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Abazov, VM; Abbott, B; Abolins, M; Acharya, BS; Adams, M; Adams, T; Agelou, M; ... Zylberstejn, A; + view all (2008) Measurement of sigma(p(p)over-bar -> Z)center dot Br(Z ->tau tau) at root s=1.96 TeV (vol 71, art no. 072004, 2005). PHYSICAL REVIEW D , 77 (3) , Article ARTN 039901. 10.1103/PhysRevD.77.039901. Green open access

Adcock, J; Fottrell, E; (2008) The North-South information highway: case studies of publication access among health researchers in resource-poor countries. Global Health Action , 1 10.3402/gha.v1i0.1865. Green open access

Agnew, Z; Wise, RJS; (2008) Separate areas for mirror responses and agency within the parietal operculum. The Journal of Neuroscience , 28 , Article 47. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2836-08.2008. Green open access

Agnew, ZK; Brownsett, S; Woodhead, Z; de Boissezon, X; (2008) A step forward for mirror neurons? Investigating the functional link between action execution and action observation in limb apraxia. The Journal of Neuroscience , 28 , Article 31. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1818-08.2008. Green open access

Akbaraly, TN; Brunner, EJ; (2008) Socio-demographic influences on trends of fish consumption during later adult life in the Whitehall II study. BRIT J NUTR , 100 (5) 1116 - 1127. 10.1017/S0007114508971312. Green open access

Al-Aziz, MZ; Ahmed, M; Siddiqui, MMR; Shipa, MRA; Sarker, S; Arif, SM; Siddiqui, FM; (2008) Choledochoduodenal fistula secondary to duodenal ulcer disease and choledocholithiasis: Report of 2 cases. Journal of Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh , 4 (2) pp. 38-41. 10.3329/jafmc.v4i2.1845. Green open access

Alcaide-German, ML; Vara-Vega, A; Garcia-Fernandez, LF; Landazuri, MO; Del Peso, L; (2008) A yeast three-hybrid system that reconstitutes mammalian hypoxia inducible factor regulatory machinery. BMC Cell Biology , 9 , Article 18. 10.1186/1471-2121-9-18. Green open access

Alvarez-Buylla, ER; Chaos, A; Aldana, M; Benitez, M; Cortes-Poza, Y; Espinosa-Soto, C; Hartasanchez, DA; ... Padilla-Longoria, P; + view all (2008) Floral Morphogenesis: Stochastic Explorations of a Gene Network Epigenetic Landscape. PLOS ONE , 3 (11) , Article e3626. 10.1371/journal.pone.0003626. Green open access

Andrew, T; Maniatis, N; Carbonaro, F; Liew, SHM; Lau, W; Spector, TD; Hammond, CJ; (2008) Identification and Replication of Three Novel Myopia Common Susceptibility Gene Loci on Chromosome 3q26 using Linkage and Linkage Disequilibrium Mapping. PLOS GENET , 4 (10) , Article e1000220. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000220. Green open access

Averbeck, BB; Seo, M; (2008) The statistical neuroanatomy of frontal networks in the macaque. PLOS Computational Biology , 4 (4) , Article e1000050. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000050. Green open access

Averbeck, BB; Seo, M; (2008) The statistical neuroanatomy of frontal networks in the macaque. PLOS Computational Biology , 4 (4) , Article e1000050. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000050. Green open access

Baharoglu, Z; Bradley, AS; Le Masson, M; Tsaneva, I; Michel, B; (2008) ruvA Mutants that resolve Holliday junctions but do not reverse replication forks. PLoS Genetics , 4 (3) , Article e1000012. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000012. Green open access

Bailey, J; (2008) First steps in qualitative data analysis: transcribing. Family Practice , 25 (2) pp. 127-131. 10.1093/fampra/cmn003. Green open access

Bartels, A; Zeki, S; Logothetis, NK; (2008) Natural vision reveals regional specialization to local motion and to contrast-invariant, global flow in the human brain. Cerebral Cortex , 18 (3) 705 - 717. 10.1093/cercor/bhm107. Green open access

