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Number of items: 66.


Bowersox, J; (2010) Work and Play: The Production and Consumption of Toys in Germany, 1870–1914 / Toys, Consumption, and Middle-Class Childhood in Imperial Germany, 1871–1918. [Review]. American Journal of Play , 2 (3) pp. 378-380. Green open access

Bray, PM; (2010) BENHAÏM, ANDRÉ, ed. The Strange M. Proust. London: Legenda, 2009. ISBN 978-1-905981-97-7. Pp. 142. $89.50. [Review]. The French Review , 84 (1) pp. 168-169. 10.1353/tfr.2010.0025. Green open access

Bray, PM; (2010) The "Debris of Experience": The Cinema of Marcel Proust and Raoul Ruiz. Romanic Review , 101 (3) pp. 469-484. Green open access

Broughton, V; Vlachidis, A; Binding, C; Tudhope, D; May, K; (2010) Excavating grey literature: A case study on the rich indexing of archaeological documents via natural language‐processing techniques and knowledge‐based resources. Aslib Proceedings , 62 (4-5) pp. 466-475. 10.1108/00012531011074708. Green open access

Bryan, J; (2010) Review of (P.) Curd, and (D.W.) Graham, The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy. [Review]. Classical Review , 60 (2) 366 - 368. 10.1017/S0009840X10000168. Green open access

Button, T; (2010) Dadaism: Restrictivism as Militant Quietism. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society , 110 (3pt3) pp. 387-398. 10.1111/j.1467-9264.2010.00293.x. Green open access

Carbone, E; (2010) Canzio and Canzio: Intertexuality in Aleksis Kivi’s Canzio and the Formative Process of its Protagonist. North-West Passage. Yearly Review of the Centre for Northern Performing Arts Studies , 7 pp. 1-18. Green open access

Conway, D; (2010) Information overload: review of Richard Wagner and his World, ed. Thomas S. Grey, Princeton University Press (2009). The Wagner Journal , 4 (1) pp. 79-82. Green open access

Crymble, A; (2010) An Analysis of Twitter and Facebook Use by the Archival Community. Archivaria , 70 pp. 125-151. Green open access

Ferrara Degli Uberti, C; (2010) Nadia Valman, "The Jewess in Nineteenth-century British Literary Culture", New York, Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 270. [Review]. Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History , 1 pp. 152-155. Green open access

Georgescu, Diana; (2010) Raising Socialist Citizens: Cultural Modernity and Social Performativity in Late Socialist Romania. New Europe College Yearbook , 10 pp. 141-164. Green open access

Glynn, L; (2010) Deterministic Chance. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science , 61 (1) pp. 51-80. 10.1093/bjps/axp020. Green open access

Hunter, D; Wilson, J; (2010) Responses to open peer commentaries on "research exceptionalism". The American Journal of Bioethics , 10 (8) W4 - W6. 10.1080/15265161.2010.489415. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2010) Läänefjordide Auðuni lugu: kontekstid ja konvergentsid. Vikerkaar (1/2) pp. 77-86. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2010) Linnasümfoonia genees. Vihik. Eesti Kirjanduse Seltsi kvartaliajakiri (15) pp. 16-25. Green open access

Kuldkepp, M; (2010) Looduse ja kultuuri kohtumised Islandil = The Encounters of Nature and Culture in Iceland. Acta Semiotica Estica , VII pp. 139-159. Green open access

Lomas, E; (2010) Information governance: information security and access within a UK context. Records Management Journal , 20 (2) pp. 182-198. 10.1108/09565691011064322. Green open access

Maus de Rolley, T; (2010) Pacolet chez le démonologue, ou les errances diaboliques du cheval de fust. Cahiers Moyen Âge & Renaissance (CAMAREN) , 3 213 - 232.

Sica, B; (2010) Massimo Bontempelli e l’Italie magique di Gianfranco Contini. Bollettino ’900 Electronic Journal of ’900 Italian Literature , 1-2 Green open access

Sikk, A; (2010) Book Review: Andrey A. Meleshevich, Party Systems in Post-Soviet Countries: A Comparative Study of Political Institutionalization in the Baltic States, Russia, and Ukraine. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. £42.50 hbk, xvi + 262 pp. ISBN 1403974497. [Review]. Party Politics: international journal for the study of political parties and political organizations , 16 (4) pp. 553-554. 10.1177/13540688100160040603. Green open access

TERRAS, M; (2010) Beyond Illustration: 2D and 3D Digital Tools for Discovery in Archaeology. Eds Frischer, B. and Dakouri-Hild, A. (2008). BAR International Series 1805. Archaeopress, Oxford. [Review]. Internet Archaeology , 28 ? - ?. Green open access

Terras, M; (2010) Should we just send a copy? Digitisation, Use and Usefulness. Art Libraries Journal , 35 (1) Green open access

