Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Abdelnour, S;
Hasselbladh, H;
Kallinikos, J;
Agency and Institutions in Organization Studies.
Organization Studies
, 38
pp. 1775-1792.
Abramovic, V;
Glynn, R;
Achten, H;
ROAMNITURE: Multi-Stable Soft Robotic Structures.
In: Fioravanti, A and Cursi, S and Elahmar, S and Gargaro, S and Loffreda, G and Novembri, G and Trento, A, (eds.)
(Proceedings) 35th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe).
(pp. pp. 87-96).
Education & Research Computer Aided Architectural Design Europe (eCAADe)
Acharya, A;
Karimi, K;
Parham, E;
Guven, A;
Uyar, G;
City planning using integrated urban modeling Jeddah structure plan.
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 37.1-37.21).
Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal.
Addae-Dapaah, K;
Cross-Listing of Real Estate Investment Trust.
Journal of Property Investment and Finance
, 35
pp. 509-527.
Addae-Dapaah, K;
International Portfolio of Real Estate Investment and Hedging: A Revisit.
Archives of Business Research
, 5
pp. 124-145.
Adderley, Simon;
Bernini, Michele;
Barbara, Michele;
Bratus, Andrey;
Mulhall, Rachel;
Nathan, Max;
Ramirez, Paulina;
+ view all
Industrial Clusters in England.
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Startegy: London, UK.
Adisasmito, W;
Budayanti, SN;
Aisyah, DN;
Gallo Cassarino, T;
Rudge, JW;
Watson, SJ;
Kozlakidis, Z;
... Coker, R; + view all
Phylogenetic characterisation of circulating, clinical influenza isolates from Bali, Indonesia: preliminary report from the BaliMEI project.
BMC Infect Dis
, 17
, Article 583. 10.1186/s12879-017-2684-2.
Agnolucci, P;
Flachenecker, F;
Söderberg, M;
The causal impact of economic growth on material use in Europe.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy
(In press).
Agustí-Juan, I;
Hollberg, A;
Habert, G;
Integration of environmental criteria in early stages of digital fabrication.
In: Fioravanti, A and Cursi, S and Elahmar, S and Gargaro, S and Loffreda, G and Novembri, G and Trento, A, (eds.)
eCAADe 2017. ShoCK - Sharing of Computable Knowledge - Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe.
(pp. pp. 185-192).
eCAADe: Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe: Rome, Italy.
Agustí-Juan, I;
Hubert, G;
Environmental design guidelines for digital fabrication.
Journal of Cleaner Production
, 142
pp. 2780-2791.
Agustí-Juan, I;
Müller, F;
Hack, N;
Wangler, T;
Habert, G;
Potential benefits of digital fabrication for complex structures: Environmental assessment of a robotically fabricated concrete wall.
Journal of Cleaner Production
, 154
pp. 330-340.
Aish, R;
Hanna, S;
Comparative evaluation of parametric design systems for teaching design computation.
Design Studies
, 52
pp. 144-172.
Aized, T;
Shahid, M;
Bhatti, AA;
Saleem, M;
Anandarajah, G;
Energy security and renewable energy policy analysis of Pakistan.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
, 84
pp. 155-169.
Akçakaya, HR;
Keith, DA;
Burgman, M;
Butchart, SHM;
Hoffmann, M;
Regan, HM;
Harrison, I;
Inferring extinctions III: A cost-benefit framework for listing extinct species.
Biological Conservation
, 214
pp. 336-342.
Akeel, U;
Bell, S;
Mitchell, J;
Engineering and Sustainability Education in Nigeria.
Proceedings of the 45th SEFI Conference.
SEFI European Society for Engineering Education: Azores, Portugal.
(In press).
Akotia, J;
Opoku, A;
Hafiz, F;
The Extent of Practitioners' Involvement in the Delivery of Sustainable Urban Regeneration Projects in UK.
European Journal of Sustainable Development
, 6
pp. 147-164.
Al-Sayed, K;
Penn, A;
Trends of growth and differentiation in street networks.
(Proceedings) 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
: Lisbon, Portugal.
Al-Sayed, K;
Penn, A;
Translating Analytical Descriptions of Cities into Planning and Simulation Models.
In: Gero, JS, (ed.)
Design Computing and Cognition '16.
(pp. pp. 537-554).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Albuerne, A;
Williams, MS;
Structural appraisal of a Roman concrete vaulted monument: the Basilica of Maxentius.
International Journal of Architectural Heritage
, 11
pp. 901-912.
Alcock, I;
White, M;
Cherrie, M;
Wheeler, B;
Taylor, J;
McInnes, R;
Otte Im Kampe, E;
... Fleming, L; + view all
Land cover and air pollution are associated with asthma hospitalisations: A cross-sectional study.
Environment International
, 109
pp. 29-41.
Aletta, F;
Axelsson, O;
Kang, J;
Dimensions Underlying the Perceived Similarity of Acoustic Environments.
Frontiers in Psychology
, 8
Aletta, F;
Botteldooren, D;
Thomas, P;
Vander Mynsbrugge, T;
De Vriendt, P;
Van De Velde, D;
Devos, P;
Exploring the soundscape quality of five nursing homes in Flanders (Belgium): Preliminary results from the AcustiCare project.
Proceedings of the 46th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering (INTER-NOISE 2017).
Institute of Noise Control Engineering: Hong Kong, China.
(In press).
Aletta, F;
Botteldooren, D;
Thomas, P;
Vander Mynsbrugge, T;
De Vriendt, P;
Van de Velde, D;
Devos, P;
Monitoring Sound Levels and Soundscape Quality in the Living Rooms of Nursing Homes: A Case Study in Flanders (Belgium).
Applied Sciences
, 7
, Article 874. 10.3390/app7090874.
Aletta, F;
Brambilla, G;
Maffei, L;
Masullo, M;
Urban Soundscapes: Characterization of a Pedestrian Tourist Route in Sorrento (Italy).
Urban Science
, 1
, Article 4. 10.3390/urbansci1010004.
Alfakara, A;
Linking Agent-Based Model to Dynamic Building Simulation Model: A Co-Simulation System for Modelling Occupants Interactions with Buildings.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Alipour, R;
Persian crucible steel production: Chāhak tradition.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Allen, A;
Koroma, B;
Osuteye, E;
Rigon, A;
Urban risk in Freetown’s informal settlements: making the invisible visible.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Allen, Adriana;
Arango, JL;
Belkow, T;
Escalante, C;
Kamiya, M;
Miranda, L;
De los Rios, L;
+ view all
Disrupting urban risk traps: Routes for Action. cLIMA sin Riesgo, Policy Brief No 4, CDKN.
(Policy Brief
Climate & Development Knowledge Network
Allen, AE;
Lambert, Rita;
Yap, C;
Co-learning the City - Towards a Pedagogy of Poly-learning and Planning Praxis.
