Browse by UCL Departments and Centres
Aboh, EO;
Cinque, G;
Corr, A;
Gutiérrez-Bravo, R;
Ramchand, G;
Samek-Lodovici, V;
The Romance Inter-Views: Cartography.
, 8
Abse Gogarty, Larne;
Burning Issues: Hannah Black interviewed by Larne Abse Gogarty.
Art Monthly
, 441
(Nov 2020)
pp. 4-6.
Abse Gogarty, Larne;
Inert universalism and the info-optimism of legibly political art.
, 4
pp. 53-68.
Adams, Heather;
Cintas, Jorge Diaz;
Special issue: Audiovisual Translation in the Foreign Language Classroom-Introduction.
Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos
, 28
pp. 10-15.
Adams, Heather;
Díaz Cintas, Jorge;
Audiovisual Translation in the Foreign Language Classroom. Introduction.
Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos
pp. 10-15.
Adams, Robyn;
Van der Laan, Sarah;
A Tudor Family Library: Social Ambition and Continental Books in Sir Michael Dormer's Donation to the Bodleian Library.
Huntington Library Quarterly
, 85
pp. 395-446.
Agócs, Péter;
Message-Stick of the Muses: Lyric Epistolarity and Textuality in Pindar and Bacchylides.
Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies
, 62
pp. 385-416.
Akeroyd, J;
Herman, E;
Nicholas, D;
Watkinson, A;
Health and Medical Researcher Publishing Patterns and How Libraries Support Them.
The Serials Librarian
, 83
pp. 115-127.
Alhuraiti, Reham;
Information Literacy Perspectives and Practices of Kuwait’s Government Intermediate School Librarians.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Ali Ahmad, Shadi;
Galley, Thomas D;
Höhn, Philipp A;
Lock, Maximilian PE;
Smith, Alexander RH;
Quantum Relativity of Subsystems.
Physical Review Letters
, 128
, Article 170401. 10.1103/physrevlett.128.170401.
Alsharhan, Alanoud Faisal;
The effects of the Netflix no-censorship policy on subtitling taboo language from English to Arabic: a case study based on Kuwait.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Anziska, SE;
The Palestinians and Arab-Israeli Diplomacy, 1967-1991.
In: Siniver, Asaf, (ed.)
The Routledge Companion to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
(pp. 122-135).
Routledge: London, UK.
Anziska, Seth;
Confession without Consequence.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Anziska, Seth;
Qat ‘al-tarīq ‘ala filastīn: tārīkh Siyāsī, min Camp David ila Oslo.
Institute for Palestine Studies: Beirut, Lebanon.
Badcock, Jacob;
Photography after Discard Studies: the case of Agbogbloshie.
Burlington Contemporary Journal
, 2022
Barton Hronešová, Jessie;
The uses of victimhood as a hegemonic meta-narrative in eastern Europe.
Journal of Contemporary European Studies
(In press).
Batchelor, K;
Images of 'Africa' in China–Africa cooperation.
China Information
(In press).
Batchelor, Kathryn;
Chamberlain, Lesley;
Martin, Alison E;
Harold in Germany, Vita in Love: Stories from Sissinghurst's Library.
UCL School of European Languages, Culture and Society (SELCS): London, UK.
Beaumont, M;
Polyform Film: Peter Watkins and the Paris Commune.
Quarterly Review of Film and Video
pp. 1-26.
Beaumont, M;
Standing upright, unsleeping: sleeplessness, wakefulness and watchfulness in Prometheus Bound.
Textual Practice
, 36
pp. 1116-1142.
Belaid, Ikram;
Building ‘Diverse’ Spaces in YA Fantasy: Publishers, Readers, and Media Adaptations.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Belk, Z;
Kahn, L;
Szendroi, K;
Yampolskaya, S;
Translating Covid-19 information into Yiddish for the UK Hasidic community.
Linguistics Vanguard
(In press).
Belk, Z;
Kahn, L;
Szendroi, K;
Yampolskaya, S;
Innovations in the Contemporary Hasidic Yiddish pronominal system.
In: Nevins, A and Coler, M, (eds.)
Contemporary research in minority and diaspora languages of Europe.
Language Science Press: Berlin, Germany.
Belk, Zoë;
Benedict, Eliyahu;
Kahn, Lily;
Yampolskaya, Sonya;
Contemporary Haredi Yiddish Bilingual Pedagogical Materials.
Journal of Jewish Languages
(In press).
Belk, Zoë;
Kahn, Lily;
Szendrői, Kriszta Eszter;
Yampolskaya, Sonya;
Introduction: Thematic Issue on Contemporary Haredi Yiddish Worldwide.
Journal of Jewish Languages
(In press).
Berkowitz, M;
In Memoriam: Tyler Stovall (1954-2021): Tyler Stovall, Mensch.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Berkowitz, M;
Revisiting Eichmann and Zionism: contexts, strange encounters, and their afterlives.
In: Wittmann, R, (ed.)
The Eichmann trial reconsidered.
(pp. 50-71).
University of Toronto Press: Toronto, Canada.
(In press).
Berkowitz, Michael;
Introduction: Continuing disruptions, new beginnings.
Jewish Historical Studies
, 53
pp. 9-13.
Berkowitz, Michael;
Orthodox Judaism and the Politics of Religion: From Prewar Europe to the State of Israel. By Daniel Mahla. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. xiv+306. $99.99 (cloth); $80.00 (Adobe eBook Reader).
Journal of Modern History
, 94
pp. 433-434.
Biedermann, Zoltan;
A História Natural de Portugal de Leonhard Thurneysser zum Thurn, ca. 1555–1556, written by Bernardo Jerosch Herold, Thomas Horst, and Henrique LeitãoItinerarium, written by Hieronymus Münzer and edited by Klaus Herbers et al.
Journal of Early Modern History: contacts, comparisons, contrasts
, 26
pp. 269-273.
Biedermann, Zoltan;
Just playing games? European trade and Empire in Asia, 1500-1800.
Crossing Games. Journeys between East and West.
(pp. 26-37).
Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga: Lisbon, Portugal.
Birkeli, Helene Engnes;
Tracing Territory: The Visual Culture of Danish(-Norwegian) Colonialism in the Caribbean.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Birze, Arija;
Regehr, Kaitlyn;
Regehr, Cheryl;
Workplace Trauma in a Digital Age: The Impact of Video Evidence of Violent Crime on Criminal Justice Professionals.
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
(In press).
Boehi, Melanie;
Bolender, Karin;
Dickinson, Adam;
Despret, Vinciane;
Antlfinger, Hörner;
Lazslo, Fröydi;
Lawson, Katie;
+ view all
Multispecies Storytelling in Intermedial Practices.
punctum books
Bolanos-Garcia-Escribano, Alejandro;
Navarrete, Marga;
An action-oriented approach to didactic dubbing in foreign language education: Students as producers.
, 15
pp. 103-120.
Bollington, L;
Towards A New Model For Approaching Conflict Images: Glimpsing War through Hito Steyerl’s Political Cinema.
, 62
pp. 459-483.
Bowersox, Jeffrey;
Knowledge Hidden in Plain Sight.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Bowersox, Jeffrey;
Playing with Diversity: Racial and Ethnic Difference in Playmobil Toys.
Consumption, Markets and Culture
, 25
pp. 139-158.
Bray, P;
Anxious Influencers – Reading the Nineteenth Century in 2021.
Dix-Neuf. Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes
pp. 1-10.
(In press).
Bray, Patrick;
Introduction: Chronicling Dissensus.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Bray, Patrick;
L’Idée de littérature: de l’art pour l’art aux écritures d’intervention. Par ALEXANDRE GEFEN. (Les Essais.) Paris: Corti, 2021. 384 pp.
French Studies
, 76
pp. 313-314.
Bray, Patrick;
Proust's Intermittent Seriality, or What Is a Literary Event?
In: Elkins, Katherine, (ed.)
Prousts in Search of Lost Time Philosophical Perspectives.
Oxford University Press, USA
Bray, Patrick;
Aloisi, Alessandra;
“La memoria, la letteratura e la ‘vera vita’: Proust e noi”.
Biblioteca di via Senato
pp. 13-17.
Brodie, G;
Translation and creativity by Kirsten Malmkjær, London and New York, Routledge, 2020, 140 pp., £34.99/£120.00 (paperback/hardback), ISBN 9781138123274/9781138123267.
Translation Studies
, 15
pp. 221-223.
Brodie, Geraldine;
Gatekeepers and stakeholders: Valorizing indirect translation in theatre.
In: Baker, Mona, (ed.)
Unsettling translation: Studies in honour of Theo Hermans.
(pp. 112-124).
Routledge: London, UK.
Brodie, Geraldine;
Harrison's Hecubas: translating and performing international activism.
In: Byrne, Sandie, (ed.)
Tony Harrison and the classics.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
(In press).
Brodie, Geraldine;
Translating for the theatre.
In: Malmkjaer, Kirsten, (ed.)
The Cambridge Handbook of Translation.
(pp. 423-439).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Brooks-Ward, Isabella;
Systems of Self-Help in the Works of George Eliot and George Meredith.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Brown, N;
The social course of fibromyalgia: resisting processes of marginalisation.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
, 19
, Article 333. 10.3390/ijerph19010333.
Brown, N;
“It is…, it stands for…, it shows…”: arts-based representations in data generation and analysis.
