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Aaronson, D; French, E; (2004) The Effect of Part‐Time Work on Wages: Evidence from the Social Security Rules. Journal of Labor Economics , 22 (2) pp. 329-252. 10.1086/381252. Green open access

Aarts, SHLM; (2004) Grammatici certant. Review article of 'The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language'(2002) by Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey Pullum. Journal of Linguistics , 40 (2) pp. 365-382. 10.1017/S0022226704002555. Green open access

Albano, G; Jouneau, F; (2004) Bayesian Influence in Repeated English Auctions. Test , 13 (1) pp. 1-19. Green open access

Alderson, P; (2004) Review of Mary John Children's Rights and Power. [Review]. Youth & Policy , 86 pp. 85-87. Green open access

Alderson, P; Williams, C; Farsides, B; (2004) Practitioners' Views About Equity Within Prenatal Services. Sociology , 38 (1) pp. 61-80. 10.1177/0038038504039361. Green open access

Aleksov, B; (2004) Marian Apparitions and the Yugoslav Crisis. Southeast European Politics , 5 (1) pp. 1-23. Green open access

Alfe, D; Gillan, MJ; (2004) Linear-scaling quantum Monte Carlo technique with non-orthogonal localized orbitals. J PHYS-CONDENS MAT , 16 (25) L305 - L311. 10.1088/0953-8984/16/25/L01. Green open access

Allsop, RE; (2004) Impact of speed cameras on safety. Traffic Engineering and Control , 45 (11) 384-. Green open access

Altaweel, M; Hauser, S; (2004) Travelling via Hatra: Trade routes in the eastern Jazira according to evidence from ancient sources and modern satellite imagery. Baghdader Mitteilungen , 35 57 - 84. Green open access

Alvarez, F; Kehoe, PJ; Neumeyer, PA; (2004) The time consistency of optimal monetary and fiscal policies. Econometrica , 72 (2) pp. 541-567. 10.1111/j.1468-0262.2004.00500.x. Green open access

Andreu, IC; Oreszczyn, T; (2004) Architects need environmental feedback. BUILD RES INF , 32 (4) 313 - 328. 10.1080/09613210410001679857. Green open access

Antonsson, H; (2004) Some Observations on Martyrdom in Post-Conversion Scandinavia. Saga Book - Viking Society for Northern Research , 28 pp. 70-94. Green open access

Ash, R; (2004) AN INTRODUCTION TO SALLUST: S. Schmai: Sallust. Pp. 216. Hildesheim, Zürich, and New York: Georg Olms Verlag, 2001. Paper, €15.80. ISBN: 3-487-11442-9. [Review]. Classical Review , 54 (1) 93 - 94. 10.1093/cr/54.1.93. Green open access

Ash, R; (2004) TACITUS ON THE JEWS: R. S. Bloch: Antake Vorstellungen vom Judentum. Der Judenexkurs des Tacitus im Rahmen der griechisch-römischen Ethnographie. (Historia Einzelschriften 160.) Pp. 260. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2002. Paper, €15.80. ISBN: 3-515-07664-6. [Review]. Classical Review , 54 (1) 113 - 115. 10.1093/cr/54.1.113. Green open access

Attanasio, O; Low, H; (2004) Estimating Euler Equations. Review of Economic Dynamics , 7 pp. 405-435. Green open access

Badland, HM; Schofield, GM; (2004) The contribution of worksite physical activity to total daily physical activity levels in professional occupations. New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine , 32 (2) 48 - 56. Green open access

Badland, HM; Schofield, GM; (2004) Physical activity interventions in the workplace: a review and future for New Zealand research. New Zealand Journal of Sports Medicine , 32 (1) 14 - 19. Green open access

Barany, I; (2004) Random polytopes in smooth convex bodies. [Corrigendum]. MATHEMATIKA , 51 (1-2) 31 - 31. 10.1112/S0025579300015485. Green open access

Batchelor, P; Sheiham, A; (2004) Grouping of tooth surfaces by susceptibility to caries: a study in 5-16 year-old children. BMC Oral Health , 4 (2) 10.1186/1472-6831-4-2. Green open access

Bate, SP; Robert, G; Bevan, H; (2004) The next phase of healthcare improvement: what can we learn from social movements? Quality and Safety in Health Care , 13 pp. 62-66. 10.1136/qshc.2003.006965. Green open access

