Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Group by: Author | Type
Number of items: 167.
Aad, G;
Abbott, B;
Abdallah, J;
Abdelalim, AA;
Abdesselam, A;
Abdinov, O;
Abi, B;
... ATLAS Collaboration, .; + view all
Search for New Particles in Two-Jet Final States in 7 TeV Proton-Proton Collisions with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC.
, 105
, Article 161801. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.161801.
Achuthan, K;
Mackett, RL;
Titheridge, H;
Mapping accessibility changes to test transport policies and improve social inclusion.
Journal of Maps
, 6
pp. 220-229.
Achuthan, K;
Titheridge, H;
Mackett, RL;
Mapping accessibility differences for the whole journey and for socially excluded groups of people.
Journal of Maps
, 2010
pp. 220-229.
Anastasia, D;
Andreopoulos, Y;
Linear image processing operations with operational tight packing.
IEEE Signal Processing Letters
, 17
375 -378.
Andreopoulos, Y;
Jiang, D;
Demosthenous, A;
Prediction-based incremental refinement for binomially-factorized discrete wavelet transforms.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
, 58
4441 -4447.
Ang, SMC;
Brett, DJL;
Fraga, ES;
A multi-objective optimisation model for a general polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell system.
Journal of Power Sources
, 195
2754 - 2763.
Arya, C;
Amiri, A;
Vassie, PR;
Embedding sustainable development into structural design teaching using sustainability appraisal tools.
Higher Education Academy: Engineering Subject Centre
Attfield, S;
Blandford, AE;
Discovery-led refinement in e-discovery investigations: sensemaking, cognitive ergonomics and system design.
Artificial Intelligence and Law
, 18
387 - 412.
Baker-Meflah, L;
Thomsen, BC;
Mitchell, JE;
Bayvel, P;
Multi-Impairment WDM Optical Performance Monitoring for Burst Switched Networks.
Journal of Lightwave Technology
, 28
3417 - 3426.
Baldassarre, L;
Barla, A;
Noceti, N;
Odone, F;
Learning how to grasp objects.
In: Verleysen, M, (ed.)
ESANN 2010 proceedings: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning: Bruges (Belgium), 28-30 April 2010.
(pp. 289 - 294).
d-side: Evere, Belgium.
Banaji, M;
Mallet, A;
Elwell, CE;
Nicholls, P;
Tachtsidis, I;
Smith, M;
Cooper, CE;
Modelling of Mitochondrial Oxygen Consumption and NIRS Detection of Cytochrome Oxidase Redox State.
In: Takahashi, E and Bruley, DF, (eds.)
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXI.
(pp. 285 - 291).
Springer Verlag: Berlin/ Heidelberg, Germany.
Beautement, A;
Sasse, MA;
Gathering realistic authentication performance data through field trials.
Presented at: 6th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2010, Redmond, Washington.
Ben-Nun, O;
Einav, I;
Tordesillas, A;
Force attractor in confined comminution of granular materials.
Physical Review Letters
, 104
, Article 108001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.108001.
Bittau, A;
Hamburg, M;
Handley, M;
Mazières, D;
Boneh, D;
The Case for Ubiquitous Transport-Level Encryption.
USENIX Security'10: Proceedings of the 19th USENIX conference on Security.
(pp. 403 - 418).
USENIX Association: Berkeley, California, USA.
Bjedov, I;
Toivonen, JM;
Kerr, F;
Slack, C;
Jacobson, J;
Foley, A;
Partridge, L;
Mechanisms of Life Span Extension by Rapamycin in the Fruit Fly Drosophila melanogaster.
Cell Metabolism
, 11
35 - 46.
Blaker, JJ;
Lee, K-Y;
Mantalaris, A;
Bismarck, A;
Ice-microsphere templating to produce highly porous nanocomposite PLA matrix scaffolds with pores selectively lined by bacterial cellulose nano-whiskers.
, 70
1879 - 1888.
Bradbeer, NIC;
Andrews, DJA;
Vulnerability of a low-cost combatant converted from a commercial ship.
10th International naval engineering conference and exhibition (INEC 2010): the affordable future fleet.
(pp. pp. 548-561).
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST): London, UK.
Broer, S;
Titheridge, H;
Enabling low-carbon living in new UK housing developments.
(pp. pp. 90-107).
Budroni, A;
Böhm, J;
Automatic 3D modelling of indoor Manhattan-world scenes from laser data.
In: Mills, JP and Barber, DM and Miller, PE and Newton, I, (eds.)
Proceedings of the ISPRS Commission V Mid-Term Symposium 'Close Range Image Measurement Techniques': WG V/3 - Terrestrial laser scanning and 3D imaging.
(pp. pp. 115-120).
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS): Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK.
Campbell, NDF;
Vogiatzis, G;
Hernández, C;
Cipolla, R;
Automatic 3D Object Segmentation in Multiple Views using Volumetric Graph-Cuts.
Image and Vision Computing
, 28
14 -25.
Campos, LC;
Slow sand filtration – A technology that remains appropriate for this century and beyond.
