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Number of items: 80.


Abraham, Haim; (2024) Myths and Misconceptions in Extraterritorial Torts. University of Toronto Law Journal (In press).

Abraham, Haim; (2024) Queering the Reasonable Person. In: Horsey, Kirsty, (ed.) Diverse Voices in Tort Law. Bristol University Press: Bristol, UK. (In press).

Adugna Gebeye, Berihun; (2024) Judicial Review and Presidential Elections in Africa. In: Fasone, Cristina and Mostacci, Edmondo and Romeo, Graziella, (eds.) Judicial Review and Electoral Law in a Global Perspective. Hart Publishing: Oxford, UK. (In press).

Azaria, Danai; (2024) State Silence as Acceptance: A Presumption and An Exception. British Year Book of International Law (In press). Green open access


Bazinas, Ioannis; (2024) A New Economic Approach to Cross-Border Restructuring Law. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Black, Isra; (2024) Dual or single gauge? Govert den Hartogh’s ‘dual-track’ assisted death. Filosofie en Praktijk (In press). Green open access

Black, Isra; Forsberg, Lisa; (2024) What criminal law theory teaches us about the realm of health law. In: Krajewska, Atina and McHale, Jean, (eds.) Re-Imagining Health Law. Edward Elgar (In press).


Causer, Tim; (2024) Jared Davidson, Blood and Dirt: Prison Labour and the Making of New Zealand. [Review]. Journal of Australian, Canadian, and Aotearoa New Zealand Studies , 4 pp. 224-225. 10.52230/IOUQ3475. Green open access

Chiu, Hse-Yu; (2024) Regulating ESG Rating and Data Product Providers: Critically Examining EU Regulation through the Lens of Functional Regulatory Consistency. European Journal of Risk Regulation (In press). Green open access

Chiu, Hse-Yu; (2024) The Fallacy of Financial Inclusion as a Regulatory Goal. In: Omarova, Saule and Hill, Claire and Andhov, Alexandra, (eds.) Hidden Fallacies in Corporate Law and Financial Regulation: Reframing the Mainstream Narratives. Hart Publishing

Chiu, Hse-Yu; (2024) Drivers for Convergence or Divergence in Regulatory Policies for Crypto-asset Offerings. In: Pacces, Alessio and Nabilou, Hossein and Martino, Edoardo, (eds.) Elgar Research Handbook in Comparative Financial Regulation. Edward Elgar Publishing (In press).

Chiu, Hse-Yu; (2024) Proportionality in a European Capital Markets Code. In: Veil, Rüdiger, (ed.) Regulating EU Capital Markets Union: Fundamentals of a European Code. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.

Chiu, Hse-Yu; Schammo, Pierre; (2024) The EU Prospectus Regulation and Sustainable Finance. In: Siri, Michele and Gargantini, Matteo and Alexander, Kern, (eds.) Research Handbook on EU Sustainable Finance. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. (In press).

Chiu, Hse-Yu; Wan, Wai Yee; (2024) Constructing a Taxonomy of Financial Consumer Protection Policy and Assessing the New Consumer Duty in the UK’s Financial Sector. Cardozo Journal of International and Comparative Law (In press). Green open access


Davies, Paul; (2024) Anti-arbitration injunctions and stays to arbitration. Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly

Davies, Paul; (2024) Enforcement of Check-off Facilities by Third Parties. The Law Quarterly Review (In press).

Davies, Paul; Sales, Lord; (2024) Controlling Contract Discretions: Wednesbury Reasonableness, Good Faith and Proper Purposes. The Law Quarterly Review , 140 pp. 106-129. (In press).

Davies, Paul S; (2024) Compromise Agreements. In: Davies, Paul S and Tjio, Hans, (eds.) Fraud and Risk in Commercial Law. Hart Publishing: London, UK. (In press).

Davies, Paul S; Foxton, David; (2024) Arbitration matters in the Privy Council and Supreme Court. Law Quarterly Review , 140 pp. 337-342.

Donaldson, Megan; (2024) Legal Innovation through a Biographical Lens: Antonio Cassese and the European Tradition. European Journal of International law (In press).