Battye, RA; Davies, RD; Weller, J; (2004) Neutral hydrogen surveys for high redshift galaxy clusters and proto-clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 355 (4) 1339 - 1347. 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2004.08416.x. Green open access

Bebbington, P; (2004) Recent findings in bipolar affective disorder. PSYCHOL MED , 34 (5) 767 - 776. 10.1017/S0033291704002855. Green open access

BEDAU, H; (2004) Bentham's Theory of Punishment: Origin and Content. Journal of Bentham Studies , 7 1 - 15. Green open access

Bendszus, M; Koltzenburg, M; Bartsch, AJ; Goldbrunner, R; Gunthner-Lengsfeld, T; Weilbach, FX; Roosen, K; ... Solymosi, L; + view all (2004) Heparin and air filters reduce embolic events caused by intra-arterial cerebral angiography - A prospective, randomized trial. CIRCULATION , 110 (15) 2210 - 2215. 10.1161/01.CIR.0000144301.82391.85. Green open access

Birch, A; (2004) Sunlight bathing: A new sculpture destined for Blackpool promises an enlightening experience. Building Design p. 18. Green open access

Blandford, A; Butterworth, R; Curzon, P; (2004) Models of interactive systems: a case study on programmable user modelling. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES , 60 (2) pp. 149-200. 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2003.08.004. Green open access

Breeze, E; Jones, DA; Wilkinson, P; Latif, AM; Bulpitt, CJ; Fletcher, AE; (2004) Association of quality of life in old age in Britain with socioeconomic position: baseline data from randomised controlled trial. Epidemiology and Community Health , 58 (8) pp. 667-673. 10.1136/jech.2003.014035. Green open access

Bromley, ST; Zwijnenburg, MA; Flikkema, E; Maschmeyer, T; (2004) Comment on "Fully coordinated silica nanoclusters: (SiO2)(N) molecular rings" - Reply. PHYS REV LETT , 92 (3) , Article 039602. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.039602. Green open access

BURNS, J; (2004) Bentham and the Scots. Journal of Bentham Studies , 7 1 - 12. Green open access

Bushby, AJ; Ferguson, VL; Boyde, A; (2004) Nanoindentation of bone: Comparison of specimens tested in liquid and embedded in polymethylmethacrylate. Journal of Materials Research , 19 (1) 249 - 259. 10.1557/jmr.2004.19.1.249. Green open access

Cairns, S; (2004) Lower carbon food. Town and Country Planning , 73 (2) pp. 46-47. Green open access

Cairns, S; (2004) Saving the planet - where to start? Town and Country Planning , 73 (78) pp. 215-217. Green open access

Cairns, S; (2004) Smarter choices - why soft options may be the best alternative. Town and Country Planning , 73 (11) pp. 308-310. Green open access

Captur, G; (2004) Memento for René Favaloro. Texas Heart Institute Journal , 31 (1) pp. 47-60. Gold open access

Carston, R; (2004) Stephen C. Levinson, Presumptive meanings: the theory of generalized conversational implicature. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000. Pp. xxiii+480. [Review]. Journal of Linguistics , 40 (1) 181 - 186. 10.1017/S0022226703272364. Green open access

Chen, TM; Liang, CT; Simmons, MY; Ritchie, DA; Pepper, M; (2004) Evolution of the second lowest extended state as a function of the effective magnetic field in the fractional quantum hall regime. Chinese Journal of Physics , 42 (3) 307 - 311. Green open access

Chendes, C; Kaminski, MA; Filipescu, S; Aksu, AE; Yasar, D; (2004) The response of modern benthic foraminiferal assemblages to water mass properties along the southern shelf of the Marmara Sea. Acta Palaeontologica Romaniae , 4 pp. 69-80. Green open access

Choy, TC; Harker, AH; Stoneham, AM; (2004) Field emission theory for an enhanced surface potential: a model for carbon field emitters. J PHYS-CONDENS MAT , 16 (6) 861 - 880. 10.1088/0953-8984/16/6/015. Gold open access

Choy, TC; Stoneham, AM; (2004) Was Schön ever right? Materials Today , 7 (4) p. 64. 10.1016/S1369-7021(04)00212-3. Green open access

Chryssou, CE; Kenyon, AJ; Smeeton, TM; Humphreys, CJ; Hole, DE; (2004) Broadband sensitization of 1.53 mu m Er3+ luminescence in erbium-implanted alumina. Applied Physics Letters , 85 (22) 5200 - 5202. 10.1063/1.1829139. Green open access