Water & Sewerage Journal
, 2010
pp. 29-31.
Carletti, T;
Righi, S;
Weighted Fractal Networks.
Physica A - Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications
, 389
pp. 2134-2142.
Carpentieri, M;
Robins, AG;
Tracer Flux Balance at an Urban Canyon Intersection.
, 135
229 - 242.
Caswell, JL;
Fuller, GA;
Green, JA;
Avison, A;
Breen, SL;
Brooks, KJ;
Burton, MG;
... Cohen, RJ; + view all
The 6-GHz methanol multibeam maser catalogue - I. Galactic Centre region, longitudes 345° to 6°.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 404
1029 - 1060.
Cataluna, MA;
Nikitichev, DI;
Rafailov, EU;
Mikroulis, S;
Simos, H;
Simos, C;
Mesaritakis, C;
... Livshits, D; + view all
Dual-wavelength mode-locked quantum-dot laser, via ground and excited state transitions: Experimental and theoretical investigation.
Optics Express
, 18
12832 - 12838.
Chainey, S;
Analysis of Geographic Information - Workbook 2010.
National Policing Improvement Agency: Wyboston, UK.
Childs, CR;
Thomas, C;
Sharp, S;
Tyler, NA;
Can shared surfaces be safely negotiated by blind and partially sighted people?
Presented at: The 12th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons (TRANSED), Hong Kong, China.
Christie, N;
Ward, H;
Kimberlee, R;
Road Traffic Injury Risk in Disadvantaged Communities: Evaluation of the Neighbourhood Road Safety Initiative.
(Road Safety Web Publication
Department for Transport: London, UK.
Chrzanowski, W;
Abou Neel, EA;
Lee, KY;
Bismarck, A;
Young, AM;
Hart, AD;
Dalby, MJ;
Tailoring Cell Behavior on Polymers by the Incorporation of Titanium Doped Phosphate Glass Filler.
, 12
B298 - B308.
Clegg, RG;
Di Cairano-Gilfedder, C;
Zhou, S;
A critical look at power law modelling of the Internet.
Computer Communications
, 33
259 - 268.
Collins, S;
Stamatakis, M;
Vlachos, DG;
Adaptive coarse-grained Monte Carlo simulation of reaction and diffusion dynamics in heterogeneous plasma membranes.
BMC Bioinformatics
, 11
, Article 218. 10.1186/1471-2105-11-218.
Cooper, A;
Understanding the drivers, impact and value of engagement in culture and sport: An over-arching summary of the research.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport: London, UK.
Courtois, NT;
Jackson, K;
Ware, D;
Fault-Algebraic Attacks on Inner Rounds of DES.
Strategies Telecom and Multimedia: Montreuil, France.
Crosier, M;
Griffin, LD;
Using basic image features for texture classification.
International Journal of Computer Vision
, 88
447 - 460.
Czerski, H;
Deane, GB;
Contributions to the acoustic excitation of bubbles released from a nozzle.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
, 128
, Article 2625. 10.1121/1.3484087.
Dartnell, LR;
Fallaize, DR;
Whiting, SJ;
Ward, JM;
Desiccation resistance of Antarctic Dry Valley bacteria isolated from contrasting locations.
Antarctic Science
, 22
171 - 172.
Day, S;
Edwards, S;
Fearnley, C;
Kilburn, C;
McGuire, B;
Stanbrough, L;
Wall, R;
+ view all
Volcanic Hazard from Iceland: analysis and implications of the Eyjafjallajokull eruption.
UCL Institute of Risk and Disaster Reduction
De Nardi, R;
Automatic Design of Controllers for Miniature Vehicles through Automatic Modelling.
Doctoral thesis , University Of Essex, UK.
Decin, L;
Agundez, M;
Barlow, MJ;
Daniel, F;
Cernicharo, J;
Lombaert, R;
De Beck, E;
... Waelkens, C; + view all
Warm water vapour in the sooty outflow from a luminous carbon star.
, 467
pp. 64-67.
Decin, L;
Cernicharo, J;
Barlow, MJ;
Royer, P;
Vandenbussche, B;
Wesson, R;
Polehampton, ET;
... Yates, JA; + view all
Silicon in the dust formation zone of IRC +10216 as observed with PACS and SPIRE on board Herschel.
Astronomy & Astrophysics
, 518
, Article L143. 10.1051/0004-6361/201014562.
Decin, L;
Cernicharo, J;
Barlow, MJ;
Royer, P;
Vandenbussche, B;
Wesson, R;
Polehampton, ET;
... Yates, JA; + view all
Silicon in the dust formation zone of IRC+10216.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 518
, Article L143. 10.1051/0004-6361/201014562.
Ding, Y;
Nikitichev, DI;
Krestnikov, I;
Livshits, D;
Cataluna, MA;
Rafailov, EU;
Quantum-dot external-cavity passively modelocked laser with high peak power and pulse energy.
Electronics Letters
, 46
1516 - 1516.
