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Number of items: 46.


Antonsson, HT; (2007) Arna saga byskups as literature and history. Journal of English and Germanic Philology , 116 (3) Green open access

Avgoustis, G.; (2007) The politics of criticism and the question of morality. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access


Beaumont, M; (2007) Christopher Hilliard. To Exercise Our Talents: The Democratization of Writing in Britain. Harvard Historical Studies, 150. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006. Pp. 390. $29.95 (cloth). [Review]. The Journal of British Studies , 46 (1) 234 - 235. 10.1086/510979. Green open access

Blandford, A; Gow, J; Buchanan, G; Warwick, C; Rimmer, J; (2007) Creators, composers and consumers: Experiences of designing a digital library. In: UNSPECIFIED (pp. 239-242). Green open access

Bray, P; (2007) 1. Martine Beugnet and Marion Schmid, Proust at the Movies. Aldershot, UK and Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2004. 261 pp. 2. William C. Carter, Proust in Love. New Haven, Conn. and London: Yale University Press, 2006. xiv + 252 pp. 3. Richard Davenport-Hines, Proust at the Majestic: The Last Days of the Author Whose Book Changed Paris. New York and London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2006. 358 pp. [Review]. H-France Review , 7 (115) pp. 464-468. Green open access

Buchanan, G; Gow, J; Blandford, A; Rimmer, J; Warwick, C; (2007) Representing Aggregate Works in the Digital Library. In: Larson, R and Rasmussen, E and Sugimoto, S and Toms, E, (eds.) PROCEEDINGS OF THE 7TH ACM/IEE JOINT CONFERENCE ON DIGITAL LIBRARIES. (pp. 247 - 256). ASSOC COMPUTING MACHINERY Green open access

Button, T; (2007) Every Now and Then, no-futurism faces no sceptical problems. Analysis , 67 (4) pp. 325-332. 10.1093/analys/67.4.325. Green open access


Diaz-Cintas, J; (2007) Por una preparación de calidad en accesibilidad audiovisual. TRANS: Revista de Traductología , 11 pp. 45-59. Green open access


Gardner, S; (2007) The status of the Wissenschaftslehre: transcendental and ontological grounds in Fichte. Internationales Jahrbuch des Deutschen Idealismus / International Yearbook of German Idealism , 5 pp. 90-125. 10.1515/9783110192438.1.90. Green open access

Gardner, S; (2007) The limits of naturalism and the metaphysics of German idealism. In: Hammer, E, (ed.) German Idealism: Contemporary Perspectives. (pp. 19-49). Routledge Green open access

Gardner, Sebastian; (2007) Philosophical Aestheticism. In: Leiter, M and Rosen, M, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Continental Philosophy. (pp. 75-121). Oxford University Press: Oxford, United Kingdom. Green open access

Guesnet, F; (2007) The Turkish Cavalry in Swarzedz, or: Jewish Political Culture at the Borderlines of Modern History. In: Diner, D, (ed.) Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts / Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook: Schwerpunkt / Special Issue: Early Modern Culture and Haskalah. (pp. 227-248). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht: Leipzig, Germany. Green open access


Heinaman, R; (2007) Actuality, Potentiality and De Anima II.5. Phronesis , 52 (2) pp. 139-187. 10.1163/156852807X180063. Green open access

Houghton, LBT; (2007) "Tibullus' Elegiac Underworld". Classical Quarterly , 57 (1) 153 - 165. 10.1017/S0009838807000146. Green open access


Kalderon, ME; (2007) Color Pluralism. PHILOS REV , 116 (4) 563 - 601. 10.1215/00318108-2007-014. Green open access


Leonard, M; (2007) Review of (R.B.) Branham 'The Bakhtin Circle and Ancient Narrative'. [Review]. Classical Review , 57 (1) 67 - 68. 10.1017/S0009840X06003210. Green open access


MacKeith, G.N.; (2007) Antonio Dal Masetto (1938-): A study of a writer's craft, and an exploration of his place on the Argentine literary map. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Mackett, RL; Brown, B; Gong, Y; Kitazawa, K; Paskins, J; (2007) Setting Children Free: Children’s Independent Movement in the Local Environment. (CASA Working Paper Series 118). Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis: London. Green open access

Makrinos, A; (2007) M. M. Winkler, Troy From Homer's Iliad to Hollywood Epic (Malden 2007). [Review]. Scholia Reviews , 16 (47) Green open access

Maus de Rolley, T; (2007) La part du diable: Jean Wier et la fabrique de l'illusion diabolique. In: Lavocat, F and Kapitaniak, P and Closson, M, (eds.) Fictions du diable: Littérature et démonologie de saint Augustin à Léo Taxil. (pp. 109-130). Droz: Geneva, Switzerland. Green open access


Rowlands, I; Nicholas, D; Jamali, HR; Huntington, P; (2007) What do faculty and students really think about e-books? ASLIB PROC , 59 (6) 489 - 511. 10.1108/00012530710839588. Green open access


Sampson, LM; (2007) Campiglia, Maddalena. In: Robin, D and Larsen, AR and Levine, C, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Women in the Renaissance Italy, France, and England. (pp. 62-64). ABC-CLIO: Santa Barbara, CA, USA. Green open access

Sica, Beatrice; (2007) Le Avventure del barone di Münchhausen e il sentimento della realtà. In: Dolfi, Anna, (ed.) Alfonso Gatto : nel segno di ogni cosa : atti di seminario, Firenze, 18-19 dicembre 2006. (pp. 303-312). Bulzoni: Rome, Italy.