In: Bhan, Gautam and Srinivas, Smita and Watson, Vanessa, (eds.)
The Routledge Companion to Planning in the Global South.
(pp. 355-367).
Routledge: London, UK.
Allen, P;
Fatah gen. Schieck, A;
Robinson, D;
Urban Encounters Reloaded: Towards a Descriptive Account of Augmented Space.
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Empowering Human, Place and Business.
(pp. 259-273).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Allen, A;
Hofmann, P;
Muckherjee, J;
Walnycki, A;
Water trajectories through non-networked infrastructure: insights from peri-urban Dar es Salaam, Cochabamba and Kolkata.
Urban Research & Practice
pp. 1-21.
Allen, A;
Zilbert Soto, L;
Wesely, J;
Belkow, T;
Ferro, V;
Lambert, R;
Langdown, I;
From state agencies to ordinary citizens: reframing risk-mitigation investments and their impact to disrupt urban risk traps in Lima, Peru.
Environment and Urbanization
, 29
pp. 477-502.
Allen, AE;
Belkow, T;
Escalante Estrada, C;
de los Rios, S;
Kamiya, M;
Lambert, R;
Miranda, L;
... Zilbert Soto, L; + view all
De la mitigación de desastres a la interrupción de trampas de riesgo: la experiencia de aprendizajeacción de clima sin riesgo.
, 1
pp. 6-28.
Allen, J;
Piecyk, M;
Piotrowska, M;
McLeod, F;
Cherrett, T;
Ghali, K;
Nguyen, T;
... Austwick, M; + view all
Understanding the impact of e-commerce on last-mile light goods vehicle activity in urban areas: The case of London.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
(In press).
Almeer, Bader;
Kemeny, Tom;
Nathan, Max;
Using Crunchbase to explore innovative ecosystems in the US and UK.
(Birmingham Business School Discussion Paper Series
University of Birmingham: Birmingham, UK.
Ameli, Nadia;
Biancardi, Andrea;
Drummond, Paul;
Paroussos, Leonidas;
Grubb, Michael;
Zoi, Vrontisi;
Fragkiadakis, Kostas;
... Mandel, Antoine; + view all
Stylised models of relative rates of return, technology co-benefit / spillover effects, multiplier and leverage effects for key sectors.
GREEN-WIN project: Germany.
Ameli, N;
Pisu, M;
Kammen, DM;
Can the US keep the PACE? A natural experiment in accelerating the growth of solar electricity.
Applied Energy
, 191
pp. 163-169.
Amhoff, T;
The making of plans: Germany, 1858-1933.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Anciaes, PR;
Dhanani, A;
Jones, P;
Vaughan, L;
Street Mobility Project: Street audits and space syntax.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Andreoni, A;
Chang, H-J;
Bringing production and employment back into development: Alice Amsden’s legacy for a new developmentalist agenda.
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society
, 10
pp. 173-187.
Andres, L;
Denoon Stevens, S;
Results from the SAPER survey with South African planning professionals.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Arcuri, B;
Spataru, C;
Barrett, M;
Evaluation of Ice Thermal Energy Storage (ITES) for commercial buildings in cities in Brazil.
Sustainable Cities and Society
, 29
pp. 178-192.
Arias Loyola, MI;
Negotiating Sustainable Development: an Analysis of the Bargains Between the State and Mining Multinational Enterprises in the Chilean Copper Mining Global Production Network.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Asadi-Aghbolaghi, M;
Clapés, A;
Bellantonio, M;
Escalante, HJ;
Ponce-López, V;
Baró, X;
Guyon, I;
... Escalera, S; + view all
Deep Learning for Action and Gesture Recognition in Image Sequences: A Survey.
In: Escalera, S and Guyon, I and Athitsos, V, (eds.)
Gesture Recognition.
(pp. 539-578).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Asadi-Aghbolaghi, M;
Clapes, A;
Bellantonio, M;
Escalante, HJ;
Ponce-Lopez, V;
Baro, X;
Guyon, I;
... Escalera, S; + view all
A Survey on Deep Learning Based Approaches for Action and Gesture Recognition in Image Sequences.
Proceedings of the 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017).
(pp. pp. 476-483).
IEEE: Washington, D.C., USA.
Atienza-Márquez, Antonio;
Korolija, Ivan;
Greenough, Richard;
Wright, Andy;
Bruno, Joan Carles;
Coronas, Alberto;
Colectores solares fotovoltaicos-térmicos (PV/T): Características y
modelado de prestaciones //
Photovoltaic-thermal (PV/T) solar collectors: Features and performance modelling.
IX International Renewable Energy Conference, Energy Saving and Energy Education (CIER 2017)/ IX Conferencia Internacional de Energía Renovable, Ahorro de Energía y Educación Energética. CIER 2017.
: Havana, Cuba.
Aykac, P;
Musealisation as an urban process: The transformation of the Sultanahmet district in Istanbul’s historic peninsula.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Azzouz, A;
Borchers, M;
Moreira, J;
Mavrogianni, A;
Life cycle assessment of energy conservation measures during early stage office building design: A case study in London, UK.
Energy and Buildings
, 139
pp. 547-568.
Badi, SM;
Diamantidou, D;
A social network perspective of building information modelling in Greek construction projects.
Architectural Engineering and Design Management
, 13
pp. 406-422.
Badi, SM;
Razmdoost, K;
Murtagh, N;
When Service Ecosystems Collapse: Understanding the Demise of the UK Green Deal.
In: Gummesson, E and Mele, C and Polese, F, (eds.)
Service Dominant Logic, Network and Systems Theory and Service Science: Integrating three Perspectives for a New Service Agenda.
Naples Forum on Service: Sorrento, Italy.
Baggs, E;
Book Review: Evolving Enactivism: Basic Minds Meet Content.
Frontiers in Psychology
, 8
, Article 1947. 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01947.
Baghaei Lakeh, A;
Ghaffarzadegan, N;
Global Trends and Regional Variations in Studies of HIV/AIDS.
Scientific Reports
, 7
, Article 4170. 10.1038/s41598-017-04527-6.
Baousi, K;
Fear, K;
Mourouzis, C;
Stokes, B;
Wood, H;
Worgan, P;
Roudaut, A;
Inflashoe: A shape changing shoe to control underfoot pressure.
CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
(pp. pp. 2381-2387).
ACM: New York, NY, USA.
Bardon, T;
May, RK;
Jackson, JB;
Beentjes, G;
de Bruin, G;
Taday, PF;
Strlič, M;
Contrast in Terahertz Images of Archival Documents—Part I: Influence of the Optical Parameters from the Ink and Support.
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves
, 38
Bardon, T;
May, RK;
Taday, PF;
Strlic, M;
Contrast in Terahertz Images of Archival Documents-Part II: Influence of Topographic Features.
, 38
pp. 467-482.
