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Number of items: 76.
Aimar, S;
Counterfactuals, Overdetermination and Mental Causation.
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
, 111
pp. 469-477.
Bowersox, J;
Comparative and Transnational History: Central European Approaches and New Perspectives, edited by Heinz-Gerhard Haupt and Jürgen Kocka.
Canadian Journal of History
, 46
pp. 489-491.
Button, T;
The Metamathematics of Putnam's Model-Theoretic Arguments.
, 74
pp. 321-349.
Masculinity, Scatology, Mooning and the Queer/able Art of Gilbert & George: On the Visual Discourse of Male Ejaculation and Anal Penetration.
Paragraph: A Journal of Modern Critical Theory
, 34
86 - 104.
Chaney, SJ;
“A Hideous Torture on Himself”: Madness and Self-Mutilation in Victorian Literature.
Journal of Medical Humanities
, 32
279 - 289.
Demeyer, HD;
De taal schettert en schreeuwt in de grauwzone
Taal- en maatschappijkritiek in het werk van J.M.H. Berckmans.
Spiegel der Letteren
, 53
pp. 493-522.
Facchini, B;
Giurisprudenza da favola. Note sul lessico giuridico delle "Metamorfosi" di Apuleio.
, 29
pp. 301-324.
Ferrara Degli Uberti, C;
Elizabeth Schächter, The Jews of Italy, 1848-1915. Between Tradition and Transformation, London: Vallentine Mitchell, 2010, pp. 268.
Quest: Issues in Contemporary Jewish History
, 2
pp. 415-417.
Gardner, S;
Kant's practical postulates and the limits of the Critical system.
Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain
, 63/64
187 - 215.
Geller, M;
Review of N Heessel, Divinatorische Texte I: Terrestrische, teratologische, physiognomische und oneiromantische Texte. Keilschrifttexte aus Assur literarischen Inhalts, I.
Die Welt des Orients
, 41
118- 146.
Glynn, L;
D. H. Mellor, The Matter of Chance.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
, 62
pp. 899-906.
Glynn, L;
A Probabilistic Analysis of Causation.
The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
, 62
pp. 343-392.
Guesnet, F;
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: Joel Wegmeister and Modern Hasidic Politics in Warsaw.
Quest : Issues in Contemporary Jewish History.
pp. 209-226.
Hermans, T;
Jeptha's woord.
Filter, tijdschrift over vertalen
, 18
38 - 44.
Hermans, T;
'Tusschen europeaensche vermaerdheden': het vertalen van Hendrik Conscience.
Filter, tijdschrift over vertalen
, 18
27 - 34.
Kuldkepp, M;
Conference Report: Cultural Exchanges across the Baltic Sea in the Middle Ages Symposium and Workshop: First Meeting of the Austmarr Network.
RMN Newsletter
, 2011
pp. 43-44.
Kuldkepp, M;
Vanapõhja kirjanduse tõlkeloost ja selle tähendusest Eesti kultuurile.
Keel ja Kirjandus
pp. 449-452.
Mac Góráin, F;
To Hell with Aeneas: looking backwards and forwards in Aeneid 6.
, 61
pp. 15-17.
Mahony, Simon;
Research communities and open collaboration: the example of the Digital Classicist wiki.
Digital Medievalist
, 6
Manuwald, Gesine;
Plautus in Twenty-First-Century Australia: Does the Roman
Playwright Still Influence People’s Identity?
, 38
pp. 207-220.
Manuwald, G;
Journal of Roman Studies
, 101
272 - 273.
Moreau, I;
Hommes, bêtes et 'Fondins' chez Gabriel de Foigny.
Seventeenth-Century French Studies
, 33
49 - 58.
Panteli, G;
Alois Hotschnig, Maybe this Time.
Shepherd, E;
Flinn, A;
Stevenson, A;
Records Management in English Local Government: the effect of freedom of information.
Records Management Journal
, 21
pp. 122-134.
Shepherd, E;
Educating for the Archival Multiverse.
The American Archivist
, 74
pp. 69-101.
Shepherd, EJ;
Flinn, A;
Stevenson, A;
Freedom of Information and records management in local government: help or hindrance?
Information Polity
, 16
pp. 111-121.
Shih, C;
Learning from writing reflective learning journals in a theory-based translation module: students’ perspectives.
The Interpreter and Translator Trainer
, 5
pp. 309-324.
Srinivasan, A;
Armchair v. Laboratory: Intuition, Imagination and Philosophical Methodology by Tamar Szabó Gendler. Oxford, 362 pp., £37.50, December 2010, 9780199589760.
London Review of Books
, 33
pp. 17-18.