TERRAS, M; (2010) Web Accessibility, practical advice for the library and information professional. Jenny Craven (ed). Facet, 2008. [Review]. Journal of Documentation , 66 (2) pp. 294-296. Green open access

Tiedau, U; (2010) Editorial. Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies , 34 (2) pp. 97-98. 10.1179/030965610X12726397286070. Green open access

Tiedau, U; (2010) Editorial. Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies , 34 (3) pp. 192-194. 10.1179/030965610X12820418688453. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2010) Multiple personality and the discourse of the multiple in Hollywood cinema. European Journal of American Culture , 29 (2) pp. 145-171. 10.1386/ejac.29.2.145_1. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2010) Photography and the Unconscious: The Construction of Pathology at the Fin de siècle. CTheory: Theory beyond the Codes Green open access

Wester, G; Wolff, J; (2010) The Social Gradient in Health: How Fair Retirement could make a Difference. Public Health Ethics , 3 (3) 272 - 281. 10.1093/phe/phq021. Green open access

Wilson, J; (2010) Ontology and the Regulation of Intellectual Property. The Monist , 93 (3) 450 - 463. Green open access

Wilson, J; Dawson, A; (2010) Giving Liberty Its Due, But No More: Trans Fats, Liberty, and Public Health. American Journal of Bioethics , 10 (3) pp. 34-36. 10.1080/15265160903581775. Green open access

Wilson, J; Hunter, D; (2010) Research Exceptionalism. American Journal of Bioethics , 10 (8) pp. 45-54. 10.1080/15265161.2010.482630. Green open access

Wolff, J; (2010) Cognitive disability in a society of equals. Cognitive Disability and Its Challenge to Moral Philosophy 147 - 159. 10.1002/9781444322781.ch8. Green open access

Wolff, J; (2010) Fairness, Respect and the Egalitarian Ethos Revisited. Journal of Ethics , 14 (3) 335 - 350. 10.1007/s10892-010-9085-8. Green open access

Wolff, J; (2010) Five Types of Risky Situation. Law, Innovation and Technology , 2 (2) 151 - 163. 10.5235/175799610794046177. Green open access

Yeo, G; (2010) "Nothing is the same as something else": significant properties and notions of identity and originality. Archival Science , 10 (2) 85 - 116. 10.1007/s10502-010-9119-9. Green open access

Book chapter

Aarts, B; Close, J; Wallis, S; (2010) Recent changes in the use of the progressive construction in English. In: Cappelle, B and Wada, N, (eds.) Distinctions in English grammar, offered to Renaat Declerck. (pp. 148-167). Kaitakusha: Tokyo, Japan. Green open access

Bowersox, J; (2010) Boy’s and Girl’s Own Empires: Gender and the Uses of the Colonial World in Kaiserreich Youth Magazines. In: Perraudin, M and Zimmerer, J, (eds.) German Colonialism and National Identity. (pp. 57-68). Routledge: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access

Bowie, Jill; Wallis, Sean; Aarts, Sebastian; (2010) The perfect in spoken British English. In: The Verb Phrase in English: Investigating Recent Language Change with Corpora. (pp. 318-352). Green open access

Carbone, E; (2010) Historical Pastiches: Representation of Aspects of the Italian History in Signora Luna by Carl Jonas Love Almqvist and Canzio by Aleksis Kivi. In: Ciaravolo, M and Meregalli, A and Storskog, C, (eds.) Atti dell’VIII Convegno di Studi Scandinavi. Quaderni di Acme. (pp. 31-46). Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università degli Studi di Milano: Milan, Italy.

Carbone, E; (2010) The Artist's Search for the Golden Fleece: The Significance of the Italian Setting and the Statur of Jason in Strindberg's I Rom. In: Sibińska, M and Michniewicz-Veisland, K and Mrozek-Sadowska, E and Lubowicka, A, (eds.) Nordisk drama. Fornyelser og transgressioner / Nordic Drama. Renewal and Transgression. (pp. 463-470). Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego: Gdansk, Poland.

Diáz Cintas, J; (2010) La accesibilidad a los medios de comunicación audiovisual a través del subtitulado y de la audiodescripción. In: González, L and Hernúñez, P, (eds.) El español, lengua de traducción para la cooperación y el diálogo. (pp. 157-180). ESLEtRA: Madrid, Spain. Green open access

Gardner, S; (2010) Eduard von Hartmann's Philosophy of the Unconscious. In: Angus, N and Liebscher, M, (eds.) Thinking the Unconscious: Nineteenth-Century German Thought. (pp. 173-199). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. Green open access

Gardner, S; (2010) The transcendental dimension of Sartre's philosophy. In: Webber, J, (ed.) Reading Sartre: On Phenomenology and Existentialism. Routledge: Abingdon, UK. Green open access