In: Hinsliff-Smith, K and McGarry, J and Ali, P, (eds.)
Arts Based Health Care Research: A Multidisciplinary Perspective.
(pp. 15-29).
Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
Brown, N;
Ramlackhan, K;
Exploring Experiences of Ableism in Academia: A Constructivist Inquiry.
Higher Education
, 85
pp. 1225-1239.
Bunting-Branch, Anna;
Practicing the difference – Reading Luce Irigaray with feminist science fiction.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Burke, Luke Edward;
Monads, applicatives and the semantics of perspective: a solution to the problems of logical omniscience and granularity.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Button, Timothy;
Symmetric relations, symmetric theories, and Pythagrapheanism.
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research
(In press).
Cadwell, Patrick;
Federici, Federico;
O'Brien, Sharon;
Communities of practice and translation: An introduction.
JoSTrans : the Journal of Specialised Translation
Carbone, Elettra;
Luften så klar. Nordeuropeiska konstnärer och författare i Rom 1780–1950, eds. Roland Lysell, Mattias Pirholt and Anna Smedberg Bondesson. Makadam förlag. Göteborg och Stockholm 2020.
, 143
pp. 384-388.
Carvalho, Maria Amália Vaz de;
Conversas Lisbonenses e outros escritos (1884-1889).
[Scholarly edition].
Silva, Ana Cláudia Suriani da and Luca, Tania Regina de (Eds).
Editora FE - Unicamp: Campinas, Brazil.
Castro Rodea, Tania;
Exploring Spanish-English translation through conceptual metaphor components: A case study based on The Death of Artemio Cruz by Carlos Fuentes and its translators.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Cepollaro, Bianca;
Lepoutre, Maxime;
Simpson, Robert Mark;
Philosophy Compass
(In press).
Chamberlain, Colin;
Not a Sailor in His Ship: Descartes on Bodily Awareness.
The Routledge Handbook of Bodily Awareness.
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
Chamberlain, Colin;
What Is It Like to Be a Material Thing?
Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, Volume XI.
(pp. 97-136).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Channer, Alice;
Hardy, Anne;
Ruggaber, Karin;
Young, Carey;
Virtual Studio Visits: Four London-based artists discuss the rise of the online studio visit.
Art Monthly
Chen, Dody MH;
Issues and Strategies of Localising Sensitive Audiovisual Elements in Game Streaming: A Case Study on Overwatch League (OWL) Chinese Streaming.
British Journal of Chinese Studies
, 12
pp. 154-179.
Chennells, John;
Dual Identities and Double Scenes: Transformations of Physical Space and Mental State in Performances of Eddic Poetry.
Saga Book
, 46
pp. 31-64.
Choksey, Lara;
Epidemiological plots and the national syndrome.
The Sociological Review
, 70
pp. 281-295.
Cipriani, Anna Maria;
The Italian Retranslations of Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse: A Corpus-based Literary Analysis.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Colombo, Raffaella;
Liminary poems in Latin verse presentation manuscripts in England c. 1550-1650.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Craciun, Cristina Diana;
On Why Emotional Recalcitrance is Only Apparent.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Crymble, A;
The decline and fall of an early modern slum: London's St Giles 'Rookery', c. 1550–1850.
Urban History
(In press).
Crymble, Adam;
The Black Londoner Experience: Exploring Black Life through Records of the Court, 1720-1840.
[Scholarly edition].
Crymble, Adam (Ed).
Adam Crymble: London, UK.
Culligan, Niall;
Beyond the Pale: James Joyce and rural Ireland.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Cunliffe, D;
Vlachidis, A;
Williams, D;
Tudhope, D;
Natural Language Processing for Under-resourced Languages: Developing a Welsh Natural Language Toolkit.
Computer Speech & Language
, 72
, Article 101311. 10.1016/j.csl.2021.101311.
Cunliffe, Thomas;
Lau Kar-leung - Great Directors Profile.
Senses of Cinema
, 100
Currie, Nicholas;
A New Interpretation of Kant's Formal Logic.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
D'Argenio, Maria Chiara;
Indigenous Plots in Twenty-First Century Latin American Cinema.
Palgrave Macmillan: Cham, Switzerland.
Da Silva, A;
Simpson, RM;
Law as Counterspeech.
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
(In press).
Damsma, Alinda;
The Undiscovered “Witches” of the Bible: On the Absence of Ezekiel 13:17–23 in the Early Modern Witchcraft Debate.
Magic, Ritual and Witchcraft
, 17
pp. 241-269.
Das, N;
Persons, Eliminativism, and Context.
Philosophy East and West
, 72
pp. 548-561.
Das, N;
Pratibhā, intuition, and practical knowledge.
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
pp. 1-27.
(In press).
Das, Nilanjan;
Against Irrealism.
, 82
pp. 101-114.
Das, Nilanjan;
Credal imprecision and the value of evidence.
(In press).
Davies, Mererid Puw;
Davies, Angharad Puw;
The Silk Gown and the Scar: An Introduction to the Life and Works of Elena Puw Morgan (1900-73).
Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion
, 27
pp. 11-28.
De Waal, Tamsin;
The Mathematicians’ Use of Diagrams in Plato.
In: Kürbis, Nils and Assadian, Bahram and Nassim, Jonathan, (eds.)
Knowledge, Number and Reality: Encounters with the Work of Keith Hossack.
(pp. 143-160).
Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK.
Dehghan, Roghieh;
Osella, Caroline;
The psychological impact of sexual torture: A gender-critical study of the perspective of UK-based clinicians and survivors.
Transcultural Psychiatry
Della Giustina, Christina;
you are variations.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Demeyer, Hans;
Worlding Dutch Literary Studies.
Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies
pp. 1-15.
(In press).
Demeyer, Hans;
'Poëzie = vluchtwetenschap': Suïcidale vluchtlijnen in het werk van Jeroen Mettes.
In: Ieven, Bram and Bluijs, Siebe, (eds.)
Vluchtlijnen van de poëzie: Over het werk van Jeroen Mettes.
(pp. 211-226).
Academia Press: Ghent.
Dhital, R;
Sakulwach, S;
Robert, G;
Vasilikou, C;
Sin, J;
Systematic review on the effects of the physical and social aspects of community pharmacy spaces on service users and staff.
Perspect Public Health
, 142
pp. 77-93.
Dhital, Ranjita;
Coleman, Rachel;
Day, Ed;
Drummond, Colin;
Lingford-Hughes, Anne;
Marsden, John;
Phillips, Tom;
... Donoghue, Kim; + view all
Correction to: Service Users’ Views and Experiences of Alcohol Relapse Prevention Treatment and Adherence: New Role for Pharmacists?
Alcohol and Alcoholism
, Article agac016. 10.1093/alcalc/agac016.
Dhital, Ranjita;
Coleman, Rachel;
Day, Ed;
Drummond, Colin;
Lingford-Hughes, Anne;
Marsden, John;
Phillips, Tom;
... Donoghue, Kim; + view all
Service Users’ Views and Experiences of Alcohol Relapse Prevention Treatment and Adherence: New Role for Pharmacists?
Alcohol and Alcoholism
(In press).
Diaz-Cintas, Jorge;
Muñoz Sánchez, Pablo;
Cadernos de Tradução
, 42
, Article e80264.
Díaz-Cintas, Jorge;
Zhang, Juan;
Going global against the tide:
The translation of Chinese audiovisual productions.
, 68
pp. 1-23.
Dickie, John;
Feeding fascism: the politics of women’s food work
by Diana Garvin, Toronto, Toronto University Press, 2022, 292 pp., $75.00 (hard cover).
Journal of Modern Italian Studies
, 28
pp. 390-393.
Dietz, Laura;
Projection or Reflection? The Pandemic Bookshelf as a Mirror for Self-Image and Personal Identity.
English Studies
, 103
pp. 675-689.
Ditter, Andreas;
Essence and Necessity.
Journal of Philosophical Logic
, 51
pp. 653-690.
Duke-Williams, Oliver;
Open data and data repositories.
Presented at: UCL Open Science Conference 2022, London, UK.
Eckersley, William Joseph;
Ethical Adventures: Speculative Fiction's Distinctive Contribution to Moral Understanding.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Ehsani, Sepehr;
Introduction: Trends, Puzzles, and Hopes for the Future of Healthcare.
In: Ehsani, Sepehr and Glauner, Patrick and Plugmann, Philipp and Thieringer, Florian M, (eds.)
The Future Circle of Healthcare: AI, 3D Printing, Longevity, Ethics, and Uncertainty Mitigation.
(pp. 1-24).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Ehsani, Sepehr;
New Horizons in Studying the Cellular Mechanisms of Alzheimer's Disease.
In: Ehsani, Sepehr and Glauner, Patrick and Plugmann, Philipp and Thieringer, Florian M, (eds.)
The Future Circle of Healthcare: AI, 3D Printing, Longevity, Ethics, and Uncertainty Mitigation.
(pp. 51-88).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Ehsani, Sepehr;
In: Schönbohm, Avo and von Horsten, Hans Henning and Plugmann, Philipp, (eds.)
Life Science Management: Perspectives, Concepts and Strategies.
Springer Nature: Cham, Switzerland.