Docampo, P;
Guldin, S;
Stefik, M;
Tiwana, P;
Orilall, MC;
Huettner, S;
Sai, H;
... Snaith, HJ; + view all
Control of Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Performance by Block-Copolymer-Directed TiO2 Synthesis.
Advanced Functional Materials
, 20
1787 - 1796.
Endrizzi, M;
Carpinelli, M;
Delogu, P;
Oliva, P;
Golosio, B;
Gureyev, TE;
Bottigli, U;
X-ray phase-contrast imaging with an Inverse Compton Scattering source.
In: Siu, KKW, (ed.)
AIP Conference Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 39-41).
AIP:American Institute of Physics
Fisher, CM;
Better lagged than never: The lagged effects of process interventions on group decisions.
(Proceedings) Academy of Management.
(pp. pp. 1-6).
Academy of Management
Freddi, F;
Tubaldi, E;
Ragni, L;
Dall'Asta, A;
Probabilistic performance assessment of low ductility r.c. frames retrofitted by elasto-plastic braces.
Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering ECEE 2010.
ECEE: Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Fujiyama, T.;
Tyler, N.;
Predicting the walking speed of pedestrians on stairs.
Transportation Planning and Technology
, 33
177 - 202.
Furniss, D;
Back, J;
Blandford, A;
Resilience in Emergency Medical Dispatch: Big R and little r.
In: Hayes, GR and Tan, DS and Wilcox, L, (eds.)
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare.
(pp. pp. 9-12).
Dealer Analysis Group: Atlanta, GA, United States.
Furniss, D;
Blandford, A;
DiCoT Modeling: From Analysis to Design.
Presented at: CHI 2010 workshop: ‘Contextual Analysis and Design’, Atlanta, US.
Galman, JL;
Steadman, D;
Bacon, S;
Morris, P;
Smith, MEB;
Ward, JM;
Dalby, PA;
alpha,alpha '-Dihydroxyketone formation using aromatic and heteroaromatic aldehydes with evolved transketolase enzymes.
Chemical Communications
, 46
7608 - 7610.
Ghataoura, DS;
Mitchell, JE;
Matich, GE;
VIGILANT: "Situation-Aware" Quality of Information Interest Groups for Wireless Sensor Network Surveillance Applications.
In: Carapezza, EM, (ed.)
Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks VII: 20-22 September 2010, Toulouse, France.
(pp. ? - ?).
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Bellingham, US.
Giblin, SP;
Wright, SJ;
Fletcher, JD;
Kataoka, M;
Pepper, M;
Janssen, TJBM;
Ritchie, DA;
... Jones, GAC; + view all
An accurate high-speed single-electron quantum dot pump.
New Journal of Physics
, 12
, Article 073013. 10.1088/1367-2630/12/7/073013.
Gill, S;
Folan, P;
Cormican, K;
A framework to support knowledge transfer in the service sector.
Proceedings of International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing - 2010.
(pp. pp. 358-362).
KMIS: Valencia, Spain.
Gorbenko, AS;
Strebulaev, IA;
Temporary versus Permanent Shocks: Explaining Corporate Financial Policies.
Review of Financial Studies
, 23
pp. 2591-2647.
Graepel, T;
Candela, JQ;
Borchert, T;
Herbrich, R;
Web-Scale Bayesian click-through rate prediction for sponsored search advertising in Microsoft's Bing search engine.
In: Fürnkranz, J and Joachims, T, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-10), June 21-24, 2010, Haifa, Israel.
(pp. 13 - 20).
Grammenos, RC;
Darwazeh, I;
FPGA design considerations for non-orthogonal FDM signal detection.
(Proceedings) London Communication Symposium.
Grammenos, RC;
Darwazeh, I;
SC-FDMA and OFDMA: The two competing technologies for LTE.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Broadband Communication - ISBC'10.
UTeM: Melaka, Malaysia.
Griffin, LD;
Lillholm, M;
Symmetry sensitivities of Derivative-of-Gaussian filters.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
, 32
1072 - 1083.
Griffiths, S;
Jones, CE;
Vaughan, L;
Haklay, M;
The persistence of suburban centres in Greater London: combining Conzenian and space syntax approaches.
Urban Morphology
, 14
85 - 99.
Groves, PD;
Jiang, ZY;
Skelton, B;
Cross, PA;
Lau, L;
Adane, Y;
Kale, I;
Novel multipath mitigation methods using a dual-polarization antenna.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation: ION GNSS 2010.
(pp. 140 - 151).
ION-Institute of Navigation: Portland, Oregon.
Guldin, S;
Huttner, S;
Kolle, M;
Welland, ME;
Mueller-Buschbaum, P;
Friend, RH;
Steiner, U;
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Based on a Three-Dimensional Photonic Crystal.
Nano Letters
, 10
2303 - 2309.
Gürel, S;
Körpeoğlu, E;
Aktürk, MS;
An anticipative scheduling approach with controllable processing times.
Computers & Operations Research
, 37
pp. 1002-1013.