Basanta, D; Miodownik, M; Baum, B; (2008) The evolution of robust development and homeostasis in artificial organisms. PLoS Computational Biology , 4 (3) , Article e1000030. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000030. Green open access

Bates, AW; (2008) "Indecent and demoralising representations": Public Anatomy Museums in mid-Victorian England. Medical History , 52 (1) 1 - 22. 10.1017/S0025727300002039. Green open access

Batty, GD; Lewars, H; Emslie, C; Benzeval, M; Hunt, K; (2008) Problem drinking and exceeding guidelines for 'sensible' alcohol consumption in Scottish men: associations with life course socioeconomic disadvantage in a population-based cohort study. BMC Public Health , 8 , Article 302. 10.1186/1471-2458-8-302. Green open access

Batura, N; (2008) Understanding recent trends in inflation. Economic and Political Weekly , 43 (24) pp. 108-111. Green open access

Beaud, M-L; Schmidlin, E; Wannier, T; Freund, P; Bloch, J; Mir, A; Schwab, ME; (2008) Anti-Nogo-A antibody treatment does not prevent cell body shrinkage in the motor cortex in adult monkeys subjected to unilateral cervical cord lesion. BMC Neuroscience , 9 (1) 5 - 5. 10.1186/1471-2202-9-5. Green open access

Belitski, A; Gretton, A; Magri, C; Murayama, Y; Montemurro, M; Logothetis, N; Panzeri, S; (2008) Low-Frequency Local Field Potentials and Spikes in Primary Visual Cortex Convey Independent Visual Information. Journal of Neuroscience , 28 , Article 22. Green open access

Bellón, JÁ; Moreno-Küstner, B; Torres-González, F; Montón-Franco, C; GildeGómez-Barragán, MJ; Sánchez-Celaya, M; Díaz-Barreiros, MA; ... the predictD group; + view all (2008) Predicting the onset and persistence of episodes of depression in primary health care. The predictD-Spain study: Methodology. BMC Public Health , 8 , Article 256. 10.1186/1471-2458-8-256. Green open access

Ben-Smith, A; Gorak-Stolinska, P; Floyd, S; Weir, RE; Lalor, MK; Mvula, H; Crampin, AC; ... Dockrell, HM; + view all (2008) Differences between naive and memory T cell phenotype in Malawian and UK adolescents: a role for Cytomegalovirus? BMC Infectious Diseases , 8 , Article 139. 10.1186/1471-2334-8-139. Green open access

Benoit, RG; (2008) The Role of Rostral Prefrontal Cortex in Establishing Cognitive Sets: Preparation or Coordination? Journal of Neuroscience , 28 (13) 3259 - 3261. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0206-08.2008. Green open access

Bianco, IH; Carl, M; Russell, C; Clarke, JDW; Wilson, SW; (2008) Brain asymmetry is encoded at the level of axon terminal morphology. NEURAL DEV , 3 , Article 9. 10.1186/1749-8104-3-9. Green open access

Bitton, DA; Okoniewski, MJ; Connolly, Y; Miller, CJ; (2008) Exon level integration of proteomics and microarray data. BMC BIOINFORMATICS , 9 , Article 118. 10.1186/1471-2105-9-118. Green open access

Bjorkqvist, M; Wild, EJ; Thiele, J; Silvestroni, A; Andre, R; Lahiri, N; Raibon, E; ... Tabrizi, SJ; + view all (2008) A novel pathogenic pathway of immune activation detectable before clinical onset in Huntington's disease. Journal of Experimental Medicine , 205 (8) 1869 - 1877. 10.1084/jem.20080178. Green open access

Blandford, A; Adams, A; Attfield, S; Buchanan, G; Gow, J; Makri, S; Rimmer, J; (2008) The PRET A Rapporter framework: Evaluating digital libraries from the perspective of information work. Information Processing & Management , 44 (1) 4 - 21. 10.1016/j.ipm.2007.01.021. Green open access