Barton, J;
McKenna, E;
Thomson, M;
Time-step analysis of the DECC 2050 Calculator pathways.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy
, 231
pp. 551-579.
Basiri, A;
Amirian, P;
Winstanley, A;
Moore, T;
Making tourist guidance systems more intelligent, adaptive and personalised using crowd sourced movement data.
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
(In press).
Basiri, A;
Lohan, ES;
Moore, T;
Winstanley, A;
Peltola, P;
Hill, C;
Amirian, P;
Indoor location based services challenges, requirements and usability of current solutions.
Computer Science Review
, 24
pp. 1-12.
Batty, M;
Cities in Disequilibrium.
In: Johnson, J and Nowak, A and Ormerod, P and Rosewell, B and Zhang, YC, (eds.)
Non-Equilibrium Social Science and Policy Introduction and Essays on New and Changing Paradigms in Socio-Economic Thinking.
(pp. 81-96).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Beebeejaun, Y;
Gender, urban space, and the right to everyday life.
Journal of Urban Affairs
, 39
pp. 323-334.
Beebeejaun, Y;
Gender, Planning, and Epistemic Injustice.
In: Bevir, M and McKee, K and Matthews, P, (eds.)
Decentring Urban Governance: Narratives, Resistance and Contestation.
(pp. 67-88).
Routledge: London, UK.
Bell, K;
Eyre, N;
Hawker, G;
Castagneto Gissey, G;
Dodds, P;
Darby, S;
Irvine, J;
+ view all
A Smart, Flexible Energy System: The UK Energy Research Centre's (UKERC) Response to the Ofgem/BEIS Call for Evidence.
(Ofgem/BEIS Call for Evidence Response
UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC)
Bell, S;
Johnson, C;
Borrion, A;
Austen, K;
Matsushita, J;
Comber, R;
Melville-Shreeve, P;
Engineering Comes Home: Co-designing nexus infrastructure from the bottom-up.
ISNGI Conference Proceedings 2017.
(pp. pp. 46-54).
Bell, SJ;
Presenting Futures: London 2062.
In: Eames, M and Dixon, T and Hunt, M and Lannon, S, (eds.)
Retrofitting Cities for Tomorrow's World.
(pp. 171-180).
John Wiley & Sons Ltd.: London, UK.
Belur, J;
Parikh, P;
Daruwalla, N;
Joshi, R;
Fernandes, R;
Perceptions of gender-based violence around public toilets in Mumbai slums.
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice
, 41
pp. 63-78.
Bembibre, C;
Strlič, M;
Smell of heritage: a framework for the identification, analysis and archival of historic odours.
Heritage Science
, 5
Bembibre Jacobo, C;
Barratt, S;
Vera, L;
Strlic, M;
Smelling the past: a case study for identification, analysis and archival of historic pot-pourri as a heritage smell.
In: Bridgland, J, (ed.)
ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Conference Preprints, Copenhagen, 4-8 September 2017.
(pp. p. 1601).
Paris: International Council of Museums.
Bennett, J;
Co-Designing the Driver's Seat: A call for an "Open" Approach to Drawing Production in Spatial Design Practice.
In: Liebowitz, B, (ed.)
Proceedings of the 2017 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in the South Conference.
(pp. pp. 121-132).
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in the South: Johannesburg, South Africa.
Bergeaud, A;
Potiron, Y;
Raimbault, J;
Classifying patents based on their semantic content.
PLoS One
, 12
, Article e0176310. 10.1371/journal.pone.0176310.
Berghauser Pont, M;
Stavroulaki, G;
Gil, J;
Marcus, L;
Serra, M;
Hausleitner, B;
Olsson, J;
... Dhanani, A; + view all
Quantitative comparison of cities: Distribution of street and building types based on density and centrality measures.
In: Heitor, T and Serra, M and Pinelo Silva, J and Bacharel, M and Cannas da Silva, L, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
Instituto Superior Técnico, Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Georrecursos, University of Lisbon: Lisbon, Portugal.
Billot, J;
Rowland, S;
Carnell, BS;
Amundsen, C;
Evans, T;
How experienced SoTL researchers develop the credibility of their work.
Teaching & Learning Inquiry
, 5
Bingham-Hall, JA;
The Blog and the Territory: placing hyperlocal media and its publics in a London neighbourhood.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Bisaga, I;
Puźniak-Holford, N;
Grealish, A;
Baker-Brian, C;
Parikh, P;
Scalable off-grid energy services enabled by IoT: A case study of BBOXX SMART Solar.
Energy Policy
, 109
pp. 199-207.
Bjerg, O;
McCann, D;
Macfarlane, L;
Hougaard Nielsen, R;
Ryan-Collins, J;
Seigniorage in the 21st Century: A Study of the Profits from Money Creation in the United Kingdom and Denmark.
(CBS Working Paper
SSRN: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Bleischwitz, R;
The Greening of the Miners.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Bleischwitz, R;
How lithium mined from hot springs in Cornwall could boost Britain’s green tech.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Bleischwitz, R;
When demand peaks: why China is unlikely to need more resources.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Bleischwitz, R;
Flachenecker, F;
Sustainable resources – Managing markets, increasing efficiency and establishing partnerships.
Sustainable Development Policy - A European Perspective.
(pp. 253-275).
Bleischwitz, R;
Hoff, H;
Spataru, C;
Voet, EV;
VanDeveer, S;
THE RESOURCE NEXUS Preface and introduction to the Routledge Handbook.
In: Bleischwitz, R and Hoff, H and Spataru, C and Voet, EV and VanDeveer, S, (eds.)
Routledge Handbook of the Resource Nexus.
(pp. 1-14).
Bleischwitz, R;
Miedzinski, M;
The Resource Nexus and Resource Efficiency: What a Nexus Perspective Adds to the Story.
In: Lehmann, H, (ed.)
Factor X: Challenges, Implementation Strategies and Examples for a Sustainable Use of Natural Resources.
(pp. 199-212).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Bleischwitz, R;
Perincek, R;
Raw Materials and International Relations.
Sicherheit und Frieden
, 35
pp. 129-133.
Bleischwitz, R;
Rentschler, J;
Scarcities, supply, and new resource curses?
In: Bleischwitz, R and Hoff, H and Spataru, C and Voet, EVD and VanDeveer, S, (eds.)
Routledge Handbook of the Resource Nexus.
(pp. 282-296).
Routledge: London, UK.
Boano, C;
Talocci, G;
Inoperative design: 'Not doing' and the experience of the Community Architects Network.
, 21
pp. 860-871.
Bocanegra-Yanez, MC;
Rojas, G;
Zukowska, D;
Burman, E;
Cao, G;
Hamon, MPY;
Kolarik, J;
Design and operation of ventilation in low energy residences – A survey on code requirements and building reality from six European countries and China.
Proceedings of the 38th AIVC Conference "Ventilating healthy low-energy buildings".
Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC): Nottingham, UK.