Sica, B; (2007) Coincidentia oppositorum: tra mito e storia, eternità e tempo. In: Pinzuti, E, (ed.) Marguerite Yourcenar sulle tracce "Des accidents passagers". (pp. 25-34). Bulzoni Editore: Rome, Italy.

Sikk, A; (2007) Content, Competition, Constraints: The Effects of the EU on Estonian Party Politics. In: (Proceedings) ECPR General Conference 2007. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR): Pisa, Italy. Green open access

Stougaard-Nielsen, J; (2007) Frontispieces and other ruins: the visual and textual culture of Henry James's New York Edition. Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UNSPECIFIED.

Swaab, PA; (2007) Article on the TV adaptation of Alan Hollinghurst's The Line of Beauty. film quarterly , 60 (3) pp. 10-15. Green open access


Taagepera, R; Sikk, A; (2007) Predicting Mean Cabinet Duration on the Basis of Electoral System. In: (Proceedings) ECPR General Conference 2007. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR): Pisa, Italy. Green open access

Terras, M; (2007) Challenge and Change in the Information Society. Susan Hornby and Zoë Clarke. [Review]. Literary and Linguistic Computing , 22 (3) pp. 372-374. 10.1093/llc/fqm015. Green open access

Terras, M; (2007) Digital Applications for Cultural and Heritage Institutions. [Review]. Journal of Documentation , 63 (3) pp. 431-434. Green open access

Terras, M; (2007) Digitizing Collections. Strategic Issues for the Information Manager. Lorna M. Hughes. Literary and Linguistic Computing , 22 (1) pp. 105-106. 10.1093/llc/fql027. Green open access

Terras, M; (2007) Qualitative Research for the Information Professional. A Practical Handbook. Second Edition. G. E. Gorman and Peter Clayton. [Review]. Literary and Linguistic Computing , 22 (2) pp. 246-248. 10.1093/llc/fqm005. Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2007) Code Unknown: European Identity in Cinema. Scope: an on-line journal of film studies , 2007 (8) Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2007) Distracted Cinema: Kracauer and Realist Film Discourse. Excavatio , XXII (1-2) Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2007) John Ford’s Funeral Oration: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. Senses of Cinema , 2007 (45) Green open access

Trifonova, Temenuga; (2007) Stoned on Mars: Home and National Identity in Recent Bulgarian Cinema. Cinéaste , 32 (3) pp. 32-36. Green open access


Wallis, SA; (2007) Annotation, Retrieval and Experimentation. Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English , 1 Green open access

Warwick, C; Terras, M; Galina, I; Huntington, P; Pappa, N; (2007) Evaluating digital humanities resources: The LAIRAH project checklist and the internet Shakespeare editions project. In: (pp. pp. 297-306). Green open access

Warwick, C; Terras, M; Galina, I; Huntington, P; Pappa, N; (2007) The Master Builders: LAIRAH Research on Good Practice in the Construction of Digital Humanities Projects. In: Schmidt, S and Siemens, R and Kumar, A and Unsworth, J, (eds.) (Proceedings) Digital Humanities 2007. (pp. pp. 242-244). Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois Green open access

Wilson, J; (2007) GM Crops: Patently Wrong? Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics , 20 (3) 261 - 283. 10.1007/s10806-007-9032-2. Green open access

Wilson, J; (2007) Is respect for autonomy defensible? Journal of Medical Ethics , 33 (6) 353 - 356. 10.1136/jme.2006.018572. Green open access

Wilson, J; (2007) Transhumanism and moral equality. Bioethics , 21 (8) 419 - 425. 10.1111/j.1467-8519.2007.00579.x. Green open access

Wilson, JGS; (2007) Nietzsche and Equality. In: Tevenar, GV, (ed.) Nietzsche and Ethics. (221 - 240). Peter Lang: Oxford, UK. Green open access

Wolff, J; (2007) Equality: The recent history of an idea. Journal of Moral Philosophy , 4 (1) 125 - 136. 10.1177/1740468107077389. Green open access


Young, C; (2007) Body Techniques. [Artefact]. Photography. London, UK. Green open access

Young, C; (2007) Inventory. [Artefact]. Vinyl text and ink on paper, 2007. Leeds, UK. Green open access

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