Guesnet, F; (2010) Zur Einführung: Ein jüdisches Leben in der polnischen Provinz. In: Guesnet, F, (ed.) Hinterlassene deutsche Schriften eines polnischen Juden. (pp. 9-42). Olms Verlag: Hildesheim Zürich New York. Green open access

Mahony, S; Bodard, G; (2010) Introduction. In: Bodard, G and Mahony, S, (eds.) Digital Research in the Study of Classical Antiquity. (pp. 1-11). Ashgate: UK. Green open access

Sica, B; (2010) Beaucoup de bruit pour rien? Les futuristes italiens contre la musicalité. In: Faverzani, C, (ed.) Parnasse et Paradis. L’écriture et la musique. (pp. 175-191). Université Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis: Paris, France.

Sica, Beatrice; (2010) Il ‘monologo geloso’ di Alberto Savinio: Travestimenti dell’io in Angelica o la notte di maggio. In: Costa, Simona and Venturini, Monica, (eds.) Le forme del romanzo Italiano e le letterature occidentali dal Sette al Novecento. (pp. 229-239). ETS: Pisa, Italy. Green open access

Stillwell, J; Dennett, AR; Duke-Williams, O; (2010) Technologies for Migration and Population Analysis: Spatial Interaction Data Applications. In: Stillwell, J and Duke-Williams, O and Dennett, A, (eds.) Technologies for Migration and Population Analysis: Spatial Interaction Data Applications. (p. 1). IGI Global: Hershey. Green open access

Suriani da Silva, Ana; (2010) Foreword. In: Miss Dollar: Stories. (pp. 9-21). New London Librarium: Hanover, CT , USA. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2010) Cavell on Film and Skepticism. In: Dadejik, Ondrej and Stejskal, Jakub, (eds.) The Aesthetic Dimensions of Visual Culture. (pp. 135-145). Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Green open access

Proceedings paper

Binding, C; May, K; Souza, R; Tudhope, D; Vlachidis, A; (2010) Semantic technologies for archaeology resources: Results from the star project. In: Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology: CAA 2010. (pp. pp. 555-561). CAA: Granada, Spain. Green open access

TERRAS, M; Warwick, CLH; Fisher, C; (2010) Integrating New Technologies into Established Systems: a case study from Roman Silchester. In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) March 22-26 2009, Williamsburg, Virginia, US. CAA: The Netherlands. Green open access

Tiedau, U; (2010) Open Educational Resources and Distance Learning in a Lesser Taught Language department. In: (Proceedings) OER10 conference. Clare College, University of Cambridge: Cambridge, UK. Green open access

Tiedau, U; (2010) Open Educational Resources at UCL. In: (Proceedings) TILT2010: Education for Global Citizenship. University College London: London. Green open access

Tiedau, U; (2010) VirtualDutch: Open Educational Resources and Distance Learning in a Less-Widely Taught Language community. In: (Proceedings) e-learning symposium 2010. Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (LLAS): Southampton, UK. Green open access

Conference item

Inskip, C; (2010) Where’s That Tune? Presented at: International Association of Music Libraries (UK & Ireland) Annual Study Weekend, University of Nottingham. Green open access

Inskip, C; MacFarlane, A; Rafferty, P; (2010) Upbeat and quirky, with a bit of a build: Interpretive repertoires in creative music search. Presented at: 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), Utrecht, Netherlands. Green open access

Welsh, A; (2010) Mapping the semantic landscape: using online textual analysis to quantify feminist vocabulary within Women's Studies collections. Presented at: Digital Methods, Cultural Politics and Feminist Approaches, University of Sussex. Green open access


Tiedau, U; (2010) Open Learning Environment in Early Modern Low Countries History: A Virtual Dutch Open Educational Resouce funded by JISC and the HE Academy. Presented at: UCL Centre for Digital Humanities, launch event, London, UK. Green open access

Tiedau, U; (2010) Open Learning Environment in Early Modern Low Countries History: A Virtual Dutch Open Educational Resouce funded by JISC and the HE Academy. Presented at: Higher Education Academy, Annual Conference 2010, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. Green open access


Wagner, J.S.; (2010) Nazi hunters: the struggle for the punishment of Nazi crimes. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London).


Tiedau, U; (2010) Open Learning Environment in Early Modern Low Countries History. [Software]. University College London: London, UK. Green open access


Young, C; (2010) Contracting Universe. [Artefact]. New York, NY, USA. Green open access

Young, C; (2010) Report of the Legal Subcommittee. [Artefact]. Ink on paper. Paris, France. Green open access

Young, Carey; (2010) Missing Mass. [Artefact]. Middlesbrough, UK. Green open access

Young, Carey; (2010) Terminal Velocity. [Artefact]. New York, NY, USA. Green open access

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