Bondinuba, F;
Hedidor, D;
Opoku, A;
Teye, A;
De/Motivations in Housing Microfinance Delivery in Ghana.
Property Management
, 35
pp. 528-544.
Boonchaiyapruek, P;
Spatial culture and spatial capital in Bangkok: a study of adaptability and diversity in the urban transformation process.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Borden, IM;
Skateboard City: London in Skateboarding Films.
In: O'Rourke, C and Hirsch, P, (eds.)
London on Film.
(pp. 177-192).
Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK.
Borden, IM;
Built Environment Education in the Twenty-First Century.
In: Pelka, W and Kasting, F, (eds.)
Perspectives in Metropolitan Research: Science and the City.
(pp. 69-79).
HafenCity Universität: Hamburg, Germany.
Bothos, E;
Magoutas, B;
Caulfield, B;
Tsirimpa, A;
Kamargianni, M;
Georgakis, P;
Mentzas, G;
Behavioural Change Support Intelligent Transportation Applications.
Proceedings of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) 2017.
IEEE: Tokyo, Japan.
Botti, A;
Thermal comfort and overheating investigations on a large-scale Passivhaus affordable housing scheme.
In: Brotas, L and Roaf, S and Nicol, F, (eds.)
Design to Thrive: Proceedings of 33rd PLEA International Conference 2017, Volume III.
(pp. pp. 3722-3729).
NCEUB (Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings)
Boys, J;
Invisibility work? How starting from dis/ability challenges normative social, spatial and material practices.
In: Frichot, H and Gabrielsson, C and Runting, H, (eds.)
Architecture and Feminisms Ecologies, Economies, Technologies.
Routledge: London, UK.
Boys, J;
Rurality, gender and disability.
In: Soldatic, K and Johnson, K, (eds.)
Disability and Rurality Identity, Gender and Belonging.
Taylor & Francis
Boys, J;
Dwyer, J;
Revealing Work. Interrogating Artifacts to (Re)View Histories of Feminist Architectural Practice.
Architecture and Culture
, 5
pp. 487-504.
Boys, J;
Light, A;
Reflective citizens: learning at/with/from the edges.
In: DiSalvo, B and Yip, J and Bonsignore, E and DiSalvo, C, (eds.)
Participatory Design for Learning Perspectives from Practice and Research.
Taylor & Francis: London, UK.
Braier, M;
Yacobi, H;
The planned, the unplanned and the hyper-planned: dwelling in contemporary Jerusalem.
Planning Theory & Practice
, 18
pp. 109-124.
Broto, VC;
Energy landscapes and urban trajectories towards sustainability.
Energy Policy
, 108
pp. 755-764.
Broto, VC;
Energy sovereignty and development planning: The case of Maputo, Mozambique.
International Development Planning Review
, 39
pp. 229-248.
Brown, D;
Challenging the conceptual boundaries of the compact city paradigm in sub-Saharan Africa.
(DPU Working Paper Series
The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, UCL (University College London): London, UK.
Brown, N;
Lichtblau, D;
Fearn, T;
Strlic, M;
Characterisation of 19th and 20th century Chinese paper.
Heritage Science
, 5
, Article 47. 10.1186/s40494-017-0158-x.
Broyd, T;
Engineering a digital future.
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Civil Engineering
, 170
pp. 3-8.
Brugnaro, G;
Hanna, S;
Adaptive Robotic Training Methods for Subtractive Manufacturing.
Acadia 2017 Disciplines & Disruption: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture.
(pp. pp. 164-169).
Acadia Publishing Company: Cambridge, MA, USA.
Brunec, IK;
Javadi, A-H;
Zisch, FEL;
Spiers, HJ;
Contracted time and expanded space: The impact of circumnavigation on judgements of space and time.
, 166
pp. 425-432.
Bull, R;
Janda, KB;
Beyond feedback: introducing the ‘engagement gap’ in organizational energy management.
Building Research and Information
, 46
pp. 300-315.
Bunn, R;
Marjanovic-Halburd, L;
Comfort signatures: How long-term studies of occupant satisfaction in office buildings reveal on-going performance.
Building Services Engineering Research and Technology
, 38
pp. 663-690.
Caceres, C;
Altamirano, H;
Shrubsole, C;
Assessing the relationship between outdoor air pollution and indoor air quality in naturally ventilated classrooms: A case study from Chile.
Proceedings of Healthy Buildings 2015.
International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ): Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Calderon, AJ;
Agnolucci, P;
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Early career researchers want Open Science.
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Fayazi, M;
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Architecture as Public Policy. The Role and Effectiveness of National Architectural Policies in the European Union: the cases of Ireland, Scotland and The Netherlands.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
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Multiple expectations: assessing the assumed roles of theory in relation to urban design.
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Meeting the challenge of risk-sensitive and resilient urban development in sub-Saharan Africa: Directions for future research and practice.
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Social Protection for Inclusive Development in Afar Region, Ethiopia (SPIDA): Interim Findings and Policy Implications.
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Fre, Z;
Understanding the global funding situation and basic fundraising techniques.
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An exploration of the potential for re-distributed manufacturing to contribute to a sustainable, resilient city.
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Climate change and cities: problem structuring methods and critical perspectives on low-carbon districts.
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Myopic decision making in energy system decarbonisation pathways. A UK case study.
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The Effects of Indoor Temperature and CO2 levels as an Indicator for Ventilation Rates on Cognitive Performance of Adult Female Students in Saudi Arabia.
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The Impact of Shadow Banking on the Implementation of Chinese Monetary Policy.
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Garcia Kerdan, I;
Optimisation of building energy retrofit strategies using dynamic exergy analysis and exergoeconomics.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
García Kerdan, I;
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A comparison of an energy/economic-based against an exergoeconomic-based multi-objective optimisation for low carbon building energy design.
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García Kerdan, I;
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Morillón Gálvez, D;
The role of an exergy-based building stock model for exploration of future decarbonisation scenarios and policy making.
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Garcia Kerdan, I;
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Vaiciulyte, S;
Morillon Galvez, D;
Thermodynamic and exergoeconomic analysis of a non-domestic Passivhaus retrofit.
Building and Environment
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ExRET-Opt: An automated exergy/exergoeconomic simulation framework for building energy retrofit analysis and design optimisation.
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Projections of temperature-related excess mortality under climate change scenarios.
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Gatica Montero, Sebastián;
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Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
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Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Giamarelos, S;
Το τρίγωνο του Λονδίνου, 1950-2000: Από την επιστημονική μεθοδολογία στο σχέδιο ως έρευνα στην αρχιτεκτονική.
In: Tsakopoulos, P and Lantavos, E, (eds.)
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EK Architectural Publications: Lemessos, Cyprus.
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Laboratorio Q Sevilla: Una investigación sobre creatividad urbana.
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A novel method for the estimation of thermophysical properties of walls from short and seasonally independent in-situ surveys.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
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Finding suitable land for self-building on public housing estates.
