283. Green open access

Bindreither, D; Ecker, S; Gschirr, B; Kofler, A; Kofler, R; Rainer, J; (2014) The synthetic glucocorticoids prednisolone and dexamethasone regulate the same genes in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. BMC Genomics , 15 , Article 662. 10.1186/1471-2164-15-662. Green open access

Bitton, DA; Rallis, C; Jeffares, DC; Smith, GC; Chen, YY; Codlin, S; Marguerat, S; (2014) LaSSO, a strategy for genome-wide mapping of intronic lariats and branch-points using RNA-seq. Genome Res , 24 pp. 1169-1179. 10.1101/gr.166819.113. Green open access

Blandford, A; Berndt, E; Furniss, D; O Kane, AA; Rajkomar, A; Catchpole, K; Mayer, A; ... Randell, R; + view all (2014) Strategies for conducting situated studies of technology use in hospitals. Cognition, Technology and Work , 17 (4) pp. 489-502. 10.1007/s10111-014-0318-7. Green open access

Bockenhauer, D; Bichet, DG; (2014) Urinary concentration: different ways to open and close the tap. Pediatric Nephrology , 29 (8) 1297 - 1303. 10.1007/s00467-013-2526-4. Green open access

Bockenhauer, D; Zieg, J; (2014) Electrolyte disorders. Clinics in Perinatology , 41 (3) pp. 575-590. 10.1016/j.clp.2014.05.007. Green open access

Bollen Pinto, BAMM; (2014) The role of mitochondria in sepsis-associated myocardial dysfunction. Doctoral thesis (PhD), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Booth, JWR; (2014) An investigation of the role of the P2X7 purinoceptor in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. Doctoral thesis (PhD), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Botcher, NA; Falck, JE; Thomson, AM; Mercer, A; (2014) Distribution of interneurons in the CA2 region of the rat hippocampus. Front Neuroanat , 8 , Article 104. 10.3389/fnana.2014.00104. Green open access

Bouma, G; Carter, NA; Recher, M; Malinova, D; Adriani, M; Notarangelo, LD; Burns, SO; ... Thrasher, AJ; + view all (2014) Exacerbated experimental arthritis in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein deficiency: modulatory role of regulatory B cells. Eur J Immunol , 44 (9) 2692 - 2702. 10.1002/eji.201344245. Green open access

Bourke, LT; (2014) Cardiac injury in lupus. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Bouwman, RD; Palser, A; Parry, CM; Coulter, E; Rasaiyaah, J; Kellam, P; Jenner, RG; (2014) Human immunodeficiency virus Tat associates with a specific set of cellular RNAs. Retrovirology , 11 (1) , Article 53. 10.1186/1742-4690-11-53. Green open access

Brill, SE; El-Emir, E; Allinson, JP; Donaldson, GC; Nazareth, I; Wedzicha, JA; (2014) Community-based recruitment of patients with COPD into clinical research. Thorax , 69 (10) 951 - 952. 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2014-205253. Green open access

Brown, GD; Meintjes, G; Kolls, JK; Gray, C; Horsnell, W; Working Group from the EMBO-AIDS Related Mycoses Workshop, .; Achan, B; ... Yang, YL; + view all (2014) AIDS-related Mycoses: The Way Forward. Trends in Microbiology , 22 (3) pp. 107-109. 10.1016/j.tim.2013.12.008. Green open access

Browne, L; Lidster, K; Al-Izki, S; Clutterbuck, L; Posada, C; Chan, AE; Riddall, D; ... Selwood, DL; + view all (2014) Imidazol-1-ylethylindazole voltage gated sodium (Nav) channel ligands are neuroprotective during optic neuritis in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. J Med Chem , 57 pp. 2942-2952. 10.1021/jm401881q. Green open access

Bull, E; Madani, SY; Sheth, R; Seifalian, A; Green, M; Seifalian, AM; (2014) Stem cell tracking using iron oxide nanoparticles. International Journal of Nanomedicine , 9 (1) pp. 1641-1653. 10.2147/IJN.S48979. Green open access