Coldea, A; Bangura, A; Singleton, J; Ardavan, A; Akutsu-Sato, A; Akutsu, H; Turner, SS; (2004) Fermi-surface topology and the effects of intrinsic disorder in a class of charge-transfer salts containing magnetic ions: β" — (BEDT — TTF)₄ [(H₃O)M(C₂O₄)₃]Υ (M = Ga, Cr, Fr; Υ = C₅H₅N). Physical Review B , 69 (8) , Article 085112. 10.1103/PhysRevB.69.085112. Green open access

Cole, TJ; (2004) BMJ statistical errors. BRIT MED J , 329 (7463) 462 - 462. Green open access

Cole, TJ; (2004) Commentary: Teaching dogs new tricks. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL , 329 (7468) p. 715. 10.1136/bmj.329.7468.715. Green open access

Connell, I; Blandford, A; Green, T; (2004) CASSM and cognitive walkthrough: usability issues with ticket vending machines. BEHAVIOUR & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY , 23 (5) pp. 307-320. 10.1080/01449290410001773463. Green open access

Cooper, B; Lancaster, M; McGivern, D; Waters, D; Wyatt, AC; (2004) Measurement of the Average Time-Integrated Mixing Probability of b-Flavored Hadrons Produced at the Tevatron. Physical Review D , 69 , Article 012002. 10.1103/PhysRevD.69.012002. Green open access

Cooper, B; Lancaster, M; McGivern, D; Waters, D; Wyatt, AC; (2004) Search for Doubly-Charged Higgs Bosons Decaying to Dileptons in proton anti-proton Collisions at s**(1/2) = 1.96 TeV. Physical Review Letters , 93 (22) , Article 221802. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.221802. Green open access

Cooter, R; (2004) The rise and decline of the medical member: doctors and parliament in Edwardian and interwar Britain. Bulletin of the History of Medicine , 78 (1) pp. 59-107. Green open access

Cowan, R; Stainthorp, R; Kapnogianni, S; Anastasiou, M; (2004) The development of calendrical skills. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT , 19 (2) pp. 169-178. 10.1016/j.cogdev.2003.11.005. Green open access

Csilling, A; Miller, DJ; Sherwood, P; Taylor, RJ; (2004) Constraints on anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings from nu anti-nu gamma gamma and q anti-q gamma gamma events at LEP-2. Physical Review D , 70 Green open access

Cumberland, P; Rahi, JS; Peckham, CS; (2004) Impact of congenital colour vision deficiency on education and unintentional injuries: findings from the 1958 British birth cohort. BRIT MED J , 329 (7474) 1074 - 1075. 10.1136/bmj.38176.685208.F7. Green open access

Deng, Z; (2004) The fallacies of Jerome Bruner’s hypothesis in The Process of Education: A Deweyan perspective. The Journal of Educational Thought (JET) , 38 (2) pp. 151-170. Green open access

Derry, J; (2004) The unity of intellect and will: Vygotsky and Spinoza. EDUCATIONAL REVIEW , 56 (2) pp. 113-120. 10.1080/0031910410001693209. Green open access

Diaz-Cintas, J; (2004) Subtitling: the long journey to academic acknowledgement. The Journal of Specialised Translation , 1 pp. 50-68. Green open access

Dykes, IM; Freeman, FM; Bacon, JP; Davies, JA; (2004) Molecular basis of gap junctional communication in the CNS of the leech Hirudo medicinalis. Journal of Neuroscience , 24 (4) 886 - 894. Green open access

Eames, I; Hunt, JCR; Belcher, SE; (2004) Inviscid mean flow through and around groups of bodies. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 515 371 - 389. 10.1017/S0022112004000503. Green open access

Eaton, NJ; (2004) Between mimesis and alterity: Art, gift and diplomacy in colonial India, 1770-1800. Comparative Studies in Society and History , 46 (4) pp. 816-844. Green open access

Elgersma, Y; Sweatt, JD; Giese, KP; (2004) Mouse genetic approaches to investigating CaMKII function in plasticity and cognition. Journal of Neuroscience , 24 8410 - 8415. Green open access

Exter, KM; Barlow, MJ; Walton, NA; (2004) The abundance distributions of Galactic bulge and disc planetary nebulae. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 349 (4) pp. 1291-1322. 10.1111/j.1365-2966.2004.07600.x. Green open access