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UCL Bartlett School of Architecture: London, UK.
Hoesli, M;
Milcheva, S;
Moss, A;
Is Financial Regulation Good or Bad for Real Estate Companies? – An Event Study.
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
(In press).
Hofmann, P;
Multilayered trajectories of water and sanitation poverty in Dar es Salaam.
In: Allen, A and Bell, S and Hofmann, P and Teh, T-H, (eds.)
Urban Water Trajectories.
(pp. 103-118).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Howells, M;
Holger Rogner, H;
Mentis, D;
Broad, O;
Energy access and electricity planning.
(SEAR Special Feature Report
The World Bank: Washington, DC, USA.
Hsu, S;
Hamilton, I;
Mavrogianni, A;
O'Sullivan, A;
GIS-based analysis of the relationship between outdoor and indoor air temperature in the Taiwan metropolitan area.
Presented at: Healthy Buildings 2017 Asia (HB2017-Asia), Tainan, Taiwan.
Hsu, S;
Mavrogianni, A;
Hamilton, I;
Comparing Spatial Interpolation Techniques of Local Urban Temperature for Heat-related Health Risk Estimation in a Subtropical City.
In: Seto, K and Robinson, D and Virji, V and Kovács, Z and Zhai, J and Sami, N and Pettit, C and Sridhar, KS, (eds.)
(Proceedings) Urban Transitions Conference, September 2016, Shanghai, China.
(pp. pp. 354-365).
Huang, P;
Liu, Y;
Renewable Energy Development in China: Spatial Clustering and Socio-Spatial Embeddedness.
Current Sustainable/Renewable Energy Reports
, 4
pp. 38-43.
Huang, W;
Chen, W;
Anandarajah, G;
The role of technology diffusion in a decarbonizing world to limit global warming to well below 2 °C: An assessment with application of Global TIMES model.
Applied Energy
, 208
pp. 291-301.
Huebner, Gesche;
Using message framing to motivate downsizing in residential settings – Design of a survey study.
Presented at: Fourth Annual BrEPS Conference, London, UK.
Huebner, Gesche M;
Shipworth, David;
Emotions and thermal comfort – feeling warmer when feeling happier.
Presented at: International Conference of Environmental Psychology (ICEP) 2017, A Coruña, Spain.
Huebner, GM;
Shipworth, D;
All about size? – The potential of downsizing in reducing energy demand.
Applied Energy
, 186
(Part 2)
pp. 226-233.
Hughes, NW;
Ekins, P;
Pye, S;
Winning, M;
Macrory, R;
Milligan, B;
Haszeldine, S;
+ view all
The role of CCS in meeting climate policy targets: understanding the potential contribution of CCS to a low carbon world, and the policies that may support that contribution.
Global CCS Institute
Hughes, N;
Dodds, P;
Skills Requirements.
In: Smith, MJ and Turner, K and Irvine, JTS, (eds.)
The Economic Impact of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in the UK – A Preliminary Assessment based on Analysis of the replacement of Refined Transport Fuels and Vehicles.
(pp. 98-112).
H2FC Hub: London, UK.
Hultzsch, AK;
'To the great public': The Architectural Image in the Early Illustrated London News.
Architectural Histories
, 5
, Article 9. 10.5334/ah.268.
Hupeng, W;
Kang, J;
Hong, J;
Effects of urban street spatial parameters on sound propagation.
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
(In press).
Iacovou, Popi;
Performing Casa Malaparte: Architecture as a Living Portrait.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Jackson, G;
Gallacher, S;
Wilson, D;
McCann, JA;
Tales from the Wild: Lessons Learned from Creating a Living Lab.
Proceedings of the First ACM International Workshop on the Engineering of Reliable, Robust, and Secure Embedded Wireless Sensing Systems.
(pp. pp. 62-68).
The Association for Computing Machinery: Delft, Netherlands.
Jacobs, M;
Mazzucato, M;
Breaking with Capitalist Orthodoxy.
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pp. 33-42.
Jain, N;
Burman, E;
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Davies, M;
Tindale, A;
Improving the Energy Performance Contracting Process using Building Performance Simulation: Lessons Learnt from Post Occupancy Investigation of a Case Study in the UK.
Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference.
(pp. pp. 902-911).
IBPSA: San Francisco, CA, USA,.
Jair Escalante, H;
Ponce-Lopez, V;
Escalera, S;
Baro, X;
Morales-Reyes, A;
Martinez-Carranza, J;
Evolving weighting schemes for the Bag of Visual Words.
Neural Computing and Applications
, 28
pp. 925-939.
Jair Escalante, H;
Ponce-Lopez, V;
Wan, J;
Riegler, MA;
Chen, B;
Clapes, A;
Escalera, S;
... Larson, M; + view all
ChaLearn Joint Contest on Multimedia Challenges Beyond Visual Analysis: An overview.
(Proceedings) 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR).
(pp. pp. 67-73).
IEEE: Cancun, Mexico.
Janda, KB;
Crafting sustainability in iconic skyscrapers: a system of building professions in transition?
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies
, 5
pp. 44-58.
Janda, KB;
Rotmann, S;
Bulut, M;
Lenannder, S;
Advances in green leases and green leasing: evidence from Sweden, Australia, and the UK.
ECEEE 2017 Summer Study proceedings.
(pp. pp. 349-358).
European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ECEEE)
Jang, H;
Kang, J;
An energy model of high-rise apartment buildings integrating variation in energy consumption between individual units.
Energy and Buildings
, 158
pp. 656-667.
Javadi, A-H;
Emo, B;
Howard, LR;
Zisch, FE;
Yu, Y;
Knight, R;
Pinelo Silva, J;
Hippocampal and prefrontal processing of network topology to simulate the future.
Nature Communications
, 8
, Article 14652. 10.1038/ncomms14652.
Jennett, C;
Cox, AL;
Guerrero, P;
Steed, A;
Mitra, N;
Designing for Curiosity in Citizen Science.
Proceedings of the CHI 2017 Workshop "Designing for Curiosity".
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM): Denver, CO, USA.
Ji, Y;
Korolija, I;
Zhang, Y;
Evaluation of the New Design Summer Year Weather Data Using Parametrical Buildings.
International Research Conference 2017: Shaping Tomorrow's Built Environment.
(pp. pp. 953-965).
University of Salford: Salford, UK.
Jiang, L;
Kang, J;
Perceived integrated impact of visual intrusion and noise of motorways: Influential factors and impact indicators.
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
, 57
pp. 217-223.
Jimenez Garcia, M;
Manuel Jiménez García x Nagami: London, UK.
Jimenez Garcia, M;
Manuel Jiménez García x Nagami: London, UK.
Jimenez Garcia, M;
Dahdaleh, C;
COAM Exhibition 2017: Pipe Assembly, Networked Discrete Architecture.
[Solo exhibition].