Burgos, N; Cardoso, MJ; Thielemans, K; Modat, M; Pedemonte, S; Dickson, J; Barnes, A; ... Ourselin, S; + view all (2014) Attenuation correction synthesis for hybrid PET-MR scanners: application to brain studies. IEEE Trans Med Imaging , 33 (12) 2332 - 2341. 10.1109/TMI.2014.2340135. Green open access

Burgos, N; Thielemans, K; Cardoso, MJ; Markiewicz, P; Jiao, J; Dickson, J; Duncan, JS; ... Ourselin, S; + view all (2014) Effect of scatter correction when comparing attenuation maps: Application to brain PET/MR. In: Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC). IEEE: Seattle, WA, USA. Green open access

Burns, JR; Al-Juffali, N; Janes, SM; Howorka, S; (2014) Membrane-Spanning DNA Nanopores with Cytotoxic Effect. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl , 53 (46) pp. 12466-12470. 10.1002/anie.201405719. Green open access

Bystrom, J; O'Shea, NR; (2014) Eosinophilic oesophagitis: clinical presentation and pathogenesis. Postgraduate Medical Journal , 90 (1063) pp. 282-289. 10.1136/postgradmedj-2012-131403. Green open access


Cain, DJ; Del Arroyo, AG; Ackland, GL; (2014) Uncontrolled sepsis: a systematic review of translational immunology studies in intensive care medicine. Intensive Care Medicine Experimental , 2 (1) , Article 6. 10.1186/2197-425X-2-6. Green open access

Cama, G; Gharibi, B; Knowles, JC; Romeed, S; DiSilvio, L; Deb, S; (2014) Structural changes and biological responsiveness of an injectable and mouldable monetite bone graft generated by a facile synthetic method. J R Soc Interface , 11 (101) 10.1098/rsif.2014.0727. Green open access

Cambiano, V; Bertagnolio, S; Jordan, M; Lundgren, J; Miners, A; Pillay, D; Revill, P; ... Phillips, A; + view all (2014) Effectiveness of potential improvements in the cascade of HIV treatment and care in South Africa. Presented at: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, USA. Green open access

Cambridge, G; Moura, RA; Santos, T; Khawaja, AA; Polido-Pereira, J; Canhão, H; Leandro, MJ; (2014) Expression of the Inherently Autoreactive Idiotope 9G4 on Autoantibodies to Citrullinated Peptides and on Rheumatoid Factors in Patients with Early and Established Rheumatoid Arthritis. PLoS One , 9 (9) , Article e107513 . 10.1371/journal.pone.0107513. Green open access

Carbone, L; Harris, RA; Gnerre, S; Veeramah, KR; Lorente-Galdos, B; Huddleston, J; Meyer, TJ; ... Gibbs, RA; + view all (2014) Gibbon genome and the fast karyotype evolution of small apes. Nature , 513 (7517) pp. 195-201. 10.1038/nature13679. Green open access

Card, RM; Warburton, PJ; Maclaren, N; Mullany, P; Allan, E; Anjum, MF; (2014) Application of microarray and functional-based screening methods for the detection of antimicrobial resistance genes in the microbiomes of healthy humans. PLoS One , 9 (1) , Article e86428. 10.1371/journal.pone.0086428. Green open access

Carpenter, BJM; (2014) Targeting Therapeutic T Cells To Tumour Niches. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).

Carr, D; Wallace, JM; Aitken, RP; Milne, JS; Mehta, V; Martin, JF; Zachary, IC; ... David, AL; + view all (2014) Uteroplacental adenovirus VEGF gene therapy increases fetal growth velocity in growth-restricted sheep pregnancies. Hum Gene Ther , 25 (4) pp. 375-384. 10.1089/hum.2013.214. Green open access

Carter, R; Mouralidarane, A; Soeda, J; Ray, S; Pombo, J; Saraswati, R; Novelli, M; ... Oben, JA; + view all (2014) Non-alcoholic Fatty pancreas disease pathogenesis: a role for developmental programming and altered circadian rhythms. PLoS One , 9 (3) , Article e89505. 10.1371/journal.pone.0089505. Green open access