Elsden, Esme;
Sercombe, Hannah;
Piper, Kim;
Webster, Emma;
Smyth-Zahra, Flora;
Barkan, Melissa;
Kador, Thomas;
Student Wellbeing and Experiential Learning Report.
University College London (UCL): London, UK.
Evans, N;
Selgelid, M;
Simpson, RM;
Reconciling Regulation with Scientific Autonomy in Dual-use Research.
The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine
, 47
pp. 72-94.
Fan, Hongxiang;
Ferianc, Martin;
Que, Zhiqiang;
Li, He;
Liu, Shuanglong;
Niu, Xinyu;
Luk, Wayne;
Algorithm and Hardware Co-design for Reconfigurable CNN Accelerator.
2022 27th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC).
IEEE: Taipei, Taiwan.
Fan, Hongxiang;
Ferianc, Martin;
Que, Zhiqiang;
Liu, Shuanglong;
Niu, Xinyu;
Rodrigues, Miguel;
Luk, Wayne;
FPGA-based Acceleration for Bayesian Convolutional Neural Networks.
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems
(In press).
Fan, Hongxiang;
Ferianc, Martin;
Que, Zhiqiang;
Niu, Xinyu;
Rodrigues, Miguel;
Luk, Wayne;
Accelerating Bayesian Neural Networks via Algorithmic and Hardware Optimizations.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
, 33
pp. 3387-3399.
(In press).
Federici, Federico;
Ciribuco, andrea;
Antonini, Rachele;
Bucaria, Chiara;
Reggi, Valeria;
Laricchia, Federica;
Di Cosimo, Michela;
COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign Among Migrants in Rome and the Emilia-Romagna Region: Intercultural mediation and vaccine hesitancy.
The British Academy: London, UK.
Federici, Federico M;
Translating hazards: multilingual concerns in risk and emergency communication.
The Translator
, 28
pp. 375-398.
Ferianc, M;
Sankaran, A;
Mastropietro, O;
Saboori, E;
Cappart, Q;
On Causal Inference for Data-free Structured Pruning.
Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence: ITCI'22.
AAAI: Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Fife, Kirsty;
Challenging Voices: Documenting and Archiving UK-Based DIY Music Spaces.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Fischer, Jessica Johanna Tatjana;
Counting People & Making People Count.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Fleming, Michael;
Guesnet, Francois;
Schmidt, Christine;
The Holocaust in Eastern Europe: sources, memory, politics.
Jewish Historical Studies
, 53
pp. 112-114.
Fu, Yaming;
Lomas, Elizabeth;
Inskip, Charles;
Cognitive mapping and its implication for understanding cultural behaviors and experiences in libraries.
Library & Information Science Research
, 44
, Article 101181. 10.1016/j.lisr.2022.101181.
Fu, Yaming;
Lomas, Elizabeth;
Inskip, Charles;
Bunn, Jenny;
Understanding international users' library experience in the Digital Age – joining the behavioral and experiential aspects.
Journal of Documentation
(In press).
Fu, Yaming;
Mahony, Simon;
Liu, Bingjung;
Digital Humanities and the Library: research partners?
Presented at: Digital Humanities Congress 2022, Sheffield, UK.
Fu, Yaming;
Mahony, Simon;
Liu, Wei;
Digital storytelling in DH practice to encourage civil participation and reconstruction of the historical narrative.
Presented at: DARIAH-EU 2022, Athens, Greece.
Fu, Yaming;
Mahony, Simon;
Liu, Wei;
Digital storytelling in DH practice to encourage civil participation and reconstruction of the vernacular history of Shanghai.
Presented at: DH Unbound 2022, Virtual conference.
Fulbrook, Mary;
Complicity and the Holocaust in Eastern Europe.
Jewish Historical Studies
Gao, Jin;
Nyhan, Julianne;
Duke-Williams, Oliver;
Mahony, Simon;
Gender influences in Digital Humanities co-authorship networks.
Journal of Documentation
, 78
pp. 327-350.
García, BG;
The Interplay Between Fiction and Testimony: The Representation of Republican Exile in Britain in Esteban Salazar Chapela’s Perico en Londres.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies
, 99
pp. 449-476.
Geller, M. J.;
Review of Patients and Performative Identities: At the Intersection of the Mesopotamian Technical Disciplines and Their Clients.
Review of Biblical Literature
Geller, Markham;
The fiction of a jewish hellenistic magical-medical paideia.
Journal of the American Oriental Society
, 142
pp. 443-454.
Geller, Markham;
Review of Law and (Dis)Order in the Ancient Near East Proceedings of the 59th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale Held at Ghent, Belgium, 15–19 July 2013.
Review of Biblical Literature
, 4
pp. 1-5.
Geller, Markham;
Second Order Lexicography.
Archiv für Orientforschung
, 55
pp. 87-95.
Geller, Markham;
Experiencing Wissenstransfer in the First Episteme: Mesopotamia.
In: Weil, Dror and Krause, Katja and Auxent, Maria, (eds.)
Premodern Experience of the Natural World in Translation.
(pp. 1-6).
Routledge: New York, NY, USA.
Geller, Markham;
Eshel, Esther;
Langlois, Michael;
The Aramaic Divination Texts.
In: Hensel, Benedikt and Ben Zvi, Ehud and Edelman, Diana, (eds.)
About Edom and Idumea in the Persian Period.
(pp. 302-317).
Equinox: Sheffield, UK.
Geller, MJ;
Nathan Wasserman and Elyze Zomer: Akkadian Magic Literature, Old Babylonian and Old Assyrian Incantations: Corpus–Context–Praxis. (Leipziger Altorientalistische Studien 12.) Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2022.
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies
, 85
pp. 111-113.
Georgescu, Diana;
Socialist Heritage: The Politics of Past and Place in Romania
[By Emanuela Grama. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2019. xviii, 268 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Index. Illustrations. Photographs. Tables. Maps. $60.00, paper].
Slavic Review
, 81
pp. 226-227.
Geraghty, Niall HD;
Becoming Menard? Geopolitical Readings and the Authorial Subject in César Aira.
Romance Studies
, 40
pp. 1-18.
Gerassimidou, Spyridoula;
Martin, Olwenn V;
Diaz, Gilenny Yamily Feliz;
Wan, Chaoying;
Komilis, Dimitrios;
Iacovidou, Eleni;
Systematic Evidence Mapping to Assess the Sustainability of Bioplastics Derived from Food Waste: Do We Know Enough?
, 15
, Article 611. 10.3390/su15010611.
Geueke, Birgit;
Groh, Ksenia J;
Maffini, Maricel V;
Martin, Olwenn V;
Boucher, Justin M;
Chiang, Yu-Ting;
Gwosdz, Frank;
... Muncke, Jane; + view all
Systematic evidence on migrating and extractable food contact chemicals: Most chemicals detected in food contact materials are not listed for use.
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition
pp. 1-11.
(In press).
Gilbert, S;
A Cache of Family Letters and the Historiography of the Holocaust: Interpretive Reflections.
Journal of Holocaust Research
, 36
pp. 281-298.
Gogarty, Larne Abse;
Usable Pasts Social Practice and State Formation in American Art.
Historical Materialism Book Series: Vol.239.
Golder, S;
Ibenskas, R;
Salek, P;
Sikk, A;
Understanding the Complexity of Party Instability in Parliaments.
Proceedings of the 2022 APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition.
American Political Science Association (APSA): Montréal, Canada.
Gollance, Sonia;
Dance as a Tool of Pleasure and Humiliation in I. J. Singer’s The Brothers Ashkenazi.
Prooftexts: a journal of Jewish literary history
, 39
pp. 422-453.
Gollance, Sonia;
Fear and Other Stories, translated by Anita Norich by Chana
Blankshteyn (review).
Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues
, 41
pp. 142-144.
Gollance, Sonia;
Review of From the Jewish Provinces by Fradl Shtok, translated by Jordan D. Finkin and Allison Schachter.
In geveb: A Journal of Yiddish Studies
Gomez Garcia, Blanca;
"La pena de muerte es lo propio de la mujer": mujer, honra y muerte en ¡Aquí manda Narváez! (1935) de José Antonio Balbontín.
Anagnórisis : Revista de Investigación Teatral
pp. 33-57.
Gonis, N;
Notes on miscellaneous documents VIII.
Zeitschrift fuer Papyrologie und Epigraphik
(In press).
Gonis, Nikolaos;
Abbreviations in Late Documents Resolved (II).
Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
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pp. 336-343.
Gonis, Nikolaos;
A known official in an unknown post in 339.
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Gonis, Nikolaos;
A Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed from Bala’izah.
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
, 59
pp. 29-32.
Gonis, Nikolaos;
P.Oxy. II 373 descr.: Loan of Money Secured on Land.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
, 222
pp. 179-183.
Gonis, Nikolaos;
P.Sakaon 73 + SB XII 11024: Two leases of goats reduced to one.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
, 222
pp. 207-210.
Gonis, Nikolaos;
A Qurra letter between London and Princeton.
Chronique d'Egypte
, 97
pp. 227-228.
Gonis, Nikolaos;
A Tax Receipt from Memphis in the British Museum.
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
, 59
pp. 135-136.
Gonis, Nikolaos;
Two land registers.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Gonis, Nikolaos;
Gascou, Jean;
Six receipts from the demosion logisterion of Hermopolis.
Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
, 68
pp. 146-162.