Madrid, Spain.
23 October - 01 December 2017.
Jimenez Garcia, M;
Dahdaleh, C;
Pipe Assembly, Networked Discrete Architecture.
Manuel Jimenez Garcia: Madrid, Spain.
Jimenez Garcia, M;
Dahdaleh, C;
Van de Worp, M;
AlOthman, S;
AlQallaf, N;
Van Ameijde, J;
Pixelspace Pavilion.
Kuwait City, Kuwait.
Jimenez Garcia, M;
Retsin, G;
Discrete Computational For Additive Manufacturing.
Fabricate: Rethinking Design and Construction.
(pp. 178-183).
UCL Press: London, UK.
Jimenez Garcia, M;
Retsin, G;
Soler Senent, V;
A generalised approach to Non-Layered Fused Filament Fabrication.
Acadia 2017 Disciplines & Disruption: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture.
(pp. 562-571).
Acadia Publishing Company: Cambridge, MA, USA.
Jimenez Garcia, M;
Retsin, G;
Soler Senent, V;
Robotic Spatial Printing.
In: Fioravanti, A and Cursi, S and Elahmar, S and Gargaro, S and Loffreda, G and Novembri, G and Trento, A, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe.
(pp. pp. 143-150).
Jin, H;
Li, X;
Kang, J;
Kong, Z;
An evaluation of the lighting environment in the public space of shopping centres.
Building and Environment
, 115
pp. 228-235.
Jin, H;
Liu, S;
Kang, J;
The Thermal Comfort of Urban Pedestrian Street in the Severe Cold Area of Northeast China.
In: Littlewood, J and Howlett, RJ, (eds.)
Proceedings of the Ninth KES International Conference.
(pp. pp. 741-748).
Jin, H;
Liu, Z;
Jin, Y;
Kang, J;
Liu, J;
The Effects of Residential Area Building Layout on Outdoor Wind Environment at the Pedestrian Level in Severe Cold Regions of China.
, 9
, Article 2310. 10.3390/su9122310.
Jin, Y;
Kang, J;
Jin, H;
Zhao, J;
Analysis of Thermal Environment of Open Community Streets in Winter in Northern China.
Energy Procedia
, 134
pp. 423-431.
Johnson, C;
Jain, G;
Lavell, A;
Lwasa, S;
Oliver-Smith, A;
Wilkinson, E;
Risk-related resettlement and relocation in urban areas. CDKN Essentials Briefing.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Johnson, C;
Borrion, A;
Austen, K;
Matsushita, J;
Comber, R;
Bell, S;
Intervening in the City: Co-designing Neighbourhood Infrastructure with Residents of a London Housing Estate.
AMPS Proceedings Series 10. Cities, Communities Homes – Is the Urban Future Livable?
(pp. pp. 273-282).
AMPS: University of Derby, Derby, UK.
Jones, CA;
Dunse, N;
Livingstone, ND;
Cutsforth, K;
The restructuring of the institutional real estate portfolio in the UK.
Journal of Property Research
, 34
pp. 129-146.
Jones, EM;
Tech City: exploring the operation and governance of inner east London’s digital cluster.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Jones, K;
Stegemann, J;
Mills, G;
Winslow, P;
Martin, B;
Construction innovation: theory & practice.
IABSE Conference 2017: Creativity and Collaboration.
(pp. pp. 329-330).
IABSE: Zurich, Switzerland.
Jones, O;
Dodds, P;
Definitions of energy security.
In: Steinberger-Wilckens, R and Dodds, PE and Kurban, Z and Velazquez Abad, A and Radcliffe, J, (eds.)
The role of hydrogen and fuel cells in delivering energy security for the UK.
(pp. 32-45).
H2FC Hub: London, UK.
Jordan, N;
Bleischwitz, R;
Drews, M;
Fahnestock, J;
Halsnæs, K;
Slingerland, S;
The Green Horizons Scoreboard: indicators on innovation for sustainable development.
Presented at: SustEcon Conference – The contribution of a sustainable economy to achieving the SDGs, Berlin, Germany.
Jordan, N;
Bleischwitz, R;
Fahnestock, JB;
Slingerland, S;
Drews, M;
ReCreate: Green Horizons Scoreboard. 2nd Interim Report.
Ecologic Institute
Jordan, LP;
DeVerteuil, G;
Kandt, J;
Manley, D;
Wu, Q;
On the edge: changing geographies of the global city precariat in London and Hong Kong.
Urban Geography
, 38
pp. 1459-1478.
Kamargianni, M;
Matyas, M;
The Business Ecosystem of Mobility-as-a-Service.
In: Crites, JM, (ed.)
(Proceedings) 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, 8-12 January 2017, Washington DC, USA.
Transportation Research Board
Kamel Boulos, MN;
Lu, Z;
Guerrero, P;
Jennett, C;
Steed, A;
From urban planning and emergency training to Pokémon Go: applications of virtual reality GIS (VRGIS) and augmented reality GIS (ARGIS) in personal, public and environmental health.
Int J Health Geogr
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Karo, E;
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Searching for Exits from the Great Recession: Coordination of Fiscal Consolidation and Growth Enhancing Innovation Policies in Central and Eastern Europe.
Europe-Asia Studies
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pp. 1009-1026.
Kempinska, K;
Davies, T;
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Probabilistic map-matching for low-frequency GPS trajectories.
Proceedings of GIS Ostrava 2017: Dynamics in GIscience.
(pp. pp. 209-221).
Springer: Ostrava, Czech Republic.
Khan, M;
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Silveirinha de Oliveira, E;
Designing an outdoor learning environment for and with a primary school community: A case study in Bangladesh.
Landscape Research
Khan, S;
Karimi, K;
Vaughan, LS;
The Tale of ethno-political and spatial claims in a contested city: The Muhajir community in Karachi.
In: Rokem, J and Boano, C, (eds.)
Urban Geopolitics: Rethinking Planning in Contested Cities.
(pp. 71-87).
Routledge: London, UK.
Khan, SS;
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The sum of the parts is greater than the whole: Multi-scalar socio-spatial definitions of identity in Karachi's Muhajir majority areas.
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 147.1-147.13).
Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal.
Kim, Ji Hyun;
Multiple enactments of public space: An affordance analysis on stabilisation and multiplicity of user activity.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kim, S-H;
London’s traditional markets: managing change and conflict in complex urban spaces.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Kissi, N;
Curran, K;
Vlachou-Mogire, C;
Fearn, T;
McCullough, L;
Developing a non-invasive tool to assess the impact of oxidation on the structural integrity of historic wool in Tudor tapestries.
Heritage Science
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Kolovou, I;
Gil, J;
Karimi, K;
Law, S;
Versluis, L;
Road centre line simplification principles for angular segment analysis.
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 163.1-163.16).
Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal.