Facundo, HT; Brandt, CT; Owen, JS; Lima, VL; (2004) Elevated levels of erythrocyte-conjugated dienes indicate increased lipid peroxidation in schistosomiasis mansoni patients. Brazilian journal of medical and biological research , 37 (7) 957 - 962. 10.1590/S0100-879X2004000700003. Green open access

Farihi, J; (2004) Discovery of an Ultracool White Dwarf Companion. The Astrophysical Journal , 610 (2) pp. 1013-1020. 10.1086/382682. Green open access

Farihi, J; Becklin, EE; Macintosh, BA; (2004) Mid-Infrared Observations of van Maanen 2: No Substellar Companion. The Astrophysical Journal , 608 (2) L109-L112. 10.1086/422502. Green open access

Fonagy, P; Levinson, A; (2004) Offending and attachment: The relationship between interpersonal awareness and offending in a prison population with psychiatric disorder. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis , 12 (2) pp. 225-251. Green open access

French, E; (2004) The Labor Supply Response to (Mismeasured but) Predictable Wage Changes. The Review of Economics and Statistics , 86 (2) pp. 602-613. 10.1162/003465304323031148. Green open access

FULLER, C; (2004) 'It is the Theatre of Great Felicity to a Number of People': Bentham at Ford Abbey. Journal of Bentham Studies , 7 1 - 42. Green open access

Gardner, S; (2004) Critical notice of Richard Moran, authority and estrangement: An essay on self-knowledge. The Philosophical Review , 113 (2) 249 - 267. 10.1215/00318108-113-2-249. Green open access

Gardner, S; (2004) Review of Henry Allison, Kant's Transcendental Idealism: An Interpretation and Defense, 2nd edition. [Review]. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews Green open access

Geller, M; (2004) Geoffrey Llyod and Nathan Sivin, The way and the word: science and medicine in early China and Greece, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2002, pp. xvii, 348, £25.00 (hardback 0-300-09297-0). [Review]. Medical History , 48 (4) 513 - 514. 10.1017/S0025727300008000. Green open access

Geller, M; (2004) Marie-Louise Thomsen and Frederick H Cryer, Witchcraft and magic in Europe: biblical and pagan societies, The Athlone History of Witchcraft and Magic in Europe series, vol. 1, London, Athlone Press, 2001, pp. xvii, 168, illus., £50.00 (hardback 0-485-89001-1), £17.99 (paperback 0-485-89101-8). [Review]. Medical History , 48 (1) 148 - 149. 10.1017/S002572730000733X. Green open access

Gerstenberg, O; (2004) What Constitutions Can Do (but Courts Sometimes Don’t): Property, Speech, and the Influence of Constitutional Norms on Private Law. Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence , 17 (1) pp. 61-81. 10.1017/s0841820900003817. Green open access

Goldspink, G; (2004) Age-related loss of skeletal muscle function; impairment of gene expression. The Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions , 4 (2) 143 - 147. Green open access

Griffith, R; Redding, S; VanReenen, J; (2004) Mapping the two faces of R&D: productivity growth in a panel of OECD industries. Review of Economics and Statistics , 86 (4) pp. 883-895. Green open access

Grubb, M; (2004) Kyoto and the Future of International Climate Change Responses: From Here to Where. International Review for Environmental Strategies , 5 (1) pp. 15-38. Green open access

Grubb, M; (2004) Technology Innovation and Climate Change Policy: an overview of issues and options. Keio Economic Studies , 41 (2) pp. 103-132. Green open access

Hanazaki, H; Hunt, JCR; (2004) Structure of unsteady stably stratified turbulence with mean shear. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 507 1 - 42. 10.1017/S0022112004007888. Green open access

Hanley, S; (2004) Blue velvet: The rise and decline of the new Czech right. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics , 20 (3) pp. 28-54. 10.1080/1352327042000260797. Green open access

Hanley, S; (2004) From neo-liberalism to national interests: Ideology, strategy, and party development in the euroscepticism of the Czech right. EAST EUROPEAN POLITICS AND SOCIETIES , 18 (3) pp. 513-548. 10.1177/0888325404267392. Green open access

Hanley, S; (2004) Getting the right right: Redefining the centre-right in post-communist Europe. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics , 20 (3) pp. 9-27. 10.1080/1352327042000260788. Green open access

Hanley, S; (2004) A nation of sceptics? The Czech EU accession referendum of 13-14 June 2003. WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS , 27 (4) pp. 691-715. 10.1080/0140238042000249867. Green open access