Blick, C; Abdelhadi, S; Bailey, D; Kelleher, J; Muneer, A; (2008) A unique case of a malignant sertoli cell tumour with cutaneous metastasis. The Scientific World Journal , 8 95 - 97. 10.1100/tsw.2008.26. Green open access

Blick, C; Abdelhadi, S; Bailey, D; Muneer, A; (2008) Anaplastic, T-cell, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Presenting with Haematuria. The Scientific World Journal , 8 pp. 342-345. 10.1100/tsw.2008.52. Green open access

Blick, C; Ravindranath, N; Muneer, A; Jones, A; (2008) Bilateral renal angiomyolipomas with invasion of the renal vein: A case report. The Scientific World Journal , 8 pp. 145-148. 10.1100/tsw.2008.29. Green open access

Boucrot, E; Kirchhausen, T; (2008) Mammalian cells change volume during mitosis. PLOS One , 3 (1) , Article e1477. 10.1371/journal.pone.0001477. Green open access

Bovolenta, M; Neri, M; Fini, S; Fabris, M; Trabanelli, C; Venturoli, A; Martoni, E; ... Ferlini, A; + view all (2008) A novel custom high density-comparative genomic hybridization array detects common rearrangements as well as deep intronic mutations in dystrophinopathies. BMC GENOMICS , 9 , Article 572. 10.1186/1471-2164-9-572. Green open access

Bras, J; Guerreiro, R; Ribeiro, M; Morgadinho, A; Januario, C; Dias, M; Calado, A; ... Singleton, A; + view all (2008) Analysis of Parkinson disease patients from Portugal for mutations in SNCA, PRKN, PINK1 and LRRK2. BMC Neurology , 8 , Article 1. 10.1186/1471-2377-8-1. Green open access

Brascamp, JW; Knapen, THJ; Kanai, R; Noest, AJ; van Ee, R; van den Berg, AV; (2008) Multi-timescale perceptual history resolves visual ambiguity. PLoS One , 3 (1) , Article e1497. 10.1371/journal.pone.0001497. Green open access

Brindley, AA; Pickersgill, RW; Partridge, JC; Dunstan, DJ; Hunt, DM; Warren, MJ; (2008) Enzyme Sequence and Its Relationship to Hyperbaric Stability of Artificial and Natural Fish Lactate Dehydrogenases. PLOS ONE , 3 (4) , Article e2042. 10.1371/journal.pone.0002042. Green open access

Brocklehurst, P; Brearley, S; Haque, K; Leslie, A; Salt, A; Stenson, B; Stephenson, J; ... INIS Study Collaborative Group, The; + view all (2008) The INIS Study. International Neonatal Immunotherapy Study: Non-specific intravenous immunoglobulin therapy for suspected or proven neonatal sepsis: An international, placebo controlled, multicentre randomised trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , 8 , Article 52. 10.1186/1471-2393-8-52. Green open access

Broughton, S; Alic, N; Slack, C; Bass, T; Ikeya, T; Vinti, G; Tommasi, AM; ... Partridge, L; + view all (2008) Reduction of DILP2 in Drosophila Triages a Metabolic Phenotype from Lifespan Revealing Redundancy and Compensation among DILPs. PLOS ONE , 3 (11) , Article e3721. 10.1371/journal.pone.0003721. Green open access

Browne, J; Jamieson, E; Lewsey, J; van der Meulen, J; Copley, L; Black, N; (2008) Case-mix & patients' reports of outcome in Independent Sector Treatment Centres: Comparison with NHS providers. BMC Health Services Research , 8 (April ) , Article 78. 10.1186/1472-6963-8-78. Green open access

Brunner, EJ; Kivimaki, M; Witte, DR; Lawlor, DA; Davey Smith, G; Cooper, JA; Miller, M; ... Kumari, M; + view all (2008) Inflammation, insulin resistance, and diabetes--Mendelian randomization using CRP haplotypes points upstream. PLoS Medicine , 5 , Article e155. 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050155. Green open access