Graffy, Julian;
Internationalist aesthetics: China and early Soviet culture
by Edward Tyerman, New York, Columbia University Press, Studies of the Harriman Institute of Columbia University, 2022, xi + 353 pp., illustrations, notes, bibliography and sources, index, $35 (paperback), ISBN 978-0231199193.
Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema
, 16
pp. 159-160.
Greatrick, Aydan;
LGBTQ plus asylum and transformative accommodations between religion, faith and sexuality in the UK.
Ethnic and Racial Studies
(In press).
Grieveson, L;
Prediction Machines.
Critical Quarterly
, 64
pp. 30-57.
Gronau, Mathis Jonathan;
Surrounded by Enemies? The Experience of German Minorities in France and Britain between 1914 and 1924.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Guangzhao, Lyu;
Demise of the False Utopia: China's Post-socialist Transition in Han Song's Red Star Over America.
Science Fiction Studies
, 49
pp. 100-119.
Guesnet, Francois;
Jüdisches Museum Berlin - die neue Dauerausstellung.
Werkstatt Geschichte
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Hackett, Helen;
The Elizabethans' complex relationship with mental wellbeing.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Hackett, Helen;
A journey into the Elizabethan mind.
BBC History Magazine
pp. 60-66.
Hackett, Helen;
Playhouse, pew and palace
A comprehensive view of Tudor England.
TLS - The Times Literary Supplement
Hackett, Helen;
Reaching beyond the possible: review of Katherine Rundell, 'Super-infinite: the transformations of John Donne'.
TLS - The Times Literary Supplement
, 6213
Hansen, Denise Rose;
Minor Happenings: The 1960s British Art Novel.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Harberd, Alice Mary;
Art, Genre and Value.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Harris, Matthew;
An Everettian Account of Modality.
Masters thesis (M.Phil), UCL (University College London).
Hart, Stephen M;
El cadáver exquisito de César Vallejo.
Archivo Vallejo
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pp. 325-348.
Hart, Stephen M;
El exilio en James Joyce (1882-1941) y César Vallejo (1892-1938).
Archivo Vallejo
, 5
pp. 189-218.
Hayes, Lydia;
Bolaños-García-Escribano, Alejandro;
(Main)streaming English Dubs.
Journal of Audiovisual Translation
, 5
pp. 213-233.
He, Sui;
Translating Scientific Metaphors in Specialised Texts: Observations from Chinese Translations.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
HE, Sui;
WANG, Caiwen;
Translating Cognitive and Linguistic Metaphors in Popular Science: A Case Study of Scientific Discoveries.
transLogos Translation Studies Journal
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pp. 1-26.
He, Yingyue;
Pragmatic borrowing between English and Chinese:
A comparative study of two-way exchanges.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Healey, R;
Legal Theory
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pp. 35-58.
Heikkinen, Karri Lassi;
Evaluating strong longtermism.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Heitlinger, S;
Taylor, A;
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Boucher, A;
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More-than-Human Data Interactions in the Smart City - reflections.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Hicks, A;
The missing link: Towards an integrated health and information literacy research agenda.
Social Science & Medicine
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Hicks, A;
Lloyd, A;
Reaching into the basket of doom: Learning outcomes, discourse, and information literacy.
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
Hicks, A;
Nicholson, K;
Seale, M;
Make me think! Exploring library UX through the lens of (critical) information literacy.
The Library Quarterly
, 92
pp. 109-128.
Hicks, Alison;
Lloyd, Annemaree;
Agency and liminality during the COVID-19 pandemic: Why information literacy can’t fix vaccine hesitancy.
Journal of Information Science
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Hicks, Alison;
Lloyd, Annemaree;
Risk, vaccine hesitancy and information literacy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science.
(pp. colis2211).
Information Research, 27(Special issue): Oslo, Norway.
Hicks, Alison;
Lloyd, Annemaree;
Inskip, Charlie;
McKinney, Pam;
Walton, Geoff;
Leveraging information literacy: Mapping the conceptual influence and appropriation of information literacy in other disciplinary landscapes.
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
(In press).
Hider, Philip;
Lee, Deborah;
The categorisation of public library materials: Mental models of the bibliographic universe revisited.
17th international ISKO conference.
(pp. pp. 121-132).
Ergon Verlag: Baden-Baden, Germany.
Hills, Stephen;
Pavlov's Dogs: Material Minds and the Novel in the Twentieth Century.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Hollis, Helena;
The influence of reading fiction upon critical thinking.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Horbury, E;
Transgender Reassessments of the Cross-Dressed Page in Shakespeare, Philaster, and The Honest Man's Fortune.
Shakespeare Quarterly
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(In press).
Humbel, Marco;
Participatory Action Research for a Digital Humanities research project: Investigating Open GLAM in the context of Social Movement Archives.
Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2022.
(pp. pp. 249-252).
: Tokyo, Japan.
Hume, Jack Alexander;
Art Cognitivism: Why a Liberal State Should Fund Art.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Hyman, J;
Perception, Causation, Disjunction.
In: Pfisterer, C and Rathgeb, N and Schmidt, E, (eds.)
Wittgenstein and Beyond.
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
Ibrahim, Ali;
Ryan, Sharon;
Viljoen, David;
Tutisani, Ellen;
Gardner, Lucy;
Collins, Lorna;
Ayton, Agnes;
Integrated enhanced cognitive behavioural (I-CBTE) therapy significantly improves effectiveness of inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa in real life settings.
Journal of Eating Disorders
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, Article 98. 10.1186/s40337-022-00620-y.
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Ieven, Bram;
Demeyer, Hans;
Pardoe, Lucelle;
Worlding Modern Literature in the Low Countries.
Dutch Crossing
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pp. 1-3.
Inskip, Charles;
What are the options for library and information studies education reform in addressing racial inequity in the library profession in the UK?
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
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Inston, Kevin;
Sense, Orientation, and World Creation.
Qui Parle
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pp. 345-372.
Irfan, Anne;
In: Stefanini, Pietro, (ed.)
UNRWA at 70: Palestinian refugees in context.
Al Jazeera Center for Studies
Jensen, Mie Astrup;
Challenge and Conformity: The Religious Lives of Orthodox Jewish Women , by Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz.
Religion and Gender
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pp. 237-240.
Jensen, Mie Astrup;
Nancy Tatom Ammerman, Studying Lived Religion: Contexts and Practices (New York: New York University Press). Pp. 255. £23.00. ISBN 1479804347.
Religious Studies
pp. 1-3.
(In press).
Jia, Huihuang;
Book Review: Subtitling: Concepts and Practices by Jorge Díaz Cintas & Aline Remael.
Media International Australia
Jia, Huihuang;
Mikołaj Deckert. Audiovisual Translation–Research and Use (2nd
expanded edition). Berlin: Peter Lang, 2019. 312pp.
Babel: International Journal of Translation
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Julius, Chloe;
A Category Out of History: 'Jewish Art' in 1990s America.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Kahn, L;
Jewish Cultural Traditions within a Modernising Early Soviet Framework: Y. Goldberg’s 1935 Yiddish Othello.
(In press).
Kahn, L;
Yampolskaya, S;
Contemporary Ashkenazic Hebrew: The Grammatical Profile of an Overlooked Twenty-First-Century Variety.
Journal of Semitic Studies
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pp. 199-267.
Kalderon, Mark E;
Timaeus on Colour Mixture.
In: Caston, Victor, (ed.)
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy: Volume LXI.
(pp. 63-101).
Oxford University Press (OUP): Oxford, UK.
Kazim, Emre;
Fenoglio, Enzo;
Hilliard, Airlie;
Koshiyama, Adriano;
Mulligan, Catherine;
Trengove, Markus;
Gilbert, Abigail;
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On the sui generis value capture of new digital technologies: The case of AI.
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Kazim, Emre;
Güçlütürk, Osman;
Almeida, Denise;
Kerrigan, Charles;
Lomas, Elizabeth;
Koshiyama, Adriano;
Hilliard, Airlie;
Proposed EU AI Act - Presidency Compromise Text: Select Overview and Comment on the Changes to the Proposed Regulation.
AI and Ethics
(In press).
Keen, Catherine;
La dimensione cartografica-spaziale della storia fiorentina nell'Inferno dantesco.
Dante e il mondo. Tra realta' e poesia, tra storia e letteratura. Atti del LVIII Convegno storico internazionale, Todi, 10-12 ottobre, 2021.
(pp. 95-120).
Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull’alto Medioevo: Spoleto, Italy.
Keen, Catherine;
Lutto, silenzi e omissioni: la 'Vita nova' fra vissuto e poetato.
Quaderni di Gargnano
pp. 1-18.
Keen, Catherine;
The Poetry of Mourning in the Vita nova: An Agambenian Reading.
In: Corso, Simona and Mussgnug, Florian and Rushworth, Jennifer, (eds.)
Dwelling on Grief Narratives of Mourning Across Time and Forms.
(pp. 21-33).
Legenda: Cambridge, UK.
Key, Dana Lynn;
From medieval morality play to Jacobean city comedy: the afterlives of the seven deadly sins.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Klautke, Egbert;
David M. Franz USA oder Sowjetunion? Konkurrierende Modernitätsentwürfe in den Massenmedien der Weimarer Republik Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019. 341 S., 25 Abb. = Schnittstellen. Studien zum östlichen und südöstlichen Europa, 12. ISBN: 978-3-525-31081-6.
Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas
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Das Gothaer Tivoli im Zeichen von Demokratie und Diktatur. Eine Chance für eine neue Ausstellung.
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People in Suitcases.
Journal of Moral Philosophy
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Kowalczyk, K;
Transfinitely Transitive Value.
The Philosophical Quarterly
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Kubik, Jan;
Introduction: Anthropology and Contentious Politics.
Ethnologia Polona
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Kuldkepp, M;
Dokument kõneleb. Tunnustus Eesti Töörahva Kommuunile.
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Kuldkepp, Mart;
Doktoritöö transgressioonist Eesti nüüdiskirjanduses. Janek Kraavi. Transgressioon ja transgressiivsuse poeetika eesti nüüdiskirjanduses.
Keel ja Kirjandus
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pp. 454-456.
Kuldkepp, Mart;
The Estonian Swedish National Minority and the Estonian Cultural Autonomy Law of 1925.
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Kuldkepp, Mart;
German propaganda and the special treatment of Estonian prisoners of war in Germany in World War I.
Journal of Baltic Studies
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Kuldkepp, Mart;
Ühe vaimuaadlisugu isiku lugu. Mart Laar. Hoia Ronk. Ühe konservatiivi elukaar. Varrak, 2021. 255 lk.
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Kuldkepp, Mart;
Eesti diplomaatilise esinduse küsimus ja Ameerika väliseestlased.
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Ameerika sajand. USA ja Eesti suhete sada aastat.
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Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus: Tartu, Estonia.
Kuldkepp, Mart;
Eesti lobby ja avalik diplomaatia Ameerika Ühendriikides, 1918–1922.
In: Piirimäe, Kaarel and Kuldkepp, Mart, (eds.)
Ameerika sajand. USA ja Eesti suhete sada aastat.
(pp. 73-103).
Tartu Ülikooli kirjastus: Tartu, Estonia.
Kuldkepp, Mart;
Piirimäe, Kaarel;
Aunesluoma, Juhana;
Baltic crisis: Nordic and Baltic countries during the end stage of the Cold War.
Scandinavian Journal of History
pp. 1-9.
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Kürbis, N;
A Binary Quantifier for Definite Descriptions for Cut Free Free Logics.
Studia Logica
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pp. 219-239.
Kurbis, N;
Normalisation and subformula property for a system of classical logic with Tarski's rule.
Archive for Mathematical Logic
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Kurbis, N;
In: Kürbis, N and Nassim, J and Assadian, B, (eds.)
Knowledge, Number and Reality.
Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK.
Kurbis, N;
In: Kürbis, N and Nassim, J and Assadian, B, (eds.)
Knowledge, Number and Reality Encounters with the Work of Keith Hossack.
Bloomsbury Academic: London, UK.
Kürbis, Nils;
Bilateral Inversion Principles.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications (NCL 2022).
(pp. pp. 202-215).
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science: Łódź, Poland.
Kürbis, Nils;
Bilateral Inversion Principles.
In: Indrzejczak, Andrzej and Zawidzki, Michal, (eds.)
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Non-Classical Logics.
(pp. pp. 202-215).
NCL: Łódź, Poland.
Larrain Matte, Blanca;
Re-configuring citizenship with a gender perspective. Analysis of the political practices of the current feminist movements in Chile.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Ledeneva, Alena;
Informal politics.
In: Gill, Graeme, (ed.)
Routledge Handbook of Russian Politics and Society.
(pp. 410-423).
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
Lee, Deborah;
Hider, Philip;
Knowledge Organisation Across Aural and Visual Domains: Connecting the Facets of Music and Art.
Knowledge organization across disciplines, domains, services and technologies.
Ergon Verlag: Aalborg, Denmark.
Leigh, F;
In: Press, GA and Duque, M, (eds.)
Bloomsbury Handbook to Plato.
(pp. 316-319).
Bloomsbury Press
Leli, Tyler James;
Checking Misleading Speech: New Epistemic and Ethical Norms for Political Journalism in the American Public Sphere.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Leontiev, Kim Igorevich;
Exemptions without Justice? Liberal jurisprudence on religious exemptions and its political justification.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Letrondo, Pilar A;
Ashley, Sarah Ann;
Flinn, Andrew;
Burton, Alexandra;
Kador, Thomas;
Mukadam, Naaheed;
Systematic review of arts and culture-based interventions for people living with dementia and their caregivers.
Ageing Research Reviews
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Liang, Lianda;
Minds and lines in motion: Relevance Theory and Chinese to English visual poetry translation processes.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Liano, Thomas Benjamin;
Faire avec – Genet Cixous Dustan - Pour une réévaluation négative de l'échec littéraire.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Lloyd, A;
Hicks, A;
Information literacy, transition, and risk in the COVID-19-environment.
Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future. iConference 2022.
(pp. pp. 79-87).
Springer: Cham, Switzerland.
Loboda, Olga;
Transforming visitor experience with museum technologies: The development and impact evaluation of a recommender system in a physical museum.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Lomas, Elizabeth;
Information Governance: Are we there yet and … if not where are we heading?
Presented at: RIMPA Global, Canberra, Australia.
Lomas, Elizabeth;
Shepherd, Elizabeth;
Hoyle, Victoria;
Sexton, Anna;
Flinn, Andrew;
A Framework for Person-Centred Recordkeeping Drawn through the Lens of Out-of-Home Child-Care Contexts.
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Lyu, Guangzhao;
The Boom and The Boom: Historical Rupture and Political Economy in Contemporary Chinese and British Science Fiction.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Mac Góráin, Fiachra;
Scott McGill. Virgil. Aeneid. Book XI. Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press, 2020. ISBN: 9781107071339 (hardcover); 9781107416789 (softcover). Pp. viii + 307. $ 99.99 / $ 26.99.
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pp. 206-209.
Mac Góráin, Fiachra;
Nelis, Damien;
Mystery Cult in Vergil.
(In press).
Madden, R;
Reflexivity, Realism, and Consciousness.
Grazer Philosophische Studien
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pp. 503-515.
Madden, R;
Bodily awareness without the body.
In: Alsmith, Adrian JT and Longo, Matthew R, (eds.)
The Routledge Handbook of Bodily Awareness.
Routledge: Abingdon, UK.
Mahony, Simon;
The Open Agenda: Why Openness and Transparency Are Needed, in: Information Matters, Vol. 2, Issue 5.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Mahony, Simon;
Toward openness and transparency to better facilitate knowledge creation.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
(In press).
Mahony, Simon;
Fu, Yaming;
Digital Humanities Curriculum Development: an iSchools Approach.
Presented at: Digital Humanities Congress 2022, Sheffield, UK.
Mahony, Simon;
Fu, Yaming;
Localizing Chinese Digital Humanities within the Globalized Community.
Presented at: The 4th China Digital Humanities Conference, Beijing, China.
Mahony, Simon;
Fu, Yaming;
Liu, Wei;
Reconstruction of cultural memory through digital storytelling: a case study of Shanghai Memory project.
Presented at: Digital Humanities 2022, Tokyo, Japan.
Manuwald, Gesine;
Setbacks, risks and failures in Cicero’s speeches?
Philologia antiqua
, 15
pp. 47-58.
Manuwald, Gesine;
Silius Italicus and the Conventions of Historical Epic at Rome.
In: Augoustakis, A and Fucecchi, M, (eds.)
Silius Italicus and the Tradition of the Roman Historical Epos.
(pp. 19-36).
Koninklijke Brill N.V: Leiden, The Netherlands.
Manuwald, Gesine;
Xinyue, Bobby;
Nicholas, Lucy R;
Harrison, Stephen;
Barton, William M;
An Anthology of Neo-Latin Literature in British Universities.
Bloomsbury Neo-Latin Series: Early Modern Texts and Anthologies: Vol.3.
(1st ed.).
Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK.
Martin, Deborah;
‘A Kind of Bliss, a Closing Eyelid, a Tiny Fainting Spell’: Zama and the Lapse Into Colour.
In: Christofoletti Barrenha, N and Kratje, J and Merchant, P, (eds.)
ReFocus: The Films of Lucrecia Martel.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK.
Marzà, Anna;
Torralba, Gloria;
Baños-Piñero, Rocío;
Audio description and plurilingual competence: new allies in language learning?
Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos
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pp. 165-180.
Maus de Rolley, Thibaut;
Histoire de la sorcellerie démoniaque: les grands textes de référence. Par Nicole Jacques-Lefèvre.
French Studies
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p. 279.
Mazy, Elodie;
Si valor librorum est ineffabilis. Valeur religieuse et valeur économique des livres chrétiens en Égypte tardo-antique.
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pp. 161-170.
McAuley, Mairead;
Children in Greek tragedy: pathos and potential
Emma Griffiths, Children in Greek tragedy: pathos and potential. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. viii, 328. ISBN 9780198826071 $99.00.
Bryn Mawr Classical Review
McAuley, Mairead;
Dextrae iungere dextram: the affective dynamics of touch in Aeneid.
, 67
pp. 239-274.
McGiffin, Emily;
Conflicted colonialisms: multi-dimensional violence in the Western Sahel.
Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal
(In press).
McGiffin, Emily;
Gender, Race, and the Biopolitics of Extractivism in the Poetry of Nontsizi Mgqwetho.
