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Number of items: 6.
Bentham, Mill and Green on the Nature of the Good.
Journal of Bentham Studies
, 6
1 - 18.
Mokal, Rizwaan Jameel;
On Fairness and Efficiency.
Modern Law Review
, 66
pp. 452-467.
Macrory, RB;
Woods, M;
Modernizing Environmental Justice: Regulation and the Role of an Environmental Tribunal.
UCL Laws: London, UK.
Working / discussion paper
Khalfan, A;
King, J;
Thomas, B;
The Doctrine of Odious Debt in International Law: Definition, Evidence, and Issues Concerning Application.
(Centre for International Sustainable Development Law Working Paper
Centre for International Sustainable Development Law: Montreal, Canada.
Mokal, Riz;
On Fairness and Efficiency.
SSRN: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Moussis, V;
Access to telecommunications markets: the interrelation between general competition rules and sector-specific rules In the EU and Japan.
Doctoral thesis , University of London.