Brunner, EJ; Kivimaki, M; Witte, DR; Lawlor, DA; Smith, GD; Cooper, JA; Miller, M; ... Kumari, M; + view all (2008) Inflammation, insulin resistance, and diabetes-mendelian randomization using CRP haplotypes points upstream. PLOS MED , 5 (8) , Article e155. 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050155. Green open access

Bryclon, L; Harrison, NA; Walker, C; Steptoe, A; Critchley, HD; (2008) Peripheral inflammation is associated with altered substantia nigra activity and psychomotor slowing in humans. Biological Psychiatry , 63 (11) 1022 - 1029. 10.1016/j.biopsych.2007.12.007. Green open access

Bueti, D; van Dongen, EV; Walsh, V; (2008) The Role of Superior Temporal Cortex in Auditory Timing. PLOS ONE , 3 (6) , Article e2481. 10.1371/journal.pone.0002481. Green open access

Burnstock, G; (2008) Dual control of vascular tone and remodelling by ATP released from nerves and endothelial cells. Pharmacological Reports , 60 (1) pp. 12-20. Green open access

Cain, RJ; Hayward, RD; Koronakis, V; (2008) Deciphering interplay between Salmonella invasion effectors. PLoS Pathog , 4 (4) , Article e1000037. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000037. Green open access

Campellone, KG; Cheng, HC; Robbins, D; Siripala, AD; McGhie, EJ; Hayward, RD; Welch, MD; ... Leong, JM; + view all (2008) Repetitive N-WASP-binding elements of the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli effector EspF(U) synergistically activate actin assembly. PLoS Pathogens , 4 (10) , Article e1000191. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000191. Green open access

Carroll, B; Russell, P; Gurnell, J; Nettleton, P; Sainsbury, AW; (2008) Epidemics of squirrelpox virus disease in red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris): temporal and serological findings. Epidemiology & Infection , 137 (2) pp. 257-265. 10.1017/S0950268808000836. Green open access

Cassano, M; Biressi, S; Finan, A; Benedetti, L; Omes, C; Boratto, R; Martin, F; ... Sampaolesi, M; + view all (2008) Magic-factor 1, a partial agonist of Met, induces muscle hypertrophy by protecting myogenic progenitors from apoptosis. PLoS One , 3 (9) , Article e3223. 10.1371/journal.pone.0003223. Green open access

Cassoni, A; Ali, U; Cave, J; Edwards, SG; Ramsay, A; Miller, RF; Lee, SM; (2008) Remission After Radiotherapy for a Patient With Chemotherapy-Refractory HIV-Associated Primary Effusion Lymphoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology , 26 (32) 5297 - 5299. 10.1200/JCO.2008.18.3350. Green open access

Castro, RAL; Cortes, MIS; Leao, AT; Portela, MC; Souza, IPR; Tsakos, G; Marcenes, W; (2008) Child-OIDP index in Brazil: Cross-cultural adaptation and validation. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes , 6 , Article 68. 10.1186/1477-7525-6-68. Green open access

Caulfield, MJ; Munroe, PB; O'Neill, D; Witkowska, K; Charchar, FJ; Doblado, M; Evans, S; ... Cheeseman, C; + view all (2008) SLC2A9 is a high-capacity urate transporter in humans. PLoS Medicine , 5 (10) , Article e197. 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050197. Green open access

Caulfield, MJ; Munroe, PB; O'Neill, D; Witkowska, K; Charchar, FJ; Doblado, M; Evans, S; ... Cheeseman, C; + view all (2008) SLC2A9 is a high-capacity urate transporter in humans. PLoS Medicine , 5 (10) , Article E197. 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050197. Green open access