Research in African Literatures
, 53
pp. 60-78.
McGiffin, Emily;
Raced and Erased: Settler Colonialism and Environmental Violence in the Poetry of Jordan Abel.
ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment
, Article isac023. 10.1093/isle/isac023.
(In press).
McIlwraith, Fraser;
Reading by Pieces: Heliodorus, Sir Philip Sidney, and the Model of Romance.
The Review of English Studies
, 73
pp. 411-428.
Metilli, Daniele;
Vlachidis, Andreas;
Humbel, Marco;
Pickering, Victoria;
Carine, Mark;
Sloan, Kim;
Nyhan, Julianne;
Towards a Network Analysis of Hans Sloane's Collection: A Preliminary Study.
Presented at: EUSN 2022 – 6th European Conference on Social Networks, London, UK.
Meyer Ludowisy, Andrea;
Espley, Richard;
Tiedau, Ulrich;
The Collective Unconscious of the University of London’s German Studies Collections: Reflecting, Resisting and Remaking Anglo-German Relations on Library Shelves in the Era of the World Wars.
Angermion: Yearbook for Anglo-German Literary Criticism, Intellectual History and Cultural Transfers / Jahrbuch für britisch-deutsche Kulturbeziehungen
, 15
pp. 171-206.
Mikhaylova, D;
Metilli, D;
An Extension of RiC-O for Architectural Archives.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings.
(pp. pp. 98-107).
Morse, Nuala;
Thomson, LJ;
Elsden, E;
Rogers, H;
Chatterjee, HJ;
Exploring the Potential of Creative Museum-led Activities to Support Stroke In-patient Rehabilitation and Wellbeing: A Pilot Mixed-methods Study.
Arts & Health
, 15
pp. 135-152.
Moxham, Sarah Elizabeth Alice;
Poetic Happenings: The Interactions of French and Italian Poetry in Print and Performance Art, 1958 to 1981.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Mughal, R;
Thomson, LJM;
Daykin, N;
Chatterjee, HJ;
Rapid Evidence Review of Community Engagement and Resources in the UK during the COVID-19 Pandemic: How Can Community Assets Redress Health Inequities?
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
, 19
, Article 4086. 10.3390/ijerph19074086.
Mulya, Wijaya;
Salvi, Francesca;
Gorczynski, Paul;
Brown, Tanya Wells;
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Corrigendum: The state and my happiness: Youth mental health, citizenship education and discursive contestations in contemporary Indonesia.
Children & Society
(In press).
Mussgnug, Florian;
In defence of Radical Inquiry in Comparative Literature, Translation and the Study of Language(s) – 7: Pluralism and Vulnerability.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Mussgnug, Florian;
In: Herbrechter, Stefan and Callus, Ivan and Rossini, Manuela and de Bruin-Molé, Megen and Müller, Christopher John and Grech, Marija, (eds.)
Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism.
(pp. 1-20).
Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK.
Mussgnug, Florian;
Antropocene: decentrare l’uomo.
, XI
pp. 203-206.
Mussgnug, Florian;
Translating Endangered Nonhuman Worlds.
In: Tihanov, Galin, (ed.)
Universal Localities.
(pp. 145-165).
J.B. Metzler: Berlin, Germany.
Nabugodi, Mathelinda;
Afro Hair in the Time of Slavery.
Studies in Romanticism
, 61
pp. 79-89.
Nabugodi, Mathelinda;
Editing Otherwise.
Textual Cultures
, 15
pp. 18-28.
Nabugodi, Mathelinda;
Old Anew: Hellas.
European Romantic Review
, 33
pp. 639-652.
Nabugodi, Mathelinda;
A triumph of Black life?
Keats-Shelley Journal
, 70
pp. 133-141.
Navarrete, Marga;
Bolaños-García-Escribano, Alejandro;
An Action-oriented Approach to Didactic Audio Description in Foreign Language Education.
Revista de lenguas para fines específicos
, 28
pp. 151-164.
Nemorin, Selena;
Vlachidis, Andreas;
Hayford, Ayerakwa;
Andriotis, Panagiotis;
AI hyped? A horizon scan of discourse on artificial intelligence in education (AIED) and development.
Learning, Media and Technology
(In press).
Newman, Jim;
Duke-Williams, Oliver;
The ONS Longitudinal Study.
Presented at: Introducing longitudinal population studies: The ONS Longitudinal Study and the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England 2, London, UK.
Nightingale, Elizabeth Geneviève;
An Infinite Succession of Steps: Magical Realism's Prehistory.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
North, R;
Resident stranger: Sæmundr in the Ashkenaz.
In: Thomson, SC, (ed.)
Strangers at the Gate! Multidisciplinary Explorations of Communities, Borders, and Othering in Medieval Western Europe.
(pp. 146-165).
Brill: Leiden, The Netherlands.
North, R;
Hrothwulf’s time with Hrothgar: siþþan in Widsith, lines 45-49.
In: Toswell, MJ and Ishiguro, T, (eds.)
Medieval English Syntax: Studies in Honor of Michiko Ogura.
Peter Lang
Nugent, Gabriella;
Categories and contemporaries: African artists at the Slade School of Fine Art (c.1945–65).
Burlington Contemporary Journal
, 2022
Nunez De Caceres Gonzalez, Barbara;
Nature's visibility: the metaphysical origin of living beings in F. W. J. Schelling's philosophy of nature.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Nyhan, Julianne;
Vlachidis, Andreas;
Flinn, Andrew;
Pearlman, Nina;
Humbel, Marco;
Metilli, Daniele;
Sadek, Jawad;
... Terracciano, Alda; + view all
The Sloane Lab: Dealing with a challenging past.
Presented at: Universeum 2022, Leuven, Belgium.
O'Brien, Sharon;
Federici, Federico;
Crisis Translation beyond Words into Action.
In: O'Brien, Sharon and Federici, Federico, (eds.)
Translating Crises.
(pp. 1-14).
Bloomsbury Publishing: London, UK.
O’Brien, Lucy;
‘Sneering, or Other Social Pelting’.
Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume
, 96
pp. 245-268.
Ogie, RI;
O'Brien, S;
Federici, FM;
Towards using agent-based modelling for collaborative translation of crisis information: A systematic literature review to identify the underlying attributes, behaviours, interactions, and environment of agents.
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
, 68
, Article 102717. 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102717.
Onah, Daniel;
EnuwaJGX: Machine Learning Gene Prediction Software Application Model - An Innovative Method to Precision Medicine and Predictive Analysis of Visualising Mutated Genes Associated to Neurological Phenotype of Diseases.
Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management.
(pp. pp. 281-291).
SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications: Valletta, Malta.
Onah, Daniel FO;
Pang, Elaine Ling Ling;
Sinclair, Jane Elizabeth;
An Investigation of Self-Regulated Learning in a Novel MOOC Platform.
Journal of Computing in Higher Education
(In press).
Onah, Daniel FO;
Pang, Elaine LL;
El-Haj, Mahmoud;
A Data-driven Latent Semantic Analysis for Automatic Text Summarization using LDA Topic Modelling.
Ossa-Richardson, A;
English architecture in 1963: A newly rediscovered view from Germany.
arq: Architectural Research Quarterly
, 26
pp. 222-235.
Ossa-Richardson, A;
John Taylor Retailored.
The Review of English Studies
, 73
pp. 59-77.
Ossa-Richardson, A;
Proust, Typical Novelist: Literary Context as Type.
Modern Language Quarterly
, 83
pp. 27-55.
Ossa-Richardson, Anthony;
De Missy, César;
A Discourse on the Use of Ridicule in Religious Disputes.
Erudition and the Republic of Letters
, 7
pp. 137-195.
Parker, Natalia Vladimirovna;
Optimizing cognitive processing in the L2 classroom: new integrated grammar teaching framework, tested on unprepared oral production of Russian case inflection.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), University of Leeds.
Phillips, Rory;
From periodic decline to permanent rebirth: Alexander Raven Thomson on civilization, pathology, and violence.
Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence
, 6
pp. 37-52.
Phillips, Rory Lawrence;
The Theological Philosophy of William Temple: A Desire Argument and a Compassionate Theodicy.
Picollo, L;
Schindler, T;
Higher-Order Logic and Disquotational Truth.
Journal of Philosophical Logic
(In press).
Pound, Megan;
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
A systematic review of the principles of co-production in relation to the mental health and wellbeing of care leavers.
International Journal of Emotional Education
, 14
pp. 3-19.
Prati, Alberto;
Senik, Claudia;
Feeling Good Is Feeling Better.
Psychological Science
, 33
pp. 1828-1841.
Ramírez Echavarría, Diego;
Enhancing Word Representation Learning with Linguistic Knowledge.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Reath, James;
Anexact Cultures.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Regehr, Cheryl;
Regehr, Kaitlyn;
Birze, Arija;
Traumatic residue, mediated remembering and video evidence of sexual violence: A case study.
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry
, 81
, Article 101778. 10.1016/j.ijlp.2022.101778.
Regehr, Kaitlyn;
In(cel)doctrination: How technologically facilitated misogyny moves violence off screens and on to streets.
New Media & Society
, 24
pp. 138-155.