Mediated Memories in the Digital Age, J. van Dijck, Stanford University Press.
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
, 36
pp. 90-96.
Present, Not Voting: Digital Humanities in the Panopticon: Closing Plenary Speech, Digital Humanities 2010.
Literary and Linguistic Computing
, 26
257 - 269.
Tiedau, U;
, 35
pp. 1-3.
Trifonova, T;
Between the national and the transnational: Bulgarian post-communist cinema.
Studies in Eastern European Cinema
, 2
pp. 211-225.
Trifonova, T;
Pensiero debole: Weak national cinema.
Studies in European Cinema
, 8
pp. 7-20.
Trifonova, Temenuga;
Film and Skepticism: Stanley Cavell on the Ontology of Film.
Rivista di estetica
pp. 197-219.
Trifonova, Temenuga;
The Twilight of the Index.
Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image
, 2
pp. 61-89.
Welsh, A;
Teaching RDA in 2010-11.
Catalogue & Index
5 - 8.
Wilson, J;
Why It’s Time to Stop Worrying About Paternalism in Health Policy.
Public Health Ethics
, 4
pp. 269-279.
Wilson, JGS;
Freedom of Information and Research Data.
Research Ethics
, 7
107 - 111.
Conway, David;
Jewry in Music: Entry to the Profession from the
Enlightenment to Richard Wagner.
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Dawson, AD;
XHTML workbook v4.15 (XHTML 1.01).
(4.15 ed.).
: UCL Department of Information Studies, London UK.
Maus de Rolley, T;
Elévations: L'écriture du voyage aérien à la Renaissance.
Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance: Vol.489.
Droz: Geneva, Switzerland.
Book chapter
Adams, R;
A Most Secret Service: William Herle and the Circulation of Intelligence.
In: Adams, R and Cox, R, (eds.)
Diplomacy and Early Modern Culture.
(pp. 63-81).
Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke, Hampshire.
Beaumont, M;
Socially empty space and dystopian utopianism in the late Nineteenth Century.
In: Gregory, R and Kohlmann, B, (eds.)
Utopian Spaces of Modernism: British Literature and Culture, 1885-1945.
(pp. 19-34).
Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK.
Conway, David;
‘Whatever the reasons’.
Jewry in Music: Entry to the Profession from the Enlightenment to Richard Wagner.
(pp. 1-13).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Duijzings, G;
Dictators, dogs, and survival in a post-totalitarian city.
In: Gandy, M, (ed.)
Urban constellations.
(145 - 148).
Jovis Verlag: Berlin, Germany.
Gardner, S;
Jenes Lichtbild: the possibility of a theory of tragedy.
In: Hamilton, C and Schweiger, G and Sedmak, C, (eds.)
Das Tragische begreifen. Reflexionen aus Philosophie, Kultur und Sozialwissenschaft.
(35 - 56).
Verlag Dr. Kovač: Hamburg.
Gardner, S;
Idealism and naturalism in nineteenth-century philosophy.
In: Stone, A, (ed.)
The Edinburgh Critical History of Nineteenth-Century Philosophy.
(89 - 110).
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, UK.
Gong, Yi;
Mackett, Roger L;
Visualizing childrens walking behaviour using portable global positioning (GPS) units and activity monitors.
In: Lin, Hui and Batty, Michael, (eds.)
Virtual Geographic Environments.
Esri Press
Inskip, C;
Music information retrieval research.
In: Rafferty, P and Foster, A, (eds.)
Innovations in Information Retrieval: Perspectives for theory and practice.
(pp. 69-84).
Facet Publishing: London.
Kuldkepp, M;
Kolm saagat Põhjamaade muinasajast.
(pp. 7-17).
Ilmamaa: Tartu, Estonia.
Kuldkepp, M;
Den politiska verksamheten. Poliitiline tegevus.
In: Salin, S, (ed.)
Hans Pöhl. Estlandssvenskarnas hövding. Rannarootslaste eestvõitleja.
(pp. 209-273).
Svenska Odlingens Vänners Förlag: Stockholm-Tallinn.
Sica, Beatrice;
Da Italie magique (1946) a Italia magica (1988): Gianfranco Contini e il mercato editoriale da Aux Portes de France a Einaudi.
In: Crotti, Ilaria and Del Tedesco, Enza and Ricorda, Ricciarda and Zava, Alberto, (eds.)
Autori, lettori e mercato nella modernità letteraria.
(pp. 693-701).
ETS: Pisa, Italy.
Sica, B;
Luzi e Fortini tra simbolismo e surrealismo.
In: Quiriconi, G, (ed.)
Antologie e poesia nel Novecento italiano.