Kontes, GD;
Giannakis, GI;
Horn, P;
Steiger, S;
Rovas, DV;
Using thermostats for indoor climate control in office buildings: The effect on thermal comfort.
, 10
, Article 1368. 10.3390/en10091368.
Kostourou, F;
Design (re)Production: On the conception of design knowledge.
HORIZONTE - Journal For Architectural Discourse
pp. 9-16.
Kostourou, F;
Karimi, K;
The integration of new social housing in existing urban schemes: The case of Cité Manifeste in Mulhouse, France.
Urban Morphology
, 21
pp. 41-60.
Kostourou, F;
Psarra, S;
Formal Adaptability: A Discussion of Morphological Changes and their Impact on Density in Low-Rise Mass Housing.
In: Heitor, T and Serra, M and Pinelo Silva, J and Bacharel, M and Cannas da Silva, L, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 73.1-73.19).
Instituto Superior Técnico: Portugal.
Koutsolampros, P;
Sailer, K;
Haslem, R;
Austwick, M;
Varoudis, T;
Big Data and Workplace Micro-Behaviours: A closer inspection of the social behaviour of eating and interacting.
In: Heitor, Teresa and Serra, Miguel and Silva, João Pinelo and Bacharel, Maria and Silva, Luisa Cannas da, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 149.1-149.16).
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Departamentode Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Georrecursos, Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal.
Koutsolampros, P;
Varoudis, T;
Assisted Agent-Based Simulations: Fusing non-player character movement with Space Syntax.
In: Heitor, Teresa and Serra, Miguel and Silva, João Pinelo and Bacharel, Maria and Silva, Luisa Cannas da, (eds.)
Proceedings of 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 164.1-164.13).
Instituto Superior Tecnico Departamentode Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Georrecursos: Arquitetura e Georrecursos, Portugal.
Krenz, K;
Employing volunteered geographic information in space syntax analysis.
In: Heitor, Teresa and Serra, Miguel and Silva, João Pinelo and Bacharel, Maria and da Silva, Luisa Cannas, (eds.)
Proceedings of 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 150.1-150.26).
Instituto Superior Técnico, Departamento de Engenharia Civil: Arquitetura e Georrecursos, Portugal.
Krenz, K;
Regional morphology: The Emergence of Spatial Scales in Urban Regions.
In: Heitor, Teresa and Serra, Miguel and Silva, João Pinelo and Bacharel, Maria and da Silva, Luisa Cannas, (eds.)
Proceedings of 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 74.1-74.23).
Instituto Superior Técnico, Departamento de Engenharia Civil: Arquitetura e Georrecursos, Portugal.
Kurtulus, I;
Griffiths, S;
The effect of university campuses on the spatial cultures of two mid-sized towns: A comparative study of Nottingham, UK and Eskisehir, Turkey.
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 76.1-76.19).
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Departamentode Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Georrecursos, Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal.
Lage Alvim Serra, M;
Hillier, W;
Spatial Configuration and Vehicular Movement: a nationwide correlational study.
(Proceedings) 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.
Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal.
Lakeridou, M;
The potential for introducing minimum cooling set-points in air-conditioned offices: a UK case study.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Lanuza Rilling, Felipe A.;
Absence through layering: from experiencing urban leftovers to reimagining sites.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Law, S;
Penn, A;
Karimi, K;
Shen, Y;
The economic value of spatial network accessibility for UK cities: A comparative analysis using the hedonic price approach.
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 77.1-77.23).
Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal: Lisbon, Portugal.
Lazaridou, A;
Three-dimensional spatial navigation in real and virtual museums.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Lazaridou, A;
Psarra, S;
Spatial Navigation in Real and Virtual Multi-Level Museums.
Proceedings of the 11th Space Syntax Symposium.
(pp. 14.1-14.18).
Instituto Superior Tecnico: Lisbon, Portugal.
Leak, AB;
Applications of new forms of data to demographics.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Leck, H;
Pelling, M;
Brown, D;
Johnson, C;
Urban ARK 1: Urban Africa: Risk Knowledge – A Research Agenda.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Lemaire, X;
Kerr, D;
Gender and Inclusive Urbanisation.
UCL Energy Institute / SAMSET: London, UK.
Lemaire, X;
Kerr, D;
Inclusive Urban Planning – Promoting Equality and Inclusivity in Urban Planning Practices.
UCL Energy Institute / SAMSET: London, UK.
Lember, Veiko;
Kattel, Rainer;
Tõnurist, Piret;
Technological Capacity in the Public Sector: The Case of Estonia.
(Working Paper Series IIPP WP 2017-03
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose: London, UK.
Levy, C;
Dávila, JD;
Planning for mobility and socio-environmental justice: The case of Medellín, Colombia.
Environmental Justice and Urban Resilience in the Global South.
(pp. 37-56).
Palgrave Macmillan: New York, NY, USA.
Li, P;
Audedi, M;
Accounting for Impact of Flexibility on System Integration of Variable Renewables in Low-Resolution Models.
Presented at: Annual Conference July 2017: The Past, Present and Future of Energy Modelling, London, UK.
Li, PH;
Keppo, I;
Incorporating Homeowners' Preferences for Heat Technologies in the UK TIMES Model.
Presented at: International Energy Workshop 2017, College Park, MD, USA.
Li, FGN;
Actors behaving badly: Exploring the modelling of non-optimal behaviour in energy transitions.
Energy Strategy Reviews
, 15
pp. 57-71.
Li, FGN;
Strachan, N;
Modelling energy transitions for climate targets under landscape and actor inertia.
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
, 24
pp. 106-129.
Li, FGN;
Trutnevyte, E;
Investment appraisal of cost-optimal and near-optimal pathways for the UK electricity sector transition to 2050.
Applied Energy
, 189
pp. 89-109.
Li, P;
Pye, S;
Modelling Real-Time Pricing Demand Response in a Long-Term Whole Energy System Model, UK TIMES.
(Proceedings) The 40th IAEE International Conference.
Li, W;
Kamargianni, M;
Air Pollution and Seasonality Effects on Mode Choice in China.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board
, 2634
pp. 101-109.
Li, W;
Kamargianni, M;
How May Air Pollution Affect Bike-Sharing Choice? A Mode Choice Behavior Study in a Developing Country with Policy Implications.
Presented at: 96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington DC, US.
Li, W;
Kamargianni, M;
A Seasonal Analysis on Factors Affecting Bike-Sharing Choice: With a Focus on Air Pollution's Impact.
96th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting.
(pp. pp. 17-04281).
Transportation Research Board
Li, Y;
Megalopolis Unbound and Innovative: Knowledge Collaboration Within and Beyond the Yangtze River Delta Region of China.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Li, Y;
Phelps, NA;
Knowledge polycentricity and the evolving Yangtze River Delta megalopolis.
Regional Studies
, 51
pp. 1035-1047.
Liddiard, RG;
Gowreesunker, BL;
Spataru, C;
Tomei, J;
Huebner, G;
The vulnerability of refrigerated food to unstable power supplies.