Chadeau-Hyam, M; Hoggart, CJ; O'Reilly, PF; Whittaker, JC; De Iorio, M; Balding, DJ; (2008) Fregene: Simulation of realistic sequence-level data in populations and ascertained samples. BMC BIOINFORMATICS , 9 , Article 364. 10.1186/1471-2105-9-364. Green open access

Chakravarthy, S; Keck, T; Roelandse, M; Hartman, R; Jeromin, A; Perry, S; Hofer, SB; ... Levelt, CN; + view all (2008) Cre-dependent expression of multiple transgenes in isolated neurons of the adult forebrain. PLOS ONE , 3 (8) , Article e3059. 10.1371/journal.pone.0003059. Green open access

Charlesworth, G; Shepstone, L; Wilson, E; Reynolds, S; Mugford, M; Price, D; Harvey, I; (2008) Befriending carers of people with dementia: randomised controlled trial. BMJ , 336 (7656) , Article 1295. 10.1136/bmj.39549.548831.AE. Green open access

Charlesworth, G; Shepstone, L; Wilson, E; Thalanany, M; Mugford, M; Poland, F; (2008) Does befriending by trained lay workers improve psychological well-being and quality of life for carers of people with dementia, and at what cost? A randomised controlled trial. Health Technology Assessment , 12 (4) Green open access

Chater, N; Brown, GDA; (2008) From universal laws of cognition to specific cognitive models. COGNITIVE SCI , 32 (1) 36 - 67. 10.1080/03640210701801941. Green open access

Christensen, KB; Labriola, M; Lund, T; Kivimaki, M; (2008) Explaining the social gradient in long-term sickness absence: a prospective study of Danish employees. JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH , 62 (2) pp. 181-183. 10.1136/jech.2006.056135. Green open access

Christiansen, MH; Chater, N; (2008) Brains, genes, and language evolution: A new synthesis. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 31 (5) 537 - 558. 10.1017/S0140525X08003281. Green open access

Christiansen, MH; Chater, N; (2008) Language as shaped by the brain. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 31 (5) 489 - 509. 10.1017/S0140525X08004998. Green open access

Cole, TJ; Cortina-Borja, M; Sandhu, J; Kelly, FP; Pan, HQ; (2008) Nonlinear growth generates age changes in the moments of the frequency distribution: the example of height in puberty. BIOSTATISTICS , 9 (1) 159 - 171. 10.1093/biostatistics/kxm020. Green open access

Coulthard, E; Husain, M; (2008) Bringing cognitive testing into the real world. J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS , 79 (4) 19 - 19. 10.1136/jnnp.2007.139832. Green open access

Couper, KN; Blount, DG; Wilson, MS; Hafalla, JC; Belkaid, Y; Kamanaka, M; Flavell, RA; ... Riley, EM; + view all (2008) IL-10 from CD4(+)CD25(-)Foxp3(-)CD127(-) adaptive regulatory T cells modulates parasite clearance and pathology during malaria infection. PLOS PATHOG , 4 (2) , Article e1000004. 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000004. Green open access

Crossland, MD; Legge, GE; Dakin, SC; (2008) The development of an automated sentence generator for the assessment of reading speed. BEHAV BRAIN FUNCT , 4 , Article 14. 10.1186/1744-9081-4-14. Green open access

Crowe, DA; Averbeck, BB; Chafee, MV; (2008) Neural ensemble decoding reveals a correlate of viewer- to object-centered spatial transformation in monkey parietal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience , 28 (20) 5218 - 5228. 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5105-07.2008. Green open access

da Costa, FA; Duggan, C; Bates, I; (2008) Validation of a survey tool for use in cross-cultural studies. Pharmacy Practice , 6 (3) 121 - 127. Green open access

Danesh, J; Kaptoge, S; Mann, AG; Sarwar, N; Wood, A; Angleman, SB; Wensley, F; ... Gudnason, V; + view all (2008) Long-term interleukin-6 levels and subsequent risk of coronary heart disease: Two new prospective studies and a systematic review. PLoS Medicine , 5 (4) , Article e78. 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050078. Green open access