Dsouza, Mark; (2024) Why Ivey was a Mistake (aka Two Times I Flirted with Theft). In: Simester, AP, (ed.) Modern Criminal Law: Essays in Honour of GR Sullivan. (pp. 71-93). Hart Publishing (Bloomsbury): London, UK. Green open access

Dsouza, Mark; Harel, Alon; Segev, Re’em; (2024) Criminal Law Theory: Introduction. Criminal Law and Philosophy , 18 pp. 493-496. 10.1007/s11572-023-09683-7. Green open access

Dsouza, Mark; Schmitt-Leonardy, Charlotte; (2024) Old and new tracks for Corporate Criminal Liability. In: Ambos, Kai and Duff, R Antony and Heinze, Alexander and Roberts, Julian and Weigend, Thomas, (eds.) Core Concepts in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice: Volume III. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge,UK. (In press).


Fhima, Ilanah; (2024) Rethinking Distinctiveness of Shape Marks. Intellectual Property Quarterly (In press).

Fisher, Matthew; (2024) The patent system after COVID-19. In: Bonadio, Enrico and Shemtov, Noam, (eds.) A research agenda for patent law. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK. (In press).


Gaumann, Noëlle; Veale, Michael; (2024) AI providers as criminal essay mills? Large language models meet contract cheating law. Information and Communications Technology Law 10.1080/13600834.2024.2352692. (In press). Green open access

George, Rob; Marsh, Rob; (2024) Do we need physical family courts? Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 10.1080/09649069.2024.2305028. (In press). Green open access

George, Rob; Moore, Jennifer; (2024) Step-parent adoption after the death of a parent: Article 8 and family relationships. Family Law (In press).

George, Robert; (2024) Cohabitation Reform: A Response. In: Bendall, Charlotte and Parveen, Rehana, (eds.) Family Law Reform Now: Proposals and Critique. Hart Publishing: London, UK. (In press).

Gerstenberg, Oliver; (2024) The Constitution as a Law of Lawmaking: Comments on Frank Michelman's Constitutional Essentials ("CE"). Philosophy and Social Criticism (In press). Green open access

Gerstenberg, Oliver; (2024) ‘United in Diversity’: The Role of The CJEU as an Exponent of the Rule of Law in the EU. In: Proceedings of the 62nd London-Leiden Conference. British Institute of International and Comparative Law (In press).

Gerstenberg, Oliver; (2024) Horizontal Effect. In: Bellamy, R and King, J, (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Constitutional Theory. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. (In press).

Gorwa, Robert; Veale, Michael; (2024) Moderating Model Marketplaces: Platform Governance Puzzles for AI Intermediaries. Law, Innovation and Technology , 16 (2) 10.31235/osf.io/6dfk3. (In press). Green open access

Grusic, Ugljesa; (2024) Private International Law Regulation of Individual Employment Relationships within the European Union. European Labour Law Journal , 15 10.1177/2031952524122783. (In press). Green open access


Helberger, Natali; Kas, Betül; Micklitz, Hans-Wolfgang; Namysłowska, Monika; Naudts, Laurens; Rott, Peter; Sax, Marijn; + view all (2024) Digital Fairness for Consumers. BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation: Brussels, Belgien. Green open access

Hunter-Henin, Myriam; (2024) La régulation de l’expression religieuse en entreprise. Enjeux démocratiques. Revue du Droit des Religions (In press).

Hunter-Henin, Myriam; (2024) Religious expression and exemptions in the private sector workplace: Spotting bias. Current Legal Problems 10.1093/clp/cuae008. (In press).


Joshi, Divij; (2024) AI governance in India – law, policy and political economy. Communication Research and Practice 10.1080/22041451.2024.2346428. (In press). Green open access


Könighofer, Bettina; Kroll, Joshua A; Piskac, Ruzica; Veale, Michael; Cano Córdoba, Filip; (2024) Accountable Software Systems (Dagstuhl Seminar 23411). Dagstuhl Reports , 13 (10) pp. 24-49. 10.4230/DagRep.13.10.24. Green open access

Kountouris, Nicola; (2024) Not Delivering: the UK ‘worker’ concept before the UK Supreme Court in Deliveroo - IWGB v CAC and another [2023] UKSC 43. European Labour Law Journal 10.1177/20319525241242796. (In press). Green open access


Lapatoura, Ioanna; Mezei, Peter; (2024) All roads lead to tokens - The impact of NFTs on galleries and museums. SSRN - Elsevier: Rochester, NY, USA. Green open access

Letsas, George; (2024) Does Anything Hang on the Autonomy of EU law? European Papers , 8 (3) pp. 1293-1299. 10.15166/2499-8249/719. Green open access

Letsas, George; (2024) In Defense of a Distinctively Legal Domain. Jurisprudence , 15 pp. 145-153. 10.1080/20403313.2024.2323346. Green open access

Letsas, George; (2024) Proportionality. In: Bellamy, Richard and King, Jeff, (eds.) The Cambridge Companion to Constitutional Theory. Cambridge University Press (In press).