(pp. 113-131).
Bulzoni: Rome, Italy.
Sleeman, AJ;
"Like two guys discovering Neptune": transatlantic dialogues in the emergence of land art.
Anglo-American exchange in postward sculpture, 1945-1975.
(148 - 163).
Getty Publications: Los Angeles, US.
Terras, M;
Artefacts and Errors: Acknowledging Issues of Representation in the Digital Imaging of Ancient Texts.
In: Fischer, F and Fritze, C and Vogeler, G, (eds.)
Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter 2 / Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 2.
(43 - 61).
Books on Demand: Norderstedt, Germany.
Trifonova, T;
From genre flick to art film: Seijun Suzuki’s branded to Kill and Pistol Opera.
In: Chan, F and Karpovich, A and Zhang, X, (eds.)
Genre in Asian Film and Television: New Approaches.
(pp. 149-162).
Palgrave Macmillan UK: London, UK.
Wilson, JGS;
Health Inequities.
In: Dawson, A, (ed.)
Public Health Ethics: Key Concepts and Issues in Policy and Practice.
(211 - 230).
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK.
Montserrat, D;
Glamour girls: Cleomania in mass culture.
In: Miles, Margaret M, (ed.)
Cleopatra: A sphinx revisited.
(pp. 172-194).
University of California Press
Proceedings paper
Hanley, Seán;
Sikk, Allan;
The Rise of Liberal Populism in Central and Eastern Europe? Understanding the Emergence of Anti-Establishment Reform Parties.
(Proceedings) Novelty and Endurance: Understanding Change and Stability in Central and East European Party Politics (CEELBAS workshop).
UCL London: London, UK.
Hanley, Seán;
Sikk, Allan;
The Rise of Liberal Populism in Central and Eastern Europe? Using QCA to understand the Emergence of Anti-Establishment Reform Parties.
Proceedings ECPR General Conference 2011.
ECPR: Reykjavik, Iceland.
Sikk, A;
Postcommunism and Postmaterialism? The Foundations of Green Politics in Estonia.
(Proceedings) Old Theory, New Cases The Study of Party Politics in Central and Eastern Europe (Södertörn University, Stockholm).
Moulin, C;
Nyhan, J;
Ciula, A;
Research Infrastructures
in the Digital Humanities.
(ESF Science Policy Briefing
, pp. pp. 1-44
European Science Foundation (ESF): Strasbourg, France.
Wilson, JGS;
Hunter, D;
Hyper-expensive new therapies and the prioritisation of R&D.
Nuffield Council on Bioethics: London, UK.
Conference item
Inskip, C;
Listening to Movies – Creating a User-Centred Catalogue of Music for Films.
Presented at: Music Linked Data workshop, JISC, London.
Lomas, Elizabeth;
Campfell, Chris;
Big Buckets: the future of retention scheduling?
Presented at: 13th Annual Conference, Information and Records Management Society, Brighton, UK.
Lomas, Elizabeth;
McLeod, Julie;
Extending your research methods repertoire.
Presented at: DREaM Conference - Developing Research Excellence and Methods, British Library, London, UK.
Sikk, A;
Environment, post-materialism and post-communism: Green politics in Estonia.
Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series: Politics of Environment and Energy in the Nordic and Baltic States, London, UK.
Sikk, A;
Postcommunism & Postmaterialism? The Foundations of Green Politics in Estonia.
Presented at: BASEES Study Group on the Baltic States Annual Meeting, Swansea, UK.
Warwick, C;
Mahony, S;
Nyhan, J;
Ross, C;
Tiedau, U;
Welsh, A;
UCLDH: big tent Digital Humanities in practice.
Presented at: Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford, CA, USA.
Welsh, A;
Finding information in a "gender-neutral" environment.
Presented at: Feminism and Teaching Symposium, Nottingham.
Welsh, A;
Ranganathan in the 21st century.
Presented at: 5th Bloomsbury Conference on e-Publishing and e-Publications, London.
Bunn, JJ;
Multiple Narratives, Multiple Views: Observing Archival Description.
Doctoral thesis , University College London.
Sica, B;
Magic Italy vs. Surrealist France: Culture and National Identity 1926-1946.
Doctoral thesis , New York University.
Callanan, MJ;
Thomson, J;
Collins, S;
Jackson, M;
Head, T;
Faithfull, S;
Several Interruptions: 15 Years of the Slade Centre for Electronic Media in Fine Art.
[Group exhibition].
North Lodge, Gower Street, UCL.
2011-01-24 - 2011-04-17.
Trifonova, Temenuga;
Against Nature (feature film screenplay).
Temenuga Trifonova: Berlin, Germany.