Hanley, S; (2004) Review of L. Diamond and M. Plattner (eds.) Democracy after Communism. [Review]. Democratization , 11 (3) 170 - 171. Green open access

Hanley, S; (2004) Review of S. Birch, Electoral Systems and Political Transformation in Post- Communist Europe. Slovo , 16 (2) 171 - 172. Green open access

Hardy, A; (2004) Reviewed work(s): Imperial Medicine: Patrick Manson and the Conquest of Tropical Disease. By Douglas M. Haynes. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001. Pp. vii+229. $39.95. [Review]. Journal of Modern History , 76 (3) 683 - 684. 10.1086/425459. Green open access

Harris, GJ; Lynas-Gray, AE; Miller, S; Tennyson, J; (2004) The Effect of the Electron Donor H⁺₃ on the Pre-Main-Sequence and Main-Sequence Evolution of Low-Mass, Zero-Metallicity Stars. The Astrophysical Journal , 600 (2) pp. 1025-1034. 10.1086/380090. Green open access

Hawkins, H; Parnovski, L; (2004) Trapped modes in a waveguide with a thick obstacle. MATHEMATIKA , 51 (101-02) 171 - 186. 10.1112/S0025579300015606. Green open access

Heinaman, R; (2004) Why justice does not pay in Plato's Republic. Classical Quarterly , 54 (2) pp. 379-393. 10.1093/clquaj/bmh046. Green open access

Hennig, C; (2004) Breakdown points for maximum likelihood estimators of location-scale mixtures. Annals of Statistics , 32 (4) pp. 1313-1340. 10.1214/009053604000000571. Green open access

Higgs, P; (2004) Lars Andersson (ed.), Cultural Gerontology, Auburn House, Westport, Connecticut, 2002, 232 pp., hbk $65.95, ISBN 0 86569 327 7. [Review]. Ageing & Society , 24 (6) 979 - 980. 10.1017/S0144686X04252606. Green open access

Hill, MR; Briggs, L; Montaño, MM; Estrada, A; Laurent, GJ; Selman, M; Pardo, A; (2004) Promoter variants in tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 (TIMP-3) protect against susceptibility in pigeon breeders' disease. Thorax , 59 (7) pp. 586-590. 10.1136/thx.2003.012690. Green open access

Hillier, B; (2004) Designing safer streets: an evidence-based approach. Planning in London , 48 pp. 45-49. Green open access

Hobson, RP; (2004) Understanding self and other. BEHAV BRAIN SCI , 27 (1) 109 - 110. 10.1017/S0140525X04360036. Green open access

Holbraad, M; (2004) Religious 'speculation': the rise of Ifa cults and consumption in post-Soviet Cuba. Journal of Latin American Studies , 36 (4) 643 - 663. 10.1017/S0022216X04008119. Green open access

Houghton, LBT; (2004) The wolf and the dog (Horace, Sermones 2.2.64). Classical Quarterly , 54 (1) 300 - 304. 10.1093/cq/54.1.300. Green open access

Howarth, RJ; (2004) Not “Just a Petrographer”: The Life and Work of Felix Chayes (1916-1993). Earth Sciences History , 23 (2) pp. 343-364. Green open access

Huck, S; Sarin, R; (2004) Players with Limited Memory. Contributions in Theoretical Economics , 4 (1) 10.2202/1534-5971.1109. Green open access

Hudson, D; Lee, D; (2004) The Old and New Significance of Political Economy in Diplomacy. Review of International Studies , 30 (3) pp. 343-360. 10.1017/S0260210504006102. Green open access

Hutchison, WD; Dostrovsky, JO; Walters, JR; Courtemanche, R; Boraud, T; Goldberg, J; Brown, P; (2004) Neuronal oscillations in the basal ganglia and movement disorders: Evidence from whole animal and human recordings. Journal of Neuroscience , 24 (42) 9240 - 9243. 10.1523/​JNEUROSCI.3366-04.2004. Green open access

Jadhav, SS; (2004) Sensitising mental health professionals to Islam. Foundation of Nursing Studies Dissemination Series , 2 (5) 1 - 4. Green open access

Jahan, I; Coppard, S; Murdan, S; (2004) In vivo electro-stimulated release of a model drug from chitosan hydrogel. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology , 56 (S1) 49 - 50. 10.1211/002235704777489375. Green open access