Energy Procedia
(In press).
Lilis, GN;
Giannakis, G;
Rovas, D;
Inter-building shading calculations based on CityGML geometric data.
Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference.
(pp. pp. 370-379).
IBPSA: San Francisco, CA, USA.
Lilis, GN;
Giannakis, G;
Rovas, DV;
Neighbour building shading group calculation from CityGML data.
In: Barnaby, Charles S. and Wetter, Michael, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 15th IBPSA Conference San Francisco.
Lilis, GN;
Katsigarakis, K;
Giannakis, GI;
Rovas, DV;
A cloud-based platform for IFC file enrichment with second-level space boundary topology.
Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Computing in Construction (JC3) 2017.
(pp. pp. 255-262).
LC3: Heraklion, Crete - Greece.
Lin, GS;
Karimi, K;
Spatial patterns in mass consumption: The fast food chain network and its street patterns, clusters and impact on street safety.
In: Colomer, V, (ed.)
City and territory in the Globalization Age Conference proceedings.
(pp. pp. 1401-1412).
Universitat Politècnica de València: Valencia, Spain.
Liu, L;
The impact of rail transit systems on urban regeneration and development in a Chinese large city – a case study of Chongqing.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Liu, Y;
Kralj Cigić, I;
Strlič, M;
Kinetics of accelerated degradation of historic iron gall ink-containing paper.
Polymer Degradation and Stability
, 142
pp. 255-262.
Liu, Y;
Wu, F;
Liu, Y;
Li, Z;
Changing neighbourhood cohesion under the impact of urban redevelopment: a case study of Guangzhou, China.
Urban Geography
, 38
pp. 266-290.
Liu, Y;
Zhang, F;
Liu, Y;
Li, Z;
Wu, F;
The effect of neighbourhood social ties on migrants' subjective wellbeing in Chinese cities.
Habitat International
, 66
pp. 86-94.
Liu, Y;
Zhang, F;
Wu, F;
Liu, Y;
Li, Z;
The subjective wellbeing of migrants in Guangzhou, China: The impacts of the social and physical environment.
, 60
pp. 333-342.
Livingstone, ND;
Franchising the disenfranchised? The paradoxical spaces of food banks.
In: Ince, A and Hall, SM, (eds.)
Sharing Economies in Times of Crisis: Practices, Politics and Possibilities.
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
Livingstone, ND;
Ferm, J;
Occupier responses to sustainable real estate: what's next?
Journal of Corporate Real Estate
, 19
pp. 5-16.
Livingstone, ND;
Matthews, P;
Liminal Spaces: Theorising the Permanence of Transience.
In: Henneberry, J, (ed.)
Transience and Permanence in Urban Development.
(pp. 31-46).
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ, USA.
Livingstone, ND;
Naismith, N;
Faculty and undergraduate perceptions of an integrated mentoring approach.
Active Learning in Higher Education
López, M;
Rubio, R;
Martín, S;
Croxford, B;
How plants inspire façades. From plants to architecture: Biomimetic principles for the development of adaptive architectural envelopes.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
, 67
pp. 692-703.
López Lobato, Déborah;
Charbel, Haden;
Tokyo in(di)visible:
Decoding urban air via computing immersive environments.
Proceedings of the Icongreso Internacional en Comunicación Arquitectónica COCA17 MediAcciones.
(pp. 389-400).
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: Madrid, Spain.
Lott, MC;
Pye, S;
Dodds, P;
Quantifying the co-impacts of energy sector decarbonisation on outdoor air pollution in the United Kingdom.
Energy Policy
, 101
pp. 42-51.
Lott, Melissa Christenberry;
The nexus between energy systems and public health: an investigation into the co-impacts of energy sector technology transitions on outdoor air pollution and public health in The United Kingdom and Greater London.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
Love, JA;
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Oikonomou, E;
Summerfield, A;
Gleeson, C;
Biddulph, P;
... Lowe, R; + view all
The addition of heat pump electricity load profiles to GB electricity demand: Evidence from a heat pump field trial.
Applied Energy
, 204
pp. 332-342.
Love, JA;
Wingfield, J;
Smith, A;
Biddulph, P;
Oreszczyn, T;
Lowe, R;
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‘Hitting the target and missing the point’: Analysis of air permeability data for new UK dwellings and what it reveals about the testing procedure.
Energy and Buildings
, 155
pp. 88-97.
Lugomer, K;
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Petrou, G;
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Green retrofit of existing non-domestic buildings as a multi criteria decision making process.
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The Interstitial Spaces Of Urban Sprawl: The Planning Problems And Prospects – The Case Of Santiago De Chile.
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Circulating knowledge and urban change: ideas, interests and institutions in the development of Olympic Rio de Janeiro.
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Tracking sectoral progress in the deep decarbonisation of energy systems in Europe.
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Urban heat vulnerability mapping team placement: Hounslow London Borough Council.
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Taylor, Myfanwy Mary;
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Book review: Tales of Three Cities: Urban Jewish Cultures in London, Berlin, and Paris (1880–1940) and Jewish Immigrants in London, 1880–1939.
Jewish Historical Studies
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Report on the Bartlett Research Exchange on Health and Wellbeing in the Built Environment: An interdisciplinary perspective on health and wellbeing in the built environment.
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Velazquez Abad, A;
Market trends for ULEVs: FCEVs, BEVs and beyond.
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Velazquez Abad, AVA;
Hydrogen Policy, in: The role of hydrogen and fuel cells in future energy systems.
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Hydrogen production, in: The role of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in delivering Energy Security for the UK.
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Westman, LK;
Urban climate governance in China; Policy networks, partnerships, and trends in participation.
Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).
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A socio-technical method to assess the holistic impact of new buildings on English secondary schools from the perspective of the students.
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Wise, SC;
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Transportation in agent-based urban modelling.
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Agent Based Modelling of Urban Systems First International Workshop, ABMUS 2016, Held in Conjunction with AAMAS, Singapore, Singapore, May 10, 2016, Revised, Selected, and Invited Papers.
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Developing an online cooperative police patrol routing strategy.
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China's Emergent City-Region Governance: A New Form of State Spatial Selectivity through State-orchestrated Rescaling.
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Planning centrality, market instruments: Governing Chinese urban transformation under state entrepreneurialism.
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Comparison of Ecological Risk among Different Urban Patterns Based on System Dynamics Modeling of Urban Development.
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An experimental study on the acoustic characteristics of outdoor spaces surrounded by multi-residential buildings.
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Yap, C;
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Learning from nature: new forms of urban permaculture in Seville.
[Digital scholarly resource].
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Audio-visual perception of new wind parks.
Landscape and Urban Planning
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Relationship between traffic noise resistance and village form in China.
Landscape and Urban Planning
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Forecasting China's regional energy demand by 2030: A Bayesian approach.
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