Day, JJ; Cotton, JA; Barraclough, TG; (2008) Tempo and mode of diversification of Lake Tanganyika cichlid fishes. PLoS ONE , 3 (3) , Article e1730. 10.1371/journal.pone.0001730. Green open access

Dayan, P; Huys, QJM; (2008) Serotonin, inhibition, and negative mood. PLoS Computational Biology , 4 (2) , Article e4. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.0040004. Green open access

Deco, G; Jirsa, VK; Robinson, PA; Breakspear, M; Friston, K; (2008) The Dynamic Brain: From Spiking Neurons to Neural Masses and Cortical Fields. PLoS Computational Biology , 4 (8) , Article e1000092. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000092. Green open access

Desbordes, G; Jin, JZ; Weng, C; Lesica, NA; Stanley, GB; Alonso, JM; (2008) Timing Precision in Population Coding of Natural Scenes in the Early Visual System. PLoS Biology , 6 (12) , Article e324. 10.1371/journal.pbio.0060324. Green open access

Dessimoz, C; Gil, M; (2008) Covariance of maximum likelihood evolutionary distances between sequences aligned pairwise. BMC Evolutionary Biology , 8 , Article 179. 10.1186/1471-2148-8-179. Green open access

Dineen, B; Gilbert, CE; Rabiu, M; Kyari, F; Mahdi, AM; Abubakar, T; Ezelum, CC; ... Gudlavalleti, MVS; + view all (2008) The Nigerian national blindness and visual impairment survey: Rationale, objectives and detailed methodology. BMC Ophthalmology , 8 , Article 17. 10.1186/1471-2415-8-17. Green open access

Dobbelaere, J; Josue, F; Suijkerbuijk, S; Baum, B; Tapon, N; Raff, J; (2008) A genome-wide RNAi screen to dissect centriole duplication and centrosome maturation in Drosophila. PLOS BIOL , 6 (9) , Article e224. 10.1371/journal.pbio.0060224. Green open access

Donyai, P; O'Grady, K; Jacklin, A; Barber, N; Franklin, BD; (2008) The effects of electronic prescribing on the quality of prescribing. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology , 65 (2) pp. 230-237. 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2007.02995.x. Green open access

Dos Santos Silva, I; De Stavola, B; McCormack, V; Collaborative, GOP-NRFASROBC; (2008) Birth size and breast cancer risk: Re-analysis of individual participant data from 32 studied. PLoS Medicine , 5 (9) , Article e193. 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050193. Green open access

Ellis, JM; Tan, HK; Gilbert, RE; Muller, DP; Henley, W; Moy, R; Pumphrey, R; ... Logan, S; + view all (2008) Supplementation with antioxidants and folinic acid for children with Down's syndrome: randomised controlled trial. BMJ , 336 (7644) 594 - 597. 10.1136/bmj.39465.544028.AE. Green open access

Emes, RD; Yang, Z; (2008) Duplicated Paralogous Genes Subject to Positive Selection in the Genome of Trypanosoma brucei. PLOS ONE , 3 (5) , Article e2295. 10.1371/journal.pone.0002295. Green open access

Ferber, EC; Kajita, M; Wadlow, A; Tobiansky, L; Niessen, C; Ariga, H; Daniel, J; (2008) A role for the cleaved cytoplasmic domain of E-cadherin in the nucleus. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 283 (19) 12691 -12700. 10.1074/jbc.M708887200. Green open access

Fernandes, PT; Noronha, ALA; Sander, JW; Li, LM; (2008) Stigma scale of epilepsy - The perception of epilepsy stigma in different cities in Brazil. ARQ NEURO-PSIQUIAT , 66 (3A) 471 - 476. 10.1590/S0004-282X2008000400006. Green open access

Fernandez-Alfonso, Tomas; Ryan, Timothy A; (2008) A heterogeneous "resting" pool of synaptic vesicles that is dynamically interchanged across boutons in mammalian CNS synapses. Brain Cell Biology , 36 (1-4) pp. 87-100. 10.1007/s11068-008-9030-y. Green open access