Jehiel, P; Moldovanu, B; (2004) THE DESIGN OF AN EFFICIENT PRIVATE INDUSTRY. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION , 2 (2-3) pp. 516-525. 10.1162/154247604323068195. Green open access

Jones, DT; Addison, E; North, JM; Lowdell, MW; Hoffbrand, AV; Mehta, AB; Ganeshaguru, K; ... Wickremasinghe, RG; + view all (2004) Geldanamycin and herbimycin A induce apoptotic killing of B chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells and augment the cells' sensitivity to cytotoxic drugs. Blood , 103 (5) pp. 1855-1861. 10.1182/blood-2003-05-1603. Green open access

Julius, A; Lees, R; Dilley, A; Lynn, B; (2004) Shoulder posture and median nerve sliding. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders , 5 (1) 23-. 10.1186/1471-2474-5-23. Green open access

Kehoe, PJ; Perri, F; (2004) Competitive equilibria with limited enforcement. Journal of Economic Theory , 119 (1) pp. 184-206. 10.1016/S0022-0531(03)00255-2. Green open access

Khamis, A; Sammons, P; (2004) Development of a cadre of teacher educators: Some lessons from Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Development , 24 (3) pp. 255-268. 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2003.11.012. Green open access

Khurana, R; Zhuang, Z; Bhardwaj, S; Murakami, M; De Muinck, E; Yla-Herttuala, S; Ferrara, N; ... Simons, M; + view all (2004) Angiogenesis-dependent and independent phases of intimal hyperplasia. Circulation , 110 (16) pp. 2436-2443. 10.1161/01.CIR.0000145138.25577.F1. Green open access

Koenker, DP; (2004) Speaking in Soviet tongues: Language, culture, and the politics of voice in revolutionary Russia. [Review]. The American Historical Review , 109 (3) p. 1007. 10.1086/530724. Green open access

Kording, KP; Fukunaga, I; Howard, IS; Ingram, JN; Wolpert, DM; (2004) A neuroeconomics approach to inferring utility functions in sensorimotor control. PLoS Biology , 2 (10) , Article e330. 10.1371/journal.pbio.0020330. Green open access

Lack, RF; (2004) Good work, little soldier: Text and pretext. Journal of European Studies , 34 (1-2) pp. 34-43. 10.1177/0047244104044240. Green open access

Lancaster, MA; Waters, D; (2004) Search for B0(s) ---> mu+ mu- and B0(d) ---> mu+ mu- decays in p anti-p collisions at s**(1/2) = 1.96-TeV. Physical Review Letters , 93 (3) , Article 032001. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.032001. Green open access

Langdon, WB; Buxton, BF; (2004) Genetic programming for mining DNA chip data from cancer patients. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines , 5 (3) pp. 251-257. Green open access

Lawrence, C; (2004) Keir Waddington, Medical education at St Bartholomew's Hospital 1123–1995, Woodbridge, Boydell Press, 2003, pp. xii, 464, illus., £45.00 (hardback 0-85115-919-2). [Review]. Medical History , 48 (2) 267 - 268. 10.1017/S0025727300007481. Green open access

Lawrence, C; (2004) Thomas Schlich, Surgery, science and industry: a revolution in fracture care, 1950s–1990s, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002, pp. xi, 349, illus., £45.00 (hardback 0-333-99305-5). [Review]. Medical History , 48 (1) 136 - 137. 10.1017/S0025727300007225. Green open access

Lee, M; Husmann, A; Rosenbaum, TF; Aeppli, G; (2004) High resolution study of magnetic ordering at absolute zero. PHYS REV LETT , 92 (18) , Article 187201. 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.187201. Green open access

Lee, RS; Higgs, D; Haddo, O; Pringle, J; Briggs, TW; (2004) Osteosarcoma associated with diamond-blackfan anaemia: a case of a child receiving growth hormone therapy. Sarcoma , 8 (1) 47 - 49. 10.1080/13577140410001679266. Green open access

Longo, MR; Bertenthal, BI; (2004) Automaticity and inhibition in action planning. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 27 (1) 44 - 45. 10.1017/S0140525X04390023. Green open access

Lowry, JP; (2004) Eliminating Obstacles to Freedom of Establishment: The Competitive Edge of UK Company Law. Cambridge Law Journal , 63 (2) 331 - 345. 10.1017/S0008197304006609. Green open access