Harou, JJ;
Medellin-Azuara, J;
Zhu, TJ;
Tanaka, SK;
Lund, JR;
Stine, S;
Olivares, MA;
Economic consequences of optimized water management for a prolonged, severe drought in California.
Water Resources Research
, 46
, Article W05522. 10.1029/2008WR007681.
Hecht, F;
Bocek, T;
Clegg, RG;
Landa, R;
Hausheer, D;
Stiller, B;
LiveShift: mesh-pull P2P live and time-shifted video streaming.
(Technical Report
, pp. ? - ?
Department of Informatics, University of Zurich: Zurich, Switzerland.
Heess, N;
Bair, W;
Direction Opponency, Not Quadrature, Is Key to the 1/4 Cycle Preference for Apparent Motion in the Motion Energy Model.
The Journal of Neuroscience
, 30
11300 - 11304.
Herbster, M;
A Triangle Inequality for p-Resistance.
Presented at: Workshop on Networks Across Disciplines: Theory and Applications, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Hermans, RI;
Experimental Study of Single Protein Mechanics and Protein Rates of Unfolding.
Doctoral thesis , Columbia University in the City of New york.
Hiltz, K;
Back, J;
Blandford, A;
The roles of conceptual device models and user goals in avoiding device initialization errors.
Interacting with Computers
, 22
363 - 374.
Inglesant, PG;
Sasse, MA;
Studying Password Use in the Wild: Practical Problems and Possible Solutions.
Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security.
Islam, SS;
Krinke, J;
Binkley, D;
Harman, M;
Coherent dependence clusters.
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering: PASTE '10.
(pp. pp. 53-60).
ACM: New York, US.
Jambois, O;
Gourbilleau, F;
Kenyon, AJ;
Montserrat, J;
Rizk, R;
Garrido, B;
Towards population inversion of electrically pumped Er ions sensitized by Si nanoclusters.
Optics Express
, 18
2230 - 2235.
Jones, G;
Bielski, R;
Julier, S;
Berthouze, N;
Towards a situated, multimodal interface for multiple UAV control.
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
(pp. 1739 - 1744).
Kan, X;
Selviah, DR;
Digital Art Capture (DAC): Software For System Control.
Presented at: Data Processing and User Interaction, London Electronics and Nanotechnology Symposia, LENS, UCL (University College London), London, UK.
Keval, H;
Sasse, MA;
"Not the Usual Suspects": A Study of Factors Reducing the Effectiveness of CCTV.
Security Journal
, 23
134 - 154.
Khorgami, MH;
Jones, P;
Titheridge, H;
The validity of assuming only one activity per out-of-home location in activity-based demand models constructed from trip-based survey data.
Proceedings of 12th World Conference of Transport Research (WCTR), Lisbon, Portugal.
(pp. pp. 1-21).
Kirstein, PT;
The Advantages of IPv6 for New Services.
Presented at: The 3rd German IPv6 Summit at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam, Germany.
Krinke, J;
Gold, N;
Jia, Y;
Binkley, D;
Distinguishing copies from originals in software clones.
(pp. pp. 41-48).
Krinke, J;
Gold, N;
Jia, Y;
Binkley, D;
Cloning and Copying between GNOME Projects.
Proceedings of the 2010 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories: co-located with ICSE 2010, May 2-3, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa: MSR 2010, mining software repositories.
(pp. 98 - 101).
IEEE Computer Society: Piscataway, US.
Lehmann, M;
Rohrer, JD;
Clarkson, MJ;
Ridgway, GR;
Scahill, RI;
Modat, M;
Warren, JD;
... Fox, NC; + view all
Reduced Cortical Thickness in the Posterior Cingulate Gyrus is Characteristic of Both Typical and Atypical Alzheimer's Disease.
, 20
587 - 598.
Lerate, MR;
Yates, JA;
Barlow, MJ;
Viti, S;
Swinyard, BM;
Chemical and radiative transfer modelling of the ISO-LWS Fabry-Perot spectra of Orion-KL water lines.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 406
pp. 2445-2451.
Leung, TS;
Powell, S;
Fast Monte Carlo simulations of ultrasound-modulated light using a graphics processing unit.
Journal of Biomedical Optics
, 15
, Article 055007. 10.1117/1.3495729.
Leung, TS;
Wittekind, A;
Binzoni, T;
Beneke, R;
Cooper, CE;
Elwell, CE;
Muscle Oxygen Saturation Measured Using "Cyclic NIR Signals" During Exercise.
In: Takahashi, E and Bruley, DF, (eds.)
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXI.
(pp. pp. 183-189).
Springer Verlag: Berlin/ Heidelberg, Germany.
Levitin, M;
Sobolev, A;
Sobolev, D;
On the near periodicity of eigenvalues of Toeplitz Matrices.
In: Levitin, M and Vassiliev, D, (eds.)
Operator Theory and Its Applications: In Memory of V. B. Lidskii (1924-2008).
American Mathematical Society
Li, X;
Koller, G;
Huang, J;
Di Silvio, L;
Renton, T;
Esat, M;
Bonfield, W;
A novel jet-based nano-hydroxyapatite patterning technique for osteoblast guidance.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface
, 7
189 - 197.