Fialho, D; Kullmann, DM; Hanna, MG; Schorge, S; (2008) Non-genomic effects of sex hormones on CLC-1 may contribute to gender differences in myotonia congenita. Neuromuscular Disorders , 18 (11) 869 - 872. 10.1016/j.nmd.2008.07.004. Green open access

Finlan, LE; Sproul, D; Thomson, I; Boyle, S; Kerr, E; Perry, P; Ylstra, B; ... Bickmore, WA; + view all (2008) Recruitment to the nuclear periphery can alter expression of genes in human cells. PLoS Genetics , 4 (3) , Article e1000039. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000039. Green open access

Fishman, JM; Slovick, A; East, CA; (2008) Wegener's granulomatosis of the orbit: two cases requiring endoscopic surgical decompression. Journal of Laryngology and Otology , 122 (11) 1257 - 1259. 10.1017/S0022215108001953. Green open access

Flandin, G; Friston, KJ; (2008) Statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Scholarpedia , 3 (4) , Article 6232. 10.4249/scholarpedia.6232. Green open access

Fonagy, P; (2008) A genuinely developmental theory of sexual enjoyment and its implications for psychoanalytic technique. Journal Of The American Psychoanalytic Association , 56 (1) 11 - 36. 10.1177/0003065107313025. Green open access

Fonteneau, E; van der Lely, H; (2008) Electrical brain responses in language-impaired children reveal grammar-specific deficits. PLoS One , 3 (3) , Article e1832. 10.1371/journal.pone.0001832. Green open access

Fottrell, E; Byass, P; (2008) Population survey sampling methods in a rural African setting: measuring mortality. Population Health Metrics , 6 , Article 2. 10.1186/1478-7954-6-2. Green open access

Fottrell, E; Byass, P; Berhane, Y; (2008) Demonstrating the robustness of population surveillance data: implications of error rates on demographic and mortality estimates. BMC MED RES METHODOL , 8 , Article 13. 10.1186/1471-2288-8-13. Green open access

Foulkes, T; Wood, JN; (2008) Pain Genes. PLoS Genetics , 4 (7) , Article e1000086. 10.1371/journal.pgen.1000086. Green open access

Freeman, E; Barker, C; Pistrang, N; (2008) Outcome of an Online Mutual Support Group for College Students with Psychological Problems. CYBERPSYCHOL BEHAV , 11 (5) 591 - 593. 10.1089/cpb.2007.0133. Green open access

Friston, K; (2008) Hierarchical Models in the Brain. PLOS COMPUT BIOL , 4 (11) , Article e1000211. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000211. Green open access

Friston, K; (2008) Mean-Fields and Neural Masses. PLOS COMPUT BIOL , 4 (8) , Article e1000081. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000081. Green open access

Furler, J; Cleland, J; Del Mar, C; Hanratty, B; Kadam, U; Lasserson, D; McCowan, C; ... Ward, A; + view all (2008) Leaders, leadership and future primary care clinical research. BMC Family Practice , 9 , Article 52. 10.1186/1471-2296-9-52. Green open access

Garaffa, G; Muneer, A; Raheem, AA; Freeman, A; Ralph, DJ; Minhas, S; Rees, RW; (2008) Paraganglioma of the Spermatic Cord: Case Report and Review of the Literature. The Scientific World Journal , 8 1256 - 1258. 10.1100/tsw.2008.161. Green open access

Garety, PA; Fowler, DG; Freeman, D; Bebbington, P; Dunn, G; Kuipers, E; (2008) Cognitive-behavioural therapy and family intervention for relapse prevention and symptom reduction in psychosis: randomised controlled trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry , 192 (6) pp. 412-423. 10.1192/bjp.bp.107.043570. Green open access