Lynn, W; Lightman, S; (2004) Fever, Headache, and Visual Blurring in a 17-Year-Old Woman. PLoS Medicine , 1 (1) , Article e7. 10.1371/journal.pmed.0010007. Green open access

Mandler, G; (2004) Free will for everyone - with flaws. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 27 (5) 669 - 669. 10.1017/S0140525X04330153. Green open access

Marie, J; (2004) The Situation in Genetics II: Dunn's 1927 European Tour. The Mendel Newsletter , 13 pp. 2-8. Green open access

Marklund, GT; Karlsson, T; Figueiredo, S; Johansson, T; Lindqvist, P-A; André, M; Buchert, S; ... Fazakerley, A; + view all (2004) Characteristics of quasi-static potential structures observed in the auroral return current region by Cluster. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics , 11 (5/6) 709 - 720. 10.5194/npg-11-709-2004. Green open access

Martinon-Torres, M; (2004) Archaeometallurgy at the 34th International Symposium on Archaeometry. Papers from the Institute of Archaeology , 15 106 - 109. 10.5334/pia.218. Green open access

Mas, C; Taske, N; Deutsch, S; Guipponi, M; Thomas, P; Covanis, A; Friis, M; ... Meda, P; + view all (2004) Association of the connexin36 gene with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Journal of Medical Genetics , 41 (7) , Article e93. Green open access

Maxwell, N; (2004) Does probabilism solve the great quantum mystery? Theoria , 19/3 (51) 321 - 336. Green open access

McEwen, A; West, R; Owen, L; (2004) GP prescribing of nicotine replacement and bupropion to aid smoking cessation in England and Wales. ADDICTION , 99 (11) 1470 - 1474. 10.1111/j.1360-0443.2004.00876.x. Green open access

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Male, T; (2004) Preparing for and Entering Headship in England: A Study of Career Transition. Doctoral thesis , University of Lincoln. Green open access

McCrory, A; (2004) Investigating Year 2 Students’ knowledge and understanding of topical socio-scientific issues in light of global media. Do we underestimate young children’s knowledge and understanding of these issues and their level of moral reasoning? Masters thesis (OTHER), UCL.

Michaelides, Michel; (2004) Cone and central receptor dystrophies - A clinical and molecular genetic investigation. Doctoral thesis (M.D), UCL (University College London). Green open access

Pearce, JL; (2004) Should Anarchism be included in the RE Curriculum? Masters thesis (OTHER), University of London (Institute of Education).

Radford, JA; (2004) Negotiating topic and repair: the development of language skills in SLI classrooms. Doctoral thesis , University of London.

Rawes, P; (2004) Aesthetics and Geometry in Proclus, Spinoza, Leibniz, Kant and Bergson. UNSPECIFIED thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Riedel, S; (2004) Towards Structural Evolution of Classification Workflows. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Rossetto, T; (2004) Vulnerability Curves for the Seismic Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structure Populations. Doctoral thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

SAPRAI, P; (2004) Justice Without Morality? Masters thesis , University of Oxford.

Shepherd, E; (2004) Towards Professionalism? Archives and Archivists in England in the Twentieth Century. Doctoral thesis , UCL (University College London). Green open access

Spinks, MBSW; (2004) Obligating sustainable planning: an analysis of Section 106 for green roofs at Kings Cross. Masters thesis , LSE.

Temple, Paul R; (2004) Social capital and institutional change in higher education: the impact of international programmes in Eastern Europe. Doctoral thesis (Ed.D), Institute of Education, University of London. Green open access

van der Linde, S; (2004) Dealing with conflicts in the management of archaeological sites: balancing immediate activities, sustainable development and ideal management planning. Masters thesis , UNSPECIFIED.

Vincent, C; (2004) The contribution of colour to visual processing. Doctoral thesis , University of Nottingham. Green open access

Vinciguerra, M; (2004) Na+-sensing Pathway in Kidney Collecting Duct Principal Cells: Control of Na, K-ATPase Expression. Doctoral thesis , University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Zwijnenburg, MA; (2004) Understanding ordered silica: linking topology and energetics. Doctoral thesis , Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. Green open access


Colletti, M; Cruz, M; (2004) NURBSTERS I-VIII. [Building]. London-Venice-Prague-Taichung-Lisbon-Hamburg- Lisbon-Istanbul-Badajoz. Green open access

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Chase, E; Statham, J; (2004) The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Young People: An Overview of key literature and data. TCRU Green open access

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