Reynolds, A;
Bowsher, J;
Clark, J;
Keynes, S;
Metlitskaya, Z;
Treschow, M;
McDermott, D;
... Bolton, T; + view all
Behold the Front Page: Cnut and the Scyldings in Beowulf.
In: North, J and Goeres, E and Finlay, A, (eds.)
Anglo-Danish Empire: A Companion to the Reign of King Cnut the Great.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH: Berlin, Germany.
(In press).
Rideal, Liz;
Slade Drawing 150.
Slade Press (Slade School of Fine Art - UCL): London, UK.
Ripoll, Santiago;
Hrynick, Tabitha;
Ouvrier, Ashley;
Schmidt-Sane, Megan;
Federici, Federico;
Storer, Elizabeth;
10 Ways Local Governments in Multicultural Urban Settings can Support Vaccine Equity, in: Pandemics. SSHAP Brief.
Social Science in Humanitarian Action (SSHAP)
Roberts, C;
Writing in Character: Ethics, Plot, and Emphasis in Samuel Richardson's Clarissa.
ELH: English Literary History
(In press).
Rocha da Cruz, Irineu;
Postcolonial Readings in Lusophone Film 1937-1985.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Ronquist, Filippa;
Realist Legitimacy.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Rossoni, Stefano;
‘A Sinful Passion’: Mario Vargas Llosa’s Readings of Borges from 1964 to 2014.
Bulletin of Spanish Studies
pp. 1-29.
(In press).
Rowberry, Simon;
The Ebook Imagination.
Digital Humanities Quarterly
, 16
Rubin, Eleazer;
Ṣimṣum in Habad Hasidism, 1796-1920: Thought, Literature, and History.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Rubins, M;
Западная массовая культура 1920-1930-х гг. в перспективе русской эмигрантской прозы (В. Набоков, Король, дама, валет и И. Одоевцева, Зеркало).
Revue des Etudes Slaves
, 93
pp. 369-389.
Rushworth, Jennifer;
Barthes's Return to Michelet and the Question of New Life.
Recherches sémiotiques / Semiotic Inquiry
, 2019
pp. 57-69.
Rushworth, Jennifer;
À l’ombre de Proust : le temps et l’écriture dans En l’absence des hommes de Philippe Besson.
OEuvres & Critiques: Revue internationale d’étude de la réception critique des œuvres littéraires de langue française
pp. 15-32.
Rushworth, Jennifer;
Nel mezzo: Roland Barthes’s mediated Dante and Dantean figures of mediation.
Italian Studies
, 77
pp. 135-145.
Scheidegger Lämmle, Cédric;
Manuwald, Gesine;
Cicero – Opera omnia Ed. Andreas Cratander, Basel 1528. Supplementary volume:
Introductory essay as well as text and translation of Cratander’s Letter of dedication.
Schwabe Verlag: Basel, Berlin.
Seale, M;
Hicks, A;
Nicholson, K;
Towards a Critical Turn in Library UX.
FIMS Publications
, 83
, Article 355.
Selgas, Gianfranco;
Archivos de la mina planetaria: arte, ecología política y geología de medios en Chile y Venezuela.
Diálogos Latinoamericanos
, 31
pp. 110-125.
Serafini, Leonardo;
Aristotle on the priority of virtuous actions.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Shamdasani, S;
Facchinetti, C;
Transcultural histories of psychotherapies: new narratives.
História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos
, 29
(suppl 1)
pp. 10-12.
Shepherd, Elizabeth;
Pioneering Women Archivists in early 20th Century England: a progress report.
Der Archivar | Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen
, 2
(G 4914)
pp. 117-120.
Sheward, Felipe;
Romano, Daniela M;
Marquardt, Nicolai;
ASAD: A Novel Audification Console for Assessment and Communication of Pain and Discomfort.
Human Behavior and Emerging Technologies
, 2022
, Article 9307316. 10.1155/2022/9307316.
Sica, Beatrice;
La letteratura, la poesia, il disastro.
, 21
pp. 56-71.
Sica, Beatrice;
Le avanguardie e il romanzo.
In: Manetti, Beatrice and Tortora, Massimiliano, (eds.)
Letteratura italiana contemporanea. Narrativa e poesia dal Novecento a oggi.
(pp. 52-69).
Carocci: Roma, Italy.
Sicard, François;
Can decentralized science help tackle the deterioration in working conditions in academia?
Frontiers in Blockchain
, 5
, Article 1066294. 10.3389/fbloc.2022.1066294.
Sicard, François;
Yazaydin, A Ozgur;
Biohybrid Membrane Formation by Directed Insertion of Aquaporin into a Solid-State Nanopore.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
, 14
pp. 48029-48036.
Sikk, Allan;
Stuck in Reverse - BTI Regional Report East-Central and Southeast Europe.
(BTI Transformation Index
Bertelsmann Stiftung: Gütersloh, Germany.
Silva, Ana Cláudia Suriani da;
Luca, Tania Regina de;
Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho: De Portugal para o Brasil.
In: Silva, Ana Cláudia Suriani da and Luca, Tania Regina de, (eds.)
Maria Amália Vaz de Carvalho, Conversas Lisbonenses e outros escritos (1884-1889).
(pp. 9-34).
Editora FE - Unicamp: Campinas, Brazil.
Silva, Ana Cláudia Suriani da;
Echoes of the Elegiac Novel in Brazilian Literature.
Machado de Assis em Linha
, 15
, Article e268440. 10.1590/1983-682120221521.
Simpson, Robert Mark;
The Ethics of Quitting Social Media.
In: Veliz, Carissa, (ed.)
The Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics.
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
"Eclectic Resilience" in Childhood: Interdisciplinary Research.
Presented at: Global Transformations and Governance Challenges (GTGC), The Hague, Netherlands.
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Psychology Teaching Review
, 28
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Mental Health Literacy and Higher Education.
Presented at: International Conference on Research in Education (ICORE) 2022, Lahore, Pakistan.
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Revisiting Resilience in light of Racism, Othering and Resistance.
Presented at: International Association for Moral Education Conference 2022, Manchester, UK.
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Gilbert, Patricia;
Revisiting ‘resilience’ in light of racism, ‘othering’ and resistance.
Race and Class: a journal of racism, empire and globalisation
, 64
pp. 84-94.
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Gorczynski, Paul;
Evaluating mental health literacy amongst US college students: A cross sectional study.
Journal of American College Health
(In press).
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Maynard, Emma;
Pound, Megan;
“I Hate Having my Mental Health” – Making Sense of Mental Health through Coproduction and Visual Methods with Young People with Complex Needs.
Journal of Youth Studies
(In press).
Sims-Schouten, Wendy;
Weindling, Paul;
“All emigrants are up to the physical, mental and moral standards required”: A Tale of Two Child Rescue Schemes.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
, 58
pp. 302-318.
Sin, Jacqueline;
Henderson, Claire;
Elkes, Jack;
Cornelius, Victoria;
Woodham, Luke A;
Batchelor, Rachel;
Chen, Tao;
... Gillard, Steve; + view all
Effect of digital psychoeducation and peer support on the mental health of family carers supporting individuals with psychosis in England (COPe-support): a randomised clinical trial.
Lancet Digital Health
(In press).
Smyth, Hannah K;
"Permanent Reminders": Digital Archives and the Irish Commemorative Impulse.
, 57
pp. 166-188.
Son, Yein;
Seeing Above, Through, and Below the Constructed Skin and Surface within an Expanded Painting Practice.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Stern, Thomas;
Unlucky Children: Orphanhood as Identity.
The Point
, 27
pp. 37-58.
Stern, Thomas;
Against Nietzsche's Theory of Affirmation.
In: Came, Daniel, (ed.)
Nietzsche on Morality and the Affirmation of Life.
(pp. 170-192).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Stokes, Joel;
"Silence," Heritage, and Sumud in Silwan, East Jerusalem.
Jerusalem Quarterly
, 91
pp. 105-120.
Stokes, Joel;
Biriotti, Maurice;
Christie, Edward;
Fallstrom, Helena;
Miller, Nicola;
Ng, Stephanie;
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Contributions from the Humanities.
UCL Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS): London, UK.
Stougaard-Nielsen, Jakob;
Borgen is back – what the series gets right (and wrong) about Danish politics.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Stougaard-Nielsen, Jakob;
(Re)Making a Killing. Forbrydelsen : une réseau d'adaptations?
Deshima. Arts, Lettres at Cultures des Pays du Nord
, 16
pp. 41-63.
Stougaard-Nielsen, Jakob;
Scandinavian Crime Fiction.
In: Gulddal, Jesper and King, Stewart and Rolls, Alistair, (eds.)
The Cambridge Companion to World Crime Fiction.
(pp. 221-241).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
Stougaard-Nielsen, Jakob;
Nordic noir: Branding Nordicness as British boreal nostalgia.
In: Marjanen, Jani and Strang, Johan and Hilson, Mary, (eds.)
Contesting Nordicness: From Scandinavianism to the Nordic brand.
(pp. 197-218).
De Gruyter Oldenbourg
Stougaard-Nielsen, Jakob;
Hans Christian Andersen's Media Ecology: "The Old Church Bell" in Folkekalender for Danmark (1862).
In: Van der Poll, Suze and Versloot, Arjen, (eds.)
Vagebond. Festschrift Henk van der Liet.
(pp. 236-251).