Garthwaite, J; (2008) Concepts of neural nitric oxide-mediated transmission. European Journal of Neuroscience , 27 (11) 2783 - 2802. 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2008.06285.x. Green open access

Geranton, SM; Fratto, V; Tochiki, KK; Hunt, SP; (2008) Descending serotonergic controls regulate inflammation-induced induced mechanical sensitivity and methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 phosphorylation in the rat superficial dorsal horn. Molecular Pain , 4 , Article 35. 10.1186/1744-8069-4-35. Green open access

Gilbert, H; Nazareth, I; Sutton, S; Morris, R; Godfrey, C; (2008) Effectiveness of computer-tailored smoking cessation advice in primary care (ESCAPE): a randomised trial. Trials , 9 , Article 23. 10.1186/1745-6215-9-23. Green open access

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Book chapter

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Proceedings paper

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Conference item

Donoghue, HD; Velemínky, P; Likovsky, J; Garcin, V; Taylor, GM; (2008) Detection, characterisation and quantification of Mycobacterium leprae DNA from archaeological material. Presented at: 17th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association, Copenhagen, Denmark. Green open access

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Lee, O; Minnikin, D; Besra, G; Donoghue, H; Taylor, M; Roberts, C; (2008) Novel detection of leprosy in archaeological populations by analysis of mycolic acid lipid biomarkers. Presented at: 17th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark. Green open access

Pap, I; Spigelman, M; Szikossy, I; Fletcher, HA; Donoghue, HD; (2008) Tuberculosis in a 18th century population of Vác Hungary. Presented at: 17th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark. Green open access

Spigelman, M; Pap, I; Szikossy, I; Donoghue, HD; (2008) A case of Langerhans' cell histiocytosis and tuberculosis of an infant from the 18th century Hungary. Presented at: 17th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark. Green open access

Spigelman, M; Pinhasi, R; Donoghue, HD; Erdal, YS; (2008) Golfer and tennis elbow in Byzantine Turkey: epicondylitis as an important new occupation/activity marker. Presented at: 17th European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark. Green open access

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Wasmuth, S; Lueck, K; Baehler, H; Pauleikhoff, D; (2008) Produktion von Zytokinen und Chemokinen durch retinale Pigmentepithelzellen nach Einwirkung von Komplement. Presented at: DOG 2008 - 106th Congress of the DOG, Berlin, germany. Green open access


Acton, SE; (2008) Mechanisms of Cancer cell motility in vivo. Doctoral thesis , UCL.

Baker, J.R.; (2008) Sl00a8 in development. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Clayden, JD; (2008) Comparative analysis of connection and disconnection in the human brain using diffusion MRI: New methods and applications. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

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Griffiths, S.P.; (2008) Biochemical and crystallographic studies of Superfamily one helicases. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

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Kammers, MPM; (2008) Bodies in the brain. More than the weighted sum of their parts. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Millar, C.M.; (2008) Investigation of determinants of clearance of von Willebrand Factor in individuals with type 1 VWD. Doctoral thesis , University of London. Green open access

Ng, YL; (2008) Factors Affecting Outcome of Non-Surgical Root Canal Treatment. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Raihani, NJ; (2008) Cooperation and conflict in pied babblers. Doctoral thesis , University of Cambridge.

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Tajadura Jimenez, A; (2008) Embodied psychoacoustics: Spatial and multisensory determinants of auditory-induced emotion. Doctoral thesis , Chalmers University of Technology.

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Townley, W; (2008) An investigation into the Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases in Matrix Remodelling and Contraction by Dupuytren’s Fibroblasts. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

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Vikhireva, O; (2008) Injury morbidity in Central and Eastern Europe: socioeconomic inequalities and role of alcohol. Masters thesis , University College London.

Wagner, AE; (2008) Phoneme inventories and patterns of speech sound perception. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.


Gutman, L; Akerman, R; (2008) Determinants of aspirations [Wider Benefits of Learning Research Report No. 27]. Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning, Institute of Education, University of London, London. Green open access

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