Lopes, NP;
Pérez, JAN;
Rybalchenko, A;
Singh, A;
Applying Prolog to develop distributed systems.
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
, 10
691 - 707.
Lor, SS;
Ali, R;
Landa, R;
Rio, M;
Recursive Loop-Free Alternates for full protection against transient link failures.
IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications: ISCC 2010: June 22-25, 2010, Riccione, Italy.
(pp. 44 - 49).
IEEE: Piscataway, US.
Lor, SS;
Landa, R;
Rio, M;
Packet re-cycling: eliminating packet losses due to network failures.
In: Xie, GG and Beverly, R and Morris, R and Davie, B, (eds.)
Proceedings of the Ninth ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks.
ACM: New York, US.
Makri, S;
Blandford, A;
Cox, AL;
This is what I’m doing and why: Reflections on a think-aloud study of digital library users’ information behaviour.
JCDL '10: Digital Libraries - 10 years past, 10 years forward, a 2020 vision: June 21-15, 2010, Gold Coast, Australia.
(pp. 349 - 352).
ACM Press: New York, US.
Marchenko, P;
Karp, B;
Structuring protocol implementations to protect sensitive data.
Proceedings of the 19th USENIX Security Symposium: August 11–13, 2010, Washington, DC.
(pp. 47 - 62).
USENIX Association: Berkeley, US.
McDonald, T;
A Library Based Approach for Exploring Style in Preliminary Ship Design.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Melbourne, A;
Ridgway, G;
Hawkes, DJ;
Image Similarity Metrics in Image Registration.
In: Dawant, BM and Haynor, DR, (eds.)
Proceedings of SPIE.
(pp. 762335/1-762335/10).
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Bellingham, US.
Meyer, LA;
Petersen, AC;
Assessing an IPCC Assessment: An Analysis of Statements on Projected Regional Impacts in the 2007 Report.
(PBL publication number: 500216002
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency: The Hague/Bilthoven, Netherlands.
Modat, M;
Vercauteren, T;
Ridgway, GR;
Hawkes, DJ;
Fox, NC;
Ourselin, S;
Diffeomorphic Demons using Normalised Mutual Information, Evaluation on Multi-Modal Brain MR Images.
In: Dawant, BM and Haynor, DR, (eds.)
Proceedings of SPIE.
(pp. 76232K/1-76232K/4).
SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering: Bellingham, US.
Morgan, GL;
Zhang, H;
Whitcher, B;
Alexander, DC;
A spatial variation model of white matter microstructure.
In: Zhang, H, (ed.)
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI'10), Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2010).
(pp. 165 - 174).
Morgan, RM;
French, JC;
O'Donnell, L;
Bull, PA;
The reincorporation and redistribution of trace geoforensic particulates on clothing: An introductory study.
Science & Justice
, 50
pp. 195-199.
Morgan, RM;
Robertson, J;
Lennard, C;
Hubbard, K;
Bull, PA;
Quartz grain surface textures of soils and sediments from Canberra, Australia: a forensic reconstruction tool.
Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences
, 42
pp. 169-179.
Nedelcu, M;
Guldin, S;
Orilall, MC;
Lee, J;
Huettner, S;
Crossland, EJW;
Warren, SC;
... Snaith, HJ; + view all
Monolithic route to efficient dye-sensitized solar cells employing diblock copolymers for mesoporous TiO2.
Journal of Materials Chemistry
, 20
pp. 1261-1268.
Nugent, T;
Jones, DT;
Predicting Transmembrane Helix Packing Arrangements using Residue Contacts and a Force-Directed Algorithm.
PLoS Computational Biology
, 6
, Article e1000714. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000714.
Ogilvie, D;
Griffin, S;
Jones, A;
Mackett, R;
Guell, C;
Panter, J;
Jones, N;
... Chapman, C; + view all
Commuting and health in Cambridge: a study of a 'natural experiment' in the provision of new transport infrastructure.
BMC Public Health
, 10
, Article 703. 10.1186/1471-2458-10-703.
Papademetriou, MD;
Tachtsidis, I;
Leung, TS;
Elliott, MJ;
Hoskote, A;
Elwell, CE;
Cerebral and Peripheral Tissue Oxygenation in Children Supported on ECMO for Cardio-Respiratory Failure.
In: Takahashi, E and Bruley, DF, (eds.)
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXI.
(pp. 447 - 453).
Springer Verlag: Berlin/ Heidelberg, Germany.
Parkin, S;
Van Moorsel, A;
Inglesant, P;
Sasse, MA;
A stealth approach to usable security: Helping IT security managers to identify workable security solutions.
Proceedings New Security Paradigms Workshop.
(pp. 33 - 49).
Pitwon, RCA;
Hopkins, K;
Milward, D;
Muggeridge, M;
Selviah, DR;
Wang, K;
Passive assembly of parallel optical devices onto polymer-based optical printed circuit boards.