Lewis, Alastair; Misonne, Delphine; Scotford, Eloise; (2024) Harnessing science, policy, and law to deliver clean air. Science , 385 (6707) pp. 362-366. 10.1126/science.adq4721. Green open access

Lianos, Ioannis; (2024) “Polycrisis” and the changing “Life” of Competition Authorities. Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb (02) pp. 61-62. Green open access


Mantouvalou, Virginia; (2024) Work in Prison: Reintegration or Exclusion and Exploitation? European Labour Law Journal (In press).

Mantouvalou, Virginia; (2024) Structures of Injustice, the Law, and Exploitative Work. In: Browne, Jude and McKeown, Maeve, (eds.) What is Structural Injustice? (pp. 241-259). Oxford University Press Green open access

Mantouvalou, Virginia; (2024) Advancing human rights, capabilities and non-domination at work. In: Davidov, Guy and Langille, Brian and Lester, Gillian, (eds.) Oxford Handbook on the Law of Work. Oxford University Press (OUP): Oxford, UK. (In press). Green open access

Mantouvalou, Virginia; (2024) Labor Rights. In: Langford, Malcolm and Young, Katharine G, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Economic and Social Rights. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Mantouvalou, Virginia; Noorda, Hadassa; (2024) Non-Custodial Sentences and Human Rights. European Human Rights Law Review (In press).

Mantzari, Despoina; (2024) FRAND in Article 6(12) DMA: a pragmatic approach with unintended consequences. Journal of Antitrust Enforcement 10.1093/jaenfo/jnae019. (In press).

Marín Durán, Gracia; Scott, Joanne; (2024) Global EU Climate Action and the Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities. (Law Working Paper 2024/2). European University Institute: Florence, Italy. Green open access

Marin Duran, Gracia; Scott, Joanne; (2024) Global EU Climate Action and the Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities. In: Armstrong, Kenneth and Scott, Joanne and Thies, Anne, (eds.) EU External Relations and the Power of Law. Hart Publishing (In press).

Micklitz, Hans-Wolfgang; Helberger, Natali; Kas, Betül; Namysłowska, Monika; Naudts, Laurens; Rott, Peter; Sax, Marijn; (2024) Towards Digital Fairness. Journal of European Consumer and Market Law , 13 (1) pp. 24-30. Green open access

Mills, Alex; (2024) Sustainability and Jurisdiction in the International Civil Litigation Market. Journal of Private International Law (In press).

Mills, Alex; (2024) Justifying and Challenging Territoriality in Private International Law. In: Banu, Roxana and Green, Michael S and Michaels, Ralf, (eds.) Philosophical Foundations of Private International Law. (pp. 174-196). Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.

Morón, Luciana; (2024) An Intentionalist Defence of Updating Interpretations of Statutes in the UK. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access


Naudts, Laurens; Helberger, Natali; Sax, Marijn; Veale, Michael; (2024) Toward Constructive Optimisation: A new perspective on the regulation of recommender systems and the rights of users and society. In: Helberger, Natali and Kas, Betül and Micklitz, Hans-Wolfgang and Namysłowska, Monika and Naudts, Laurens and Rott, Peter and Veale, Michael, (eds.) Digital Fairness for Consumers. (pp. 25-68). European Consumer Organisation (BEUC): Brussels, Belgium. Green open access


O'Cinneide, Colm; (2024) Equality Authority v Portmarnock Golf Club – Revisited. Dublin University Law Journal (In press).


Paparinskis, Martins; (2024) Reflections on War in Ukraine and International Law. In: Asada, Masahiko and Tamada, Dai, (eds.) War in Ukraine and International Law. (pp. 239-246). Springer: Singapore.

Pleasence, Pascoe; Balmer, Nigel; McDonald, Hugh; Sandefur, Rebecca L; (2024) The Public Understanding of Law Survey, Volume 2: Understanding and Capability. (The Public Understanding of Law Survey (PULS) vol 2 , pp. pp. 1-249 ). Victoria Law Foundation: Melbourne, Australia. Green open access


Raczynska, Magdalena; (2024) Subordination of the wrongdoer in tracing claims. In: Davies, Paul S and Tjio, Hans, (eds.) Fraud and Risk. Hart Publishing (In press).