Scandinavisch Instituut Amsterdam: Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Stougaard-Nielsen, Jakob;
Carbone, Elettra;
Research, Pitch, Publish: Preparing comparative literature students for the creative industries.
(Proceedings) UCL Education Conference 2022.
University College London (UCL)
Strömfelt, H;
Dickens, L;
d'Avila Garcez, A;
Russo, A;
Formalizing Consistency and Coherence of Representation Learning.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
Stromfelt, Harald;
Dickens, Luke;
Garcez, Artur;
Russo, Alessandra;
Formalizing Coherence and Consistency Applied to Transfer Learning in Neuro-Symbolic Autoencoders.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press
(In press).
Sung, LU;
Never Just Save the Few.
, 34
pp. 275-288.
Suriani da Silva, Ana Cláudia;
Uliana, Elton;
Fernandez, Raffaella Andréa;
Demystifying the Stigma in the Writings of Carolina Maria de Jesus: translation strategies in translating “Favela”.
Revista Linguagem & Ensino
, 25
pp. 1-19.
Swaab, P;
Review of 'Side-Stepping Normativity in Selected Short Stories by Sylvia Townsend Warner' by Rebecca Kate Hahn.
Archiv fuer das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen
, 1/2022
Swaab, Peter;
'The Polymathic Magpie-Scholar': Humphrey Jennings and Kevin Jackson.
Kevin Jackson 1955-2021.
Holland House: London, UK.
Szostak, Rick;
Lee, Deborah;
Classifying Musical Genres: Building musical form and genre into BCC: Repurposing LCGFT terms for music into the Basic Concepts Classification.
Knowledge Organization
, 49
pp. 257-272.
The Piddock Clam Collective, .;
Wrack Writing (Selections).
Feminist Review
, 130
pp. 115-119.
Thomson, C;
The smoking machine: public health films and public value in Britain and Denmark, 1950-1964.
In: Hjort, M and Nannicelli, T, (eds.)
Motion Pictures and Public Value.
Tiedau, Ulrich;
Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies
, 46
pp. 1-3.
Tiedau, Ulrich;
Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies
, 46
p. 93.
Tiedau, Ulrich;
Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
Annual Register
, 263
pp. 44-47.
Tong, Kin-Long;
Archiving social movement memories amidst autocratization: a case study of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement Visual Archive.
International Journal of Heritage Studies
, 28
pp. 733-751.
Trengove, Markus;
Kazim, Emre;
Almeida, Denise;
Hilliard, Airlie;
Zannone, Sara;
Lomas, Elizabeth;
A critical review of the Online Safety Bill.
, 3
, Article 100544. 10.1016/j.patter.2022.100544.
Trifonova, Temenuga;
Keynote: The New European Cinema of Precarity.
Presented at: The New European Cinema of Precarity, Paris, France.
Trifonova, Temenuga;
The Figure of the Migrant in Contemporary Italian Cinema.
In: de Francheschi, Leonardo and Perniola, Ivelise, (eds.)
Migrazioni, cittadinanze, inclusività Narrazioni dell’Italia plurale, tra immaginario e politiche per la diversità.
(pp. 271-280).
tab edizioni: Rome, Italy.
Trifonova, Temenuga;
Cinema as Philosophy of Art.
In: Trifonova, Temenuga, (ed.)
Screening the Art World.
Amsterdam University Press
Trifonova, Temenuga;
Editor's Introduction.
In: Trifonova, Temenuga, (ed.)
Screening the Art World.
Amsterdam University Press
Van Latum, Albin;
Power, Self, Freedom – The Philosophical Therapies of Spinoza and Nietzsche.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Vasunia, P;
Sound, Rhythm, Body.
In: Ghouse, Nida and Holmes, Brooke, (eds.)
Coming to Know.
Bianca & Volta in collaboration with Haus der Kulturen der Welt: Milan, Italy.
Vasunia, P;
A God in Translation? Dionysus from Lucian to Gandhara.
In: Papadodima, E, (ed.)
Ancient Greek Literature and the Foreign.
(pp. 73-97).
De Gruyter: Berlin, Germany.
Vasunia, Phiroze;
Catullus and empire: poems 11 and 29.
In: Serracino, Carmel, (ed.)
Ardet amans: Essays in honour of Horatio Caesar Roger Vella.
(pp. 137-162).
Midsea Books: Sta Venera, Malta.
Venkatesh, N;
Against commitment.
Philosophical Studies
, 179
pp. 3511-3534.
Vidro, Nadezda;
The Medieval Qaraite Calendar in the Diaspora.
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
, 22
pp. 125-156.
Vidro, Nadezda;
Saadya Gaon’s Refutation of Anan or a Qaraite Book of Commandments? T-S Ar.21.156, T-S Ar.48.216 and T-S NS 303.1, in: Fragment of the Month: May 2022.
[Digital scholarly resource].
Vidro, Nadia;
On the Date of Composition of the Book of Commandments by the Qaraite Levi b. Yefet.
(In press).
Villegas de la Torre, Esther M;
Scholarly Identity and Gender in the Respublica litteraria: The Cases of Luisa Sigea (1522–1560) and Margaret Cavendish (1623–1673).
In: Scholten, Koen and Van Miert, Dirk and Enenkel, Karl AE, (eds.)
Memory and Identity in the Learned World Community: Formation in the Early Modern World of Learning and Science.
(pp. 117-155).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
Vlachidis, A;
Tudhope, D;
A Method for Archaeological and Dendrochronological Concept Annotation using Domain Knowledge in Information Extraction.
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies
, 15
pp. 192-203.
Walsh, JA;
Cobb, PJ;
de Fremery, W;
Golub, K;
Keah, H;
Kim, J;
Kiplang'at, J;
... Wang, X; + view all
Digital humanities in the iSchool.
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
, 73
pp. 188-203.
Wang Wang, Chengcheng;
Díaz Cintas, Jorge;
The Riches of Hands-on Subtitling in the Foreign Language Classroom.
Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos
pp. 32-47.
Weeden, Mark;
Power-Plays: Types of Lover and Types of Love in Akkadian from the Third and Second Millennia BC.
In: Alshaer, Atef, (ed.)
Love and Poetry in the Middle East: Love and Literature from Antiquity to the Present.
(pp. 12-56).
I.B. Tauris: London, UK.
Weeden, Mark;
The Hittite Empire.
In: Radner, Karen and Potts, Daniel and Moeller, Nadine, (eds.)
The Oxford History of the Ancient Near East: Volume III: From the Hyksos to the Late Second Millennium BCe Hyksos to the Late Second Millennium BC.
(pp. 529-622).
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Wensley, Christy;
The Unseen Subject: Blackness in the Work of Henry James.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
West, E James;
“Getting on the Negro History Bandwagon”: Selling Black History from World War II to the Dawn of Black Power.
The Journal of African American History
, 107
pp. 423-450.
West, E James;
Johnson Publishing Company and the Search for a White Audience.
American Journalism
, 39
pp. 293-314.
White, Anne;
Kalisz, Piła i Płock jako „miasta imigracji i emigracji”: doświadczenia Ukraińców.
UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES): London, UK.
Whittle, Benjamin William;
The Translation of Biblical Hebrew Verbal Stems in the Septuagint of the Pentateuch and Former Prophets.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Williams, Thomas Edward;
In Defence of Acquaintance.
Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London).
Wilson, Guyanne;
British and American norms in the Trinidadian English lexicon.
World Englishes
, 42
pp. 73-90.
Wilson, James;
When does precision matter? Personalised medicine from the perspective of public health.
In: Barilan, Michael and Brusa, Margherita and Ciechanover, Aaron, (eds.)
Can precision medicine be personal; Can personalized medicine be precise?
Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
Xue, Ying;
Reason and Caring about in Akratic Action.
Masters thesis (M.Phil.Stud), UCL (University College London).
Yao, Xine;
On Being Brought from Africa to America to London: Teaching Phillis Wheatley in the Former Heart of Empire.
Early American Literature
, 57
pp. 843-849.
Yebra López, Carlos;
Decolonizing Spanish: Ladino and Chavacano as Sites of Global Hispanophonia.
TRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World
, 9
pp. 69-92.
Yoeli, Heather;
Dhital, Ranjita;
Hermaszewska, Susannah;
Sin, Jacqueline;
A meta-ethnography of participatory health research and co-production in Nepal.
Social Science & Medicine
, 301
, Article 114955. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114955.
Zhang, Jiajie;
Watson, Paul;
Hodgson, Barry;
A new approach to impact case study analytics.
Data & Policy
, 4
, Article e30. 10.1017/dap.2022.21.
Zhang, Shaoqiang;
Jia, Huihuang;
Federici, F. M., Declercq, C. (Eds.). (2021). Intercultural Crisis Communication: Translation, Interpreting and Languages in Local Crises. Bloomsbury Academic. (pp. 280)
Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies
, 21
p. 280.
Zusi, Peter;
Gold-Bugs and False Gemstones: Hermeneutics, Ekphrasis, and Coincidence in Edgar Allan Poe and Jakub Arbes.
Modern Language Review
, 117
pp. 325-351.
Ågerstrand, Marlene;
Beronius, Anna;
Junghans, Marion;
Martin, Olwenn;
Editorial: Women in regulatory toxicology: 2021.
Frontiers in Toxicology
, 4
, Article 1056285. 10.3389/ftox.2022.1056285.