, 36
3 - 11.
Plews, JR;
Li, JL;
Jones, M;
Moore, HD;
Mason, C;
Andrews, PW;
Na, J;
Activation of Pluripotency Genes in Human Fibroblast Cells by a Novel mRNA Based Approach.
, 5
, Article e14397. 10.1371/journal.pone.0014397.
Politi, M;
Scalas, E;
Fulger, D;
Germano, G;
Spectral densities of Wishart-Lévy free stable random matrices.
European Physical Journal B
, 73
pp. 13-22.
Ponnampalam, L;
Steed, RJ;
Fice, MJ;
Renaud, CC;
Rogers, DC;
Moodie, DG;
Maxwell, GD;
... Seeds, AJ; + view all
A compact tunable coherent terahertz source based on an hybrid integrated optical phase-lock loop.
Proceedings: 2010 IEEE International Topical Meeting on microwave photonics: MWP 2010: Oct. 5-9, 2010, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
(pp. 151 - 154).
IEEE: Piscataway, US.
Prevost, R;
Buckley, DL;
Alexander, DC;
(Proceedings) 7th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro.
(pp. pp. 776-779).
Rahaman, A;
Sasse, MA;
A framework for the lived experience of identity.
Identity in the Information Society
, 3
pp. 605-638.
Rahaman, A;
Sasse, MA;
Human-centred identity - from rhetoric to reality.
Presented at: Identity in the Information Society Workshop (IDIS10), Rome, Italy.
Reid, CB;
Pickwell-MacPherson, E;
Laufer, JG;
Gibson, AP;
Hebden, JC;
Wallace, VP;
Accuracy and resolution of THz reflection spectroscopy for medical imaging.
Physics in Medicine and Biology
, 55
4825 - 4838.
Renaud, CC;
Fice, M;
Ponnampalam, L;
Moodie, D;
Maxwell, G;
Lealman, I;
Pavlovic, L;
... Seeds, AJ; + view all
A photonic, hybrid integrated, THz heterodyne source.
(Proceedings) 15th European Conference on Integrated Optics (ECIO 2010).
Riegelsberger, J;
Sasse, MA;
Ignore These At Your Peril: Ten principles for trust design.
Presented at: TRUST2010: 3rd International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing, Berlin, Germany.
Rognon, P;
Einav, I;
Thermal transients and convective particle motion in dense granular materials.
Physical Review Letters
, 105
, Article 218301. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.218301.
Rouvalis, E;
Renaud, CC;
Moodie, DG;
Robertson, MJ;
Seeds, AJ;
Traveling-wave Uni-Traveling Carrier Photodiodes for continuous wave THz generation.
Optics Express
, 18
11105 - 11110.
Royer, P;
Decin, L;
Wesson, R;
Barlow, MJ;
Polehampton, ET;
Matsuura, M;
Agúndez, M;
... Yates, JA; + view all
PACS and SPIRE spectroscopy of the red supergiant VY CMa.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 518
, Article L145. 10.1051/0004-6361/201014641.
Ruskov, M;
Seager, W;
Sasse, MA;
Persuading giants to be wise: an exploratory study of advice sharing in online games.
Personal Learning Environments Conference Proceedings.
Sanchez-Vives, MV;
Spanlang, B;
Frisoli, A;
Bergamasco, M;
Slater, M;
Virtual Hand Illusion Induced by Visuomotor Correlations.
, 5
, Article e10381. 10.1371/journal.pone.0010381.
Sasse, MA;
Not Seeing the Crime for the Cameras?
Communications of the ACM
, 53
22 - 25.
Seeds, AJ;
Liu, CP;
Ismail, T;
Fice, MJ;
Pozzi, F;
Steed, RJ;
Rouvalis, E;
Microwave Photonics.
2010 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) and Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS).
IEEE: Piscataway, US.
Selviah, DR;
Computers Working at the Speed of Light, 22nd October 2010.
Presented at: Science Lectures for 6th Formers and Teachers, UCL, London, UK.
Selviah, DR;
Invited Talk: Integrated Waveguides.
Presented at: New and Emerging Technologies, ICT Annual Symposium, National Motorcycle Museum, Coventry Road, Bickenhill, Solihull, West Midlands, B92 0EJ.
Selviah, DR;
Polymer Wave Guide Optical Interconnect Manufacturing.
(Proceedings) IeMRC, TWI, National Microelectronics Institute and Electronics KTP Technical Seminar, Packaging and Interconnection for Electronics and Sensors – Past, Present and Future, TWI Riverside Offices, Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge 10th February 2010.
Selviah, DR;
Research at Electonic and Electrical Engineering, UCL, University College London.
Presented at: An event to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the first working laser and the award of the 2009 Nobel Prize to Professor Charles Kao CBE FREng FRS, The Royal Academy of Engineering, London, UK.
Selviah, DR;
Pitwon, RCA;
Invited Paper: Fibre optic connectors – a different “view”.
Presented at: SEAFOM - Subsea Fibre Optic Monitoring Group Meeting, Westbury Hotel, Dublin, Ireland.