Castleton, AZ; (2014) Oncolytic measles virus and mesenchymal stromal cells: A therapeutic model and a dissection of mechanisms of action. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Chakraborty, M; McGreal, EP; Williams, A; Davies, PL; Powell, W; Abdulla, S; Voitenok, NN; ... Kotecha, S; + view all (2014) Role of Serine Proteases in the Regulation of Interleukin-8(77) during the Development of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in Preterm Ventilated Infants. PLOS ONE , 9 (12) 10.1371/journal.pone.0114524. Green open access

Chakravarthy, A; Henderson, S; Fenton, T; (2014) When defense turns into attack: Antiviral cytidine deaminases linked to somatic mutagenesis in HPV-associated cancer. Molecular & Cellular Oncology , 1 (1) e29914 - e29914. 10.4161/mco.29914. Green open access

Chambers, ES; Suwannasaen, D; Mann, EH; Urry, Z; Richards, DF; Lertmemongkolchai, G; Hawrylowicz, CM; (2014) 1 α ,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in combination with transforming growth factor- β increases the frequency of Foxp3 + regulatory T cells through preferential expansion and usage of interleukin-2. Immunology , 143 (1) pp. 52-60. 10.1111/imm.12289. Green open access

Chan, E; Towers, GJ; Qasim, W; (2014) Gene Therapy Strategies to Exploit TRIM Derived Restriction Factors against HIV-1. Viruses , 6 (1) 243 - 263. 10.3390/v6010243. Green open access

Chan, R; von Deuster, C; Stoeck, C; Harmer, J; Punwani, S; Ramachandran, N; Kozerke, S; (2014) High-Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) of the human kidneys using a free-breathing multi-slice targeted-FOV approach. NMR in Biomedicine , 27 (11) pp. 1300-1312. 10.1002/nbm.3190. Green open access

Chan, RW; von Deuster, C; Giese, D; Stoeck, CT; Harmer, J; Aitken, AP; Atkinson, D; (2014) Characterization and correction of eddy-current artifacts in unipolar and bipolar diffusion sequences using magnetic field monitoring. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE , 244 74 - 84. 10.1016/j.jmr.2014.04.018. Green open access

Charitaki, E; Belman, D; Davenport, A; (2014) Treatment with Haemodiafiltration Stabilises Vascular Stiffness (Measured by Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity) Compared to Haemodialysis. Nephron Clin Pract , 128 (1-2) pp. 185-191. 10.1159/000368242. Green open access

Charlton, J; Williams, RD; Weeks, M; Sebire, NJ; Popov, S; Vujanic, G; Mifsud, W; ... Pritchard-Jones, K; + view all (2014) Methylome analysis identifies a Wilms tumor epigenetic biomarker detectable in blood. Genome Biology , 15 , Article 434. 10.1186/s13059-014-0434-y. Green open access

Chau, I; Joulain, F; Iqbal, SU; Bridgewater, J; (2014) A VELOUR post hoc subset analysis: prognostic groups and treatment outcomes in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with aflibercept and FOLFIRI. BMC Cancer , 14 , Article 605. 10.1186/1471-2407-14-605. Green open access

Chaves, CA; Vergani, CE; Thomas, D; Young, A; Costa, CA; Salih, VM; Machado, AL; (2014) Biological effects of soft denture reline materials on L929 cells in vitro. Journal of Tissue Engineering , 5 , Article 2041731414540911. 10.1177/2041731414540911. Green open access

Chen, J; Ingham, N; Kelly, J; Jadeja, S; Goulding, D; Pass, J; Mahajan, VB; ... Steel, KP; + view all (2014) Spinster homolog 2 (spns2) deficiency causes early onset progressive hearing loss. PLoS Genet , 10 (10) , Article e1004688. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1004688. Green open access

Chen, L; Kostadima, M; Martens, JHA; Canu, G; Garcia, SP; Turro, E; Downes, K; ... Rendon, A; + view all (2014) Transcriptional diversity during lineage commitment of human blood progenitors. Science , 345 (6204) , Article 1251033. 10.1126/science.1251033. Green open access

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Cheung, KK; Wagner, T; Hall, M; Dvorkin, L; (2014) Abdominopelvic Splenosis—An Unusual Cause of Tenesmus. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery , 18 (8) 1543 - 1545. 10.1007/s11605-014-2548-7. Green open access

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