Saprai, Prince; Chen-Wishart, Mindy; (2024) Introduction. In: Saprai, Prince and Chen-Wishart, Mindy, (eds.) Research Handbook on the Philosophy of Contract Law. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham. (In press).

Suteu, Silvia; (2024) Friends or Foes: Is Unamendability the Answer to Democratic Backsliding? Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 10.1007/s40803-024-00233-4. (In press). Green open access

Suteu, Silvia; (2024) Referendums. In: Bellamy, Richard and King, Jeff, (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Constitutional Theory. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. (In press).

Suteu, Silvia; (2024) Beyond Formal Conceptions of Judicial Leadership: Women on the Bench, Judicial Influence, and Judge Rapporteurs on the Romanian Constitutional Court. In: Delaney, Erin and Dixon, Rosalind, (eds.) Constitutional Heroines and Feminist Judicial Leadership. Edward Elgar (In press).


Terzis, Petros; (2024) Law and the political economy of AI production. International Journal of Law and Information Technology , Article eaae001. 10.1093/ijlit/eaae001. (In press). Green open access

Terzis, Petros; Veale, Michael; Gaumann, Noëlle; (2024) Law and the Emerging Political Economy of Algorithmic Audits. In: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability and Transparency. ACM (In press). Green open access


Vaughan, Steven; (2024) We Need To Talk About Method: A Call for More and Better Empirical Environmental Law Scholarship. Journal of Environmental Law , 36 (1) pp. 13-18. 10.1093/jel/eqae005.

Vaughan, Steven; (2024) Let’s Talk about the Lawyers: Climate Change Litigation, Professional Ethics, and ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’ Case Outcomes. In: Aristova, Ekaterina and Lim, Justin, (eds.) Climate Litigation in Europe Unleashed: Catalysing Action against States and Corporations. (pp. 54-57). The Bonavero Institute of Human Rights: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Vaughan, Steven; (2024) The Regulation of Legal Education in England. In: Emma, Jones and Fiona, Cownie and Anthony, Bradney, (eds.) Concise Encyclopedia of Legal Education. Edward Elgar (In press).

Veale, Michael; (2024) Denied by Design? Data Access Rights in Encrypted Infrastructures. In: Ausloos, Jef and de Souza, Siddharth P, (eds.) Research Access to Digital Infrastructures. Cambridge University Press (In press).

Veale, Michael; (2024) Verification Theatre at Borders and in Pockets. In: Flood, Colleen M and Chen, YY Brandon and Deonandan, Raywat and Halabi, Sam and Thériault, Sophie, (eds.) Pandemics, Public Health, and the Regulation of Borders: Lessons from COVID-19. (pp. 240-251). Routledge: London, UK. Green open access

Veale, Michael; (2024) Some Commonly-Held but Shaky Assumptions about Data, Privacy and Power. In: Ioannidou, Maria and Mantzari, D, (eds.) Research Handbook on Competition Law and Data Privacy. Edward Elgar (In press).

Veale, Michael; (2024) Privacy, Informational Infrastructures and Covid-19: Comparative Legal Responses. In: King, Jeff and Luiz Motta Ferraz, Octávio, (eds.) Comparing Covid Laws: A Critical Global Survey. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. (In press).

Veale, Michael; (2024) Rights for Those Who Unwillingly, Unknowingly and Unidentifiably Compute! In: Micklitz, Hans-Wolfgang and Vettori, Giussepe, (eds.) The Person and the Future of Private Law. (pp. 1-19). Hart (In press).

Veale, Michael; Matus, Kira; Gorwa, Robert; (2024) 人工智能与全球治理: 模式、理据和紧张关系. 俄罗斯学刊 , 2024 (3) pp. 49-72. Green open access


Wilde, Ralph; (2024) Refugee Camps in the Global South as Instruments of Global Refugee Containment. London Review of International Law (In press).

Williams, Ian; (2024) Star Chamber and the civil law. In: Sampson, Joe and Tofaris, Stelios, (eds.) A historical introduction to law. Hart: Oxford, UK. (In press).

This list was generated on Mon Oct 21 02:26:42 2024 BST.