Selviah, DR;
Pitwon, RCA;
Optical Printed Circuit Board and Connector Technology, 9th October 2010 afternoon.
Presented at: SC86B Presentations, 74th International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC, General Meeting, Washington State Conference Centre, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Selviah, DR;
Pitwon, RCA;
Optical Printed Circuit Board and Connector Technology, 9th October 2010 morning.
Presented at: Technical Committee 86, TC86, Joint Working Group 9, JWG9, 74th International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC General Meeting, Washington State Convention Centre, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Shawash, J;
Selviah, DR;
FTSE 100 Returns and Volatility estimation using Higher Order Neural Networks - Poster Paper.
Presented at: Algorithmic Trading - Future Directions and Opportunities for Research, University College London, London, UK.
Shawash, J;
Selviah, DR;
FTSE 100 Returns and Volatility estimation using Higher Order Neural Networks - Talk.
Presented at: Algorithmic Trading – Future Directions and Opportunities for Research, University College London, London, UK.
Singh, H;
EEG based BCI approaches for detecting awareness in human disorders of consciousness.
Doctoral thesis , University of Warwick, UK.
Singh, H;
Stocks, NG;
Hines, EL;
Decoding consciousness in comatose states using BCI approaches.
Presented at: UCL Neuroscience Symposium 2010, Senate House, University College London.
Slater, M;
Spanlang, B;
Sanchez-Vives, MV;
Blanke, O;
First Person Experience of Body Transfer in Virtual Reality.
, 5
, Article e10564. 10.1371/journal.pone.0010564.
Solberg, C;
Rossetto, T;
Joffe, H;
The social psychology of seismic hazard adjustment: re-evaluating the international literature.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
, 10
1663 - 1677.
Sowell, Jesse;
Mixed Context and Privacy.
TPRC 38: The 38th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy.
SSRN: Fairfax, VA, USA.
Sowell, Jesse;
Mixed Context and Privacy.
Proceedings of TPRC 38: The 38th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy.
SSRN: Fairfax, VA, USA.
Stamatakis, M;
Mantzaris, NV;
Intrinsic noise and division cycle effects on an abstract biological oscillator.
, 20
Stamatakis, M;
Cell population balance, ensemble and continuum modeling frameworks: Conditional equivalence and hybrid approaches.
Chemical Engineering Science
, 65
1008 - 1015.
Stamatakis, M;
Zygourakis, K;
A mathematical and computational approach for integrating the major sources of cell population heterogeneity.
Journal of Theoretical Biology
, 266
41 - 61.
Stohr, A;
Babiel, S;
Cannard, PJ;
Charbonnier, B;
van Dijk, F;
Fedderwitz, S;
Moodie, D;
... Weiss, M; + view all
Millimeter-Wave Photonic Components for Broadband Wireless Systems.
, 58
3071 - 3082.
Sulaiman, S;
Blandford, A;
Cairns, P;
Haptic Experience and the Design of Drawing Interfaces.
Interacting with Computers
, 22
193 - 205.
Sun, S;
Shawe-Taylor, J;
Sparse Semi-supervised Learning Using Conjugate Functions.
Journal of Machine Learning Research
, 11
2423 - 2455.
Tachtsidis, I;
Gao, L;
Leung, TS;
Kohl-Bareis, M;
Cooper, CE;
Elwell, CE;
A Hybrid Multi-Distance Phase and Broadband Spatially Resolved Spectrometer and Algorithm for Resolving Absolute Concentrations of Chromophores in the Near-Infrared Light Spectrum.
In: Takahashi, E and Bruley, DF, (eds.)
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXI.
(pp. 169 - 175).
Springer Verlag: Berlin/ Heidelberg, Germany.
Tachtsidis, I;
Koh, PH;
Stubbs, C;
Elwell, CE;
Functional Optical Topography Analysis Using Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) Methodology with and without Physiological Confounds.
In: Takahashi, E and Bruley, DF, (eds.)
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXXI.
(pp. 237 - 243).
Springer Verlag: Berlin/ Heidelberg, Germany.
Regional Demographic Differences: the Effect of Laestadians.
Finnish Yearbook of Population Research
123 - 141.
Teschendorff, AE;
Severini, S;
Increased entropy of signal transduction in the cancer metastasis phenotype.
BMC Systems Biology
, 4
, Article 104. 10.1186/1752-0509-4-104.
Thompson, S;
Penney, G;
Hawkes, D;
Elhage, O;
Dasgupta, P;
Image Guided Robotic Radical Prostatectomy.
In: Yang, Guang-Zhong and Darzi, Ara, (eds.)
Proceedings of The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics.
(pp. pp. 41-42).
Imperial College London: London, UK.
Thomsen, BC;
Renaud, CC;
Savory, SJ;
Romans, EJ;
Mitrofanov, O;
Rio, M;
Day, SE;
... Mitchell, JE; + view all
Introducing scenario based learning: Experiences from an undergraduate electronic and electrical engineering course.
(pp. pp. 953-958).
Tompson, L;
Townsley, M;
(Looking) Back to the Future: using space-time patterns to better predict the location of street crime.
International Journal of Police Science and Management
, 12
23 - 40.
van Dijk, F;
Charbonnier, B;
Constant, S;
Enard, A;
Fedderwitz, S;
Formont, S;
Lealman, IF;
... Weiss, M; + view all
Quantum dash mode-locked lasers for millimeter wave signal generation and transmission.
2010 23rd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society.
(pp. 187 - 188).
IEEE: Piscataway, US.
Van Peteghem, V;
Meta-heuristic procedures for the multi-mode project scheduling problem.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.
Vanneste, BS;
Puranam, P;
Repeated Interactions and Contractual Detail: Identifying the Learning Effect.
Organization Science
, 21
186 - 201.
Vasta, M;
Barlow, MJ;
Viti, S;
Yates, JA;
Bell, TA;
Testing PDR models against ISO fine structure line data for extragalactic sources.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
, 404
pp. 1910-1921.
Wang, H;
Stamatakis, M;
Hansgen, DA;
Caratzoulas, S;
Vlachos, DG;
Understanding mixing of Ni and Pt in the Ni/Pt(111) bimetallic catalyst via molecular simulation and experiments.
Journal of Chemical Physics
, 133
Washbourne, C;
Pop-Up Parks: Strategies for the interim use of vacant urban space.
Groundwork UK
Washbourne, C;
Pop-Up Parks: Toolbox for the interim use of vacant urban space.
Groundwork UK
Webb, TA;
Groves, PD;
Cross, PA;
Mason, RJ;
Harrison, JH;
A Differential Positioning System Using Modulation Correlation of Signals of Opportunity.
Proceedings of Nav 10: The Navigation Conference & Exhibition: Position, Location, Timing: Everyone, Everything, Everywhere.
(pp. ? - ?).
Royal Institute of Navigation: London, UK.
Webb, TA;
Groves, PD;
Cross, PA;
Mason, RJ;
Harrison, JH;
A New Differential Positioning Method using Modulation Correlation of Signals of Opportunity.
2010 IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS).
(pp. pp. 972-981).
IEEE: Piscataway, US.
Wesson, R;
Cernicharo, J;
Barlow, MJ;
Matsuura, M;
Decin, L;
Groenewegen, MAT;
Polehampton, ET;
... Yates, JA; + view all
Herschel-SPIRE FTS spectroscopy of the carbon-rich objects: AFGL 2688, AFGL 618, and NGC 7027.
Astronomy and Astrophysics
, 518
, Article L144. 10.1051/0004-6361/201014589.
Critiques of situational crime prevention.
In: Fisher, BS and Lab, SP, (eds.)
Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention.
SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA.
Xyratex Technology Lt, Pitwon, RCA; Selviah, DR; Papakonstantinou I
Optical Wavelength Division Multiplexed Multiplexer/Demultiplexer for an Optical Printed Circuit Board and a Method of Manufacturing the Same.
Yang, G;
Hipwell, JH;
Clarkson, MJ;
Tanner, C;
Mertzanidou, T;
Gunn, S;
Ourselin, S;
... Arridge, SR; + view all
Combined Reconstruction and Registration of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis: Sequential Method versus Iterative Method.
In: Bhalerao, AH and Rajpoot, NM, (eds.)
Proceedings of Medical Image Understanding and Analysis 2010.
(pp. P27-1-P27-5).
Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick: Warwick, UK.
Yang, G;
Hipwell, JH;
Clarkson, MJ;
Tanner, C;
Mertzanidou, T;
Gunn, S;
Ourselin, S;
... Arridge, SR; + view all
Combined Reconstruction and Registration of Digital Breast Tomosynthesis.
In: Marti, J and Oliver, A and Freixenet, J and Marti, R, (eds.)
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Digital Mammography: 10th International Workshop, IWDM 2010, Girona, Catalonia, Spain, June 16-18, 2010.
(pp. 760 - 768).
Springer: Germany: Berlin.
Ye, F;
Mihalache, D;
Hu, B;
Panoiu, NC;
Subwavelength Plasmonic Lattice Solitons in Arrays of Metallic Nanowires.
, 104
, Article 106802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.106802.
Yogarajah, M;
Focke, NK;
Bonelli, SB;
Thompson, P;
Vollmar, C;
McEvoy, AW;
Alexander, DC;
... Duncan, JS; + view all
The structural plasticity of white matter networks following anterior temporal lobe resection.
, 133
2348 - 2364.
Zanasi, F;
La definizione nei sistemi logici di S. Lesniewski.
Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena
, 31
pp. 111-140.
Zanasi, Fabio;
La definizione nell'Ontologia di S. Lesniewski - uno studio sulle definizioni creative.
UNSPECIFIED thesis (B.A.), University of Siena.
Zanolin, L;
Mascolo, C;
Emmerich, W;
Model checking programmable router configurations.
Zhang, Y;
Multi-Objective Search-based Requirements Selection and